Interface DistributedObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
BaseMap<K,V>, BaseMultiMap<K,V>, BaseQueue<E>, CardinalityEstimator, CPMap<K,V>, DurableExecutorService, FencedLock, FlakeIdGenerator, HazelcastXAResource, IAtomicLong, IAtomicReference<E>, ICache<K,V>, ICollection<E>, ICountDownLatch, IExecutorService, IList<E>, IMap<K,V>, IQueue<E>, IScheduledExecutorService, ISemaphore, ISet<E>, ITopic<E>, MultiMap<K,V>, PNCounter, PrefixedDistributedObject, ReplicatedMap<K,V>, Ringbuffer<E>, TransactionalList<E>, TransactionalMap<K,V>, TransactionalMultiMap<K,V>, TransactionalObject, TransactionalQueue<E>, TransactionalSet<E>

public interface DistributedObject
Base interface for all distributed objects.

All distributed objects are not garbage collectable unless destroy() is called first. Note: Failure to destroy after you are done using a distributed object will lead to memory leaks.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Destroys this object cluster-wide.
    Returns a hook which can be used by tenant control implementation to clean up resources once a tenant is destroyed.
    Returns the unique name for this DistributedObject.
    Returns the key of the partition that this DistributedObject is assigned to.
    Returns the service name for this object.
  • Method Details

    • getPartitionKey

      String getPartitionKey()
      Returns the key of the partition that this DistributedObject is assigned to. The returned value only has meaning for a non-partitioned data structure like an IAtomicLong. For