Class AbstractProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LongStreamSourceP, ParallelBatchP, ParallelStreamP

public abstract class AbstractProcessor extends Object implements Processor
Base class to implement custom processors. Simplifies the contract of Processor with several levels of convenience:
  1. Processor.init(Outbox, Context) retains the supplied outbox and the logger retrieved from the context.
  2. process(n, inbox) delegates to the matching tryProcessN() with each item received in the inbox.
  3. There is also the general tryProcess(int, Object) to which the tryProcessN methods delegate by default. It is convenient to override it when the processor doesn't care which edge an item originates from. Another convenient idiom is to override tryProcessN() for one or two specially treated edges and override tryProcess(int, Object) to process the rest of the edges, which are treated uniformly.
  4. The tryEmit(...) methods avoid the need to deal with Outbox directly.
  5. The emitFromTraverser(...) methods handle the boilerplate of emission from a traverser. They are especially useful in the Processor.complete() step when there is a collection of items to emit. The Traversers class contains traversers tailored to simplify the implementation of complete().
  6. The FlatMapper class additionally simplifies the usage of emitFromTraverser() inside tryProcess(), in a scenario where an input item results in a collection of output items. FlatMapper is obtained from one of the factory methods flatMapper(...).
Jet 3.0
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractProcessor

      public AbstractProcessor()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public final void init(@Nonnull Outbox outbox, @Nonnull Processor.Context context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Processor
      Initializes this processor with the outbox that the processing methods must use to deposit their output items. This method will be called exactly once and strictly before any calls to other methods (except for the Processor.isCooperative() method).

      Even if this processor is cooperative, this method is allowed to do blocking operations.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      Specified by:
      init in interface Processor
      context - useful environment information
    • restoreFromSnapshot

      public final void restoreFromSnapshot(@Nonnull Inbox inbox)
      Implements the boilerplate of polling the inbox, casting the items to Map.Entry, and extracting the key and value. Forwards each key-value pair to restoreFromSnapshot(Object, Object).
      Specified by:
      restoreFromSnapshot in interface Processor
    • process

      public void process(int ordinal, @Nonnull Inbox inbox)
      Implements the boilerplate of dispatching against the ordinal, taking items from the inbox one by one, and invoking the processing logic on each.
      Specified by:
      process in interface Processor
      ordinal - ordinal of the inbound edge
      inbox - the inbox containing the pending items
    • init

      protected void init(@Nonnull Processor.Context context) throws Exception
      Method that can be overridden to perform any necessary initialization for the processor. It is called exactly once and strictly before any of the processing methods (process() and Processor.complete()), but after the outbox and logger have been initialized.

      Subclasses are not required to call this superclass method, it does nothing.

      context - the context associated with this processor
    • tryProcess

      protected boolean tryProcess(int ordinal, @Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with the supplied ordinal. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same (ordinal, item) combination before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.

      NOTE: unless the processor doesn't differentiate between its inbound edges, the first choice should be leaving this method alone and instead overriding the specific tryProcessN() methods for each ordinal the processor expects.

      ordinal - ordinal of the edge that delivered the item
      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • tryProcess0

      protected boolean tryProcess0(@Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with ordinal 0. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same item before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation delegates to tryProcess(0, item).

      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • tryProcess1

      protected boolean tryProcess1(@Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with ordinal 1. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same item before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation delegates to tryProcess(1, item).

      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • tryProcess2

      protected boolean tryProcess2(@Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with ordinal 2. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same item before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation delegates to tryProcess(2, item).

      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • tryProcess3

      protected boolean tryProcess3(@Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with ordinal 3. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same item before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation delegates to tryProcess(3, item).

      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • tryProcess4

      protected boolean tryProcess4(@Nonnull Object item) throws Exception
      Tries to process the supplied input item, which was received from the edge with ordinal 4. May choose to process only partially and return false, in which case it will be called again later with the same item before any other processing method is called.

      The default implementation delegates to tryProcess(4, item).

      item - item to be processed
      true if this item has now been processed, false otherwise.
    • restoreFromSnapshot

      protected void restoreFromSnapshot(@Nonnull Object key, @Nonnull Object value)
      Called to restore one key-value pair from the snapshot to processor's internal state.

      The default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but it will not be called unless you override Processor.saveToSnapshot().

      key - key of the entry from the snapshot
      value - value of the entry from the snapshot
    • tryProcessWatermark

      public boolean tryProcessWatermark(@Nonnull Watermark watermark)
      This basic implementation only forwards the passed watermark.
      Specified by:
      tryProcessWatermark in interface Processor
      watermark - watermark to be processed
      true if this watermark has now been processed, false to call this method again with the same watermark
    • getLogger

      protected final ILogger getLogger()
      Returns the logger associated with this processor instance.
    • getOutbox

      protected final Outbox getOutbox()
    • tryEmit

      @CheckReturnValue protected final boolean tryEmit(int ordinal, @Nonnull Object item)
      Offers the item to the outbox bucket at the supplied ordinal.

