Interface SplitBrainProtectionListener

All Superinterfaces:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface SplitBrainProtectionListener extends EventListener
Listener to get notified when a split brain protection state is changed.

SplitBrainProtectionEvents are fired only after the minimum cluster size requirement is met for the first time. For instance, see the following scenario for a minimum cluster size is equal to 3:

  • Member-1 starts; no events are fired, since cluster size is still below minimum size.
  • Member-2 starts; no events are fired, since cluster size is still below minimum size.
  • Member-3 starts; no events yet, since this is the first time minimum cluster size is reached.
  • Member-1 stops; both Member-2 and Member-3 fire splitbrain protection missing events, since member count drops below 3.
  • Member-1 restarts; both Member-2 and Member-3 fire splitbrain protection present events, but Member-1 does not, because for Member-1 this is the first time minimum cluster size is met.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onChange(SplitBrainProtectionEvent splitBrainProtectionEvent)
    Called when the state of the split brain detector is changed.
  • Method Details

    • onChange

      void onChange(SplitBrainProtectionEvent splitBrainProtectionEvent)
      Called when the state of the split brain detector is changed.
      splitBrainProtectionEvent - provides information about split brain protection presence and current member list.