Uses of Package

Packages that use com.hazelcast.logging
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast AWS.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast Azure Discovery Provider
This package contains some utility classes and the base implementations of the loadbalancer implementations
Provides core API interfaces/classes.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast GCP.
Jet's Core API.
Utilities for writing tests of Core API Processors.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast Kubernetes Discovery Plugin
This package contains logging functionality for Hazelcast.
Since Hazelcast has a zero dependency policy, Hazelcast provides a logging abstraction like commons logging, so that different logging frameworks like log4j, can be hooked in.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast security implementation.
This package contains the public SPI for vendors and users to implement their custom node / IP discovery strategy.
This package contains the public part of the integrators SPI and is meant for people that integrate Hazelcast into their own systems or frameworks and cannot use the default discovery service implementation (for example using a different DiscoveryStrategy lookup strategy like OSGi).
Contains the hazelcast multicast plugin classes