Activates a special-cased
routing policy where all items will be routed to the same partition ID.
Activates a special-cased
routing policy where all items will be routed to the same partition ID,
determined from the given
Returns an edge between two vertices.
Declares that the edge is distributed.
Declares that all items sent over this edge will be delivered to the
specified member.
Activates the
routing policy.
Returns an edge with the given source vertex and no destination vertex.
Returns an edge with the given source vertex at the given ordinal
and no destination vertex.
Activates the
routing policy
which establishes isolated paths from upstream to downstream processors.
Declares that the edge is local.
Specifies that the data traveling on this edge is ordered according to
the provided comparator.
Activates the
policy and applies the
Hazelcast partitioning strategy.
Activates the
policy and applies the provided partitioning strategy.
Sets the priority of the edge.
Assigns an EdgeConfig
to this edge.
Sets the destination vertex of this edge, with ordinal 0.
Edge.to(Vertex destination,
int ordinal)
Sets the destination vertex and ordinal of this edge.
Chooses the
routing policy for
this edge.
Returns an iterator over the DAG's edges in unspecified order.
Returns the inbound edges connected to the vertex with the given name.
Returns the outbound edges connected to the vertex with the given name.
Adds an edge to this DAG.