Class OutOfMemoryHandler

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class OutOfMemoryHandler extends Object
Handler for OutOfMemoryError.

When an OutOfMemoryError is caught by Hazelcast threads, OutOfMemoryHandler is called for ALL HazelcastInstances known by the current JVM (actually ClassLoader).

Warning: OutOfMemoryHandler may not be called even if JVM throws OutOfMemoryError because the error may be thrown from an external (user) thread, so Hazelcast may not be informed about OutOfMemoryError.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OutOfMemoryHandler

      public OutOfMemoryHandler()
  • Method Details

    • onOutOfMemory

      public abstract void onOutOfMemory(OutOfMemoryError oome, HazelcastInstance[] hazelcastInstances)
      When an OutOfMemoryError is caught by Hazelcast threads, this method is called for ALL HazelcastInstances knows by current JVM (actually ClassLoader).

      User can shutdown the HazelcastInstance, call System.exit(), just log the error, etc. The default handler tries to close socket connections to other nodes and shutdown the HazelcastInstance.

      Warning: OutOfMemoryHandler may not be called even if JVM throws OutOfMemoryError because the error may be thrown from an external (user) thread and Hazelcast may not be informed about OutOfMemoryError.

      oome - OutOfMemoryError thrown by JVM
      hazelcastInstances - All HazelcastInstances known by JVM, can include inactive or NULL instances.
      See Also:
    • shouldHandle

      public boolean shouldHandle(OutOfMemoryError oome)
      Decides if the OutOfMemoryError thrown will be handled by this OutOfMemoryHandler or not. If true is return, onOutOfMemory(OutOfMemoryError, HazelcastInstance[]) will be called to handle error, otherwise OutOfMemoryError will be ignored.
      oome - OutOfMemoryError thrown by JVM
      true if OutOfMemoryError will be handled, false otherwise
    • tryCloseConnections

      protected final void tryCloseConnections(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance)
      Tries to close the server socket and connections to other HazelcastInstances.
      hazelcastInstance - the Hazelcast instance to close server socket
    • tryShutdown

      protected final void tryShutdown(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance)
      Tries to shut down HazelcastInstance forcefully; including closing sockets and connections, stopping threads, etc.
      hazelcastInstance - the Hazelcast instance to shut down