      Emitted items should not be subsequently mutated because the same instance might be used by a downstream processor in a different thread, causing concurrent access.

      true, if the item was accepted. If false is returned, the call must be retried later with the same (or equal) item.
    • tryEmit

      @CheckReturnValue protected final boolean tryEmit(@Nonnull Object item)
      Offers the item to all the outbox buckets (except the snapshot outbox).

      Emitted items should not be subsequently mutated because the same instance might be used by a downstream processor in a different thread, causing concurrent access.

      true, if the item was accepted. If false is returned, the call must be retried later with the same (or equal) item.
    • tryEmit

      @CheckReturnValue protected final boolean tryEmit(@Nonnull int[] ordinals, @Nonnull Object item)
      Offers the item to the outbox buckets identified in the supplied array.

      Emitted items should not be subsequently mutated because the same instance might be used by a downstream processor in a different thread, causing concurrent access.

      true, if the item was accepted. If false is returned, the call must be retried later with the same (or equal) item.
    • emitFromTraverser

      protected final <E> boolean emitFromTraverser(@Nonnull int[] ordinals, @Nonnull Traverser<E> traverser)
      Obtains items from the traverser and offers them to the outbox's buckets identified in the supplied array. If the outbox refuses an item, it backs off and returns false.

      Emitted items should not be subsequently mutated because the same instance might be used by a downstream processor in a different thread, causing concurrent access.

      If this method returns false, then the caller must retain the traverser and pass it again in the subsequent invocation of this method, to resume emitting where it left off.

      For simplified usage from tryProcess(ordinal, item) methods, see AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper.

      ordinals - ordinals of the target bucket
      traverser - traverser over items to emit
      whether the traverser has been exhausted
    • emitFromTraverser

      protected final <E> boolean emitFromTraverser(int ordinal, @Nonnull Traverser<E> traverser)
      Obtains items from the traverser and offers them to the outbox's buckets identified in the supplied array. If the outbox refuses an item, it backs off and returns false.

      Do not mutate the items you emit because the downstream processor may be using them in a different thread, resulting in concurrent access.

      If this method returns false, then you must retain the traverser and pass it again in the subsequent invocation of this method, to resume emitting where you left off.

      For simplified usage in tryProcess(ordinal, item) methods, see AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper.

      ordinal - ordinal of the target bucket
      traverser - traverser over items to emit
      whether the traverser has been exhausted
    • emitFromTraverser

      protected final boolean emitFromTraverser(@Nonnull Traverser<?> traverser)
      Convenience for emitFromTraverser(int, Traverser) which emits to all ordinals.
    • tryEmitToSnapshot

      @CheckReturnValue protected final boolean tryEmitToSnapshot(@Nonnull Object key, @Nonnull Object value)
      Offers one key-value pair to the snapshot bucket.

      The type of the offered key determines which processors receive the key and value pair when it is restored. If the key is of type BroadcastKey, the entry will be restored to all processor instances. Otherwise, the key will be distributed according to default partitioning and only a single processor instance will receive the key.

      Keys and values offered to snapshot are serialized and can be further mutated as soon as this method returns.

      true, if the item was accepted. If false is returned, the call must be retried later with the same (or equal) key and value.
    • emitFromTraverserToSnapshot

      protected final <T extends Map.Entry<?, ?>> boolean emitFromTraverserToSnapshot(@Nonnull Traverser<T> traverser)
      Obtains items from the traverser and offers them to the snapshot bucket of the outbox. Each item is a Map.Entry and its key and value are passed as the two arguments of tryEmitToSnapshot(Object, Object). If the outbox refuses an item, it backs off and returns false.

      Keys and values offered to snapshot are serialized and can be further mutated as soon as this method returns.

      If this method returns false, then the caller must retain the traverser and pass it again in the subsequent invocation of this method, to resume emitting where it left off.

      The type of the offered key determines which processors receive the key and value pair when it is restored. If the key is of type BroadcastKey, the entry will be restored to all processor instances. Otherwise, the key will be distributed according to default partitioning and only a single processor instance will receive the key.

      traverser - traverser over the items to emit to the snapshot
      whether the traverser has been exhausted
    • flatMapper

      @Nonnull protected final <T, R> AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper<T,R> flatMapper(int ordinal, @Nonnull Function<? super T,? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapper)
      Factory of AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper. The FlatMapper will emit items to the given output ordinal.
    • flatMapper

      @Nonnull protected final <T, R> AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper<T,R> flatMapper(@Nonnull Function<? super T,? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapper)
      Factory of AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper. The FlatMapper will emit items to all defined output ordinals.
    • flatMapper

      @Nonnull protected final <T, R> AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper<T,R> flatMapper(@Nonnull int[] ordinals, @Nonnull Function<? super T,? extends Traverser<? extends R>> mapper)
      Factory of AbstractProcessor.FlatMapper. The FlatMapper will emit items to the ordinals identified in the array.
    • keyedWatermarkCheck

      protected void keyedWatermarkCheck(Watermark watermark)
      Throws UnsupportedOperationException if watermark has non-zero key.

      Supposed to be used by processors that don't function properly with keyed watermarks.