Uses of Package

Packages that use com.hazelcast.nio
This package contains the public API extension for Hazelcast JCache, the Hazelcast implementation of the JSR-107 commonly referred to as JCache.
This package contains the cluster functionality.
Provides classes for configuring HazelcastInstance.
This package contains classes related to ConsoleApp
Hazelcast Jet is a distributed computation engine running on top of Hazelcast IMDG technology.
Classes intended to be used for accumulator objects in an AggregateOperation.
Jet's configuration data objects.
Jet's Core API.
Jet's Job Metric API.
Protocol Buffers v3 support for Hazelcast Jet.
This package contains classes related to New IO
Contains interfaces/classes related to serialization, such as serializer interfaces, input/output streams.
Contains the partition logic for Hazelcast.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast security implementation.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast transaction support.
This package contains classes to support the versioning API.