Hazelcast Documentation

version 2.4.1

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this document for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies.

13 December 2012

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Getting Started (Tutorial)
2. Distributed Data Structures
2.1. Distributed Queue
2.2. Distributed Topic
2.3. Distributed Map
2.3.1. Backups
2.3.2. Eviction
2.3.3. Persistence
2.3.4. Query
2.3.5. Near Cache
2.3.6. Entry Statistics
2.3.7. Indexing
2.4. Distributed MultiMap
2.5. Distributed Set
2.6. Distributed List
2.7. Distributed Lock
2.8. Distributed Events
3. Elastic Memory (Enterprise Edition Only)
4. Security (Enterprise Edition Only)
4.1. Credentials
4.2. ClusterLoginModule
4.3. Cluster Member Security
4.4. Native Client Security
4.4.1. Authentication
4.4.2. Authorization
4.4.3. Permissions
5. Data Affinity
6. Monitoring with JMX
7. Cluster Utilities
7.1. Cluster Interface
7.2. Cluster-wide Id Generator
7.3. LiteMember
8. Transactions
8.1. Transaction Interface
8.2. J2EE Integration
8.2.1. Resource Adapter Configuration
8.2.2. Sample Glassfish v3 Web Application Configuration
8.2.3. Sample JBoss Web Application Configuration
9. Distributed Executor Service
9.1. Distributed Execution
9.2. Execution Cancellation
9.3. Execution Callback
10. Http Session Clustering with HazelcastWM
11. WAN Replication
12. Configuration
12.1. Creating Separate Clusters
12.2. Network Configuration
12.2.1. Configuring TCP/IP Cluster
12.2.2. Specifying Network Interfaces
12.2.3. EC2 Auto Discovery
12.2.4. Network Partitioning (Split-Brain Syndrome)
12.2.5. SSL
12.2.6. Encryption
12.2.7. Socket Interceptor
12.2.8. IPv6 Support
12.2.9. Restricting Outbound Ports
12.3. Partition Group Configuration
12.4. Listener Configurations
12.5. Wildcard Configuration
12.6. Advanced Configuration Properties
12.7. Logging Configuration
12.8. Setting License Key (Enterprise Edition Only)
13. Hibernate Second Level Cache
14. Spring Integration
14.1. Configuration
14.2. Spring Managed Context
14.3. Spring Cache
14.4. Hibernate 2nd Level Cache Config
14.5. Spring Data - JPA
14.6. Spring Data - MongoDB
15. Clients
15.1. Native Client
15.1.1. Java Client
15.1.2. CSharp Client (Enterprise Edition Only)
15.2. Memcache Client
15.3. Rest Client
16. Internals
16.1. Internals 2: Serialization
16.2. Internals 3: Cluster Membership
16.3. Internals 4: Distributed Map
17. Management Center
17.1. Introduction
17.1.1. Installation
17.1.2. User Administration
17.1.3. Tool Overview
17.2. Maps
17.2.1. Monitoring Maps
17.2.2. Map Browser
17.2.3. Map Configuration
17.3. Queues
17.4. Topics
17.5. Members
17.5.1. Monitoring
17.5.2. Operations
17.6. System Logs
17.7. Scripting
17.8. Time Travel
17.9. Console
18. Miscellaneous
18.1. Common Gotchas
18.2. Testing Cluster
18.3. Planned Features
18.4. Release Notes

List of Tables

12.1. Properties Table