Interface ScheduledTaskStatistics

All Superinterfaces:
DataSerializable, IdentifiedDataSerializable

public interface ScheduledTaskStatistics extends IdentifiedDataSerializable
Statistics and timing info for a IScheduledFuture accessible through IScheduledFuture.getStats()
  • Method Details

    • getTotalRuns

      long getTotalRuns()
      Returns how many times the task was run/called.
      The numbers of runs
    • getLastRunDuration

      long getLastRunDuration(TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the duration of the task's last execution.
      unit - The time unit to return the duration in.
      The total duration of the task's last execution.
    • getLastIdleTime

      long getLastIdleTime(TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the last period of time the task was idle, waiting to get scheduled
      unit - The time unit to return the duration in.
      The last idle period of time of the task.
    • getTotalRunTime

      long getTotalRunTime(TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the total amount of time the task spent while scheduled in.
      unit - The time unit to return the duration in.
      The total amount of time the task spent while scheduled in.
    • getTotalIdleTime

      long getTotalIdleTime(TimeUnit unit)
      Returns the total amount of time the task was idle, waiting to get scheduled in.
      unit - The time unit to return the duration in.
      The total amount of time the task was idle, waiting to get scheduled in.