Provides classes for configuring HazelcastInstance.
Returns a read-only scheduled executor configuration for the given name.
Returns the ScheduledExecutorConfig for the given name, creating one
if necessary and adding it to the collection of known configurations.
Sets the capacity of the executor
The capacity represents the maximum number of tasks that a scheduler can have at any given point in time
per partition or per node according to the capacity policy.
Set the capacity policy for the configured capacity value
To prevent any undesirable data-loss, capacity is ignored during partition migrations,
the count is updated accordingly, however the rejection is not enforced.
Sets the durability of the executor
The durability represents the number of replicas that exist in a cluster for any given partition-owned task.
Sets the name of the executor task.
Sets the number of executor threads per member for the executor.
Sets the split brain protection name for operations.
Enables or disables statistics gathering on the executor task.
Associates the provided Namespace Name with this structure for
Returns the map of scheduled executor configurations, mapped by config
Adds the scheduled executor configuration.
Sets the map of scheduled executor configurations, mapped by config name.