14.3. Rest Client

Let's say your cluster's members are:

Members [5] {
    Member []
    Member []
    Member []
    Member []
    Member []

And you have a distributed map named 'stocks'. You can put a new key1/value1 entry into this map by issuing HTTP POST call to URL. Your http post call's content body should contain the value (value1). You can retrieve this entry via HTTP GET call to You can also retrieve this entry from another member such as

RESTful access is provided through any member of your cluster. So you can even put an HTTP load-balancer in-front of your cluster members for load-balancing and fault-tolerance.

Now go ahead and install a REST plugin for your browser and explore further.

Hazelcast also stores the mime-type of your POST request if it contains any. So if, for example, you post binary of an image file and set the mime-type of the HTTP POST request to image/jpeg then this mime-type will be part of the response of your HTTP GET request for that entry.

Let's say you also have a task queue named 'tasks'. You can offer a new item into the queue via HTTP POST and take and item from the queue via HTTP DELETE.



and HTTP DELETE means

Hazelcast.getQueue("tasks").poll(3, SECONDS);

Note that you will have to handle the failures on REST polls as there is no transactional guarantee.