What if the code you execute in cluster takes longer than acceptable. If you cannot
stop/cancel that task it will keep eating your resources. Standard Java executor framework
solves this problem with by introducing
api and 'encouraging' us
to code and design for cancellations, which is highly ignored part of software development.
public class Fibonacci<Long> implements Callable<Long>, Serializable { int input = 0; public Fibonacci() { } public Fibonacci(int input) { this.input = input; } public Long call() { return calculate (input); } private long calculate (int n) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return 0; if (n <= 1) return n; else return calculate(n-1) + calculate(n-2); } }
The callable class above calculates the fibonacci number for a given number. In
the calculate method, we are checking to see if the current thread is interrupted so that
code can be responsive to cancellations once the execution started. Following
method submits the Fibonacci calculation task for number 'n'
and waits maximum 3 seconds for result. If the execution doesn't complete in 3 seconds,
will throw
and upon
catching it we interruptibly cancel the execution for saving some CPU cycles.
long fib(int n) throws Exception { Config cfg = new Config(); HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(cfg); IExecutorService es = hz.getExecutorService(); Future future = es.submit(new Fibonacci(n)); try { return future.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { future.cancel(true); } return -1; }
will probably will take less than 3 seconds but
will take
way longer. (This is not the example for writing better fibonacci calculation code but for
showing how to cancel a running execution that takes too long.)
only cancel execution before it is running (executing) but
interrupt running executions if your code is able to handle the interruption. So if you are
willing to be able to cancel already running task then your task has to be designed to
handle interruption. If
calculate (int n)
method didn't have if
line, then you wouldn't be
able to cancel the execution after it started.