Contains sources and sinks for Elasticsearch 7
ElasticSourceBuilder.clientFn(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn)
Set the client supplier function
Enable co-located reading
Jet cluster member must run exactly on the same nodes as Elastic cluster.
ElasticSourceBuilder.mapToItemFn(FunctionEx<? super,T_NEW> mapToItemFn)
Set the function to map SearchHit to a pipeline item
ElasticSourceBuilder.optionsFn(FunctionEx<? super org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequest,org.elasticsearch.client.RequestOptions> optionsFn)
Set the function that provides RequestOptions
ElasticSourceBuilder.retries(int retries)
Number of retries the connector will do in addition to Elastic
client retries
Elastic client tries to connect to a node only once for each
Set the keepAlive for Elastic search scroll
Set the search request supplier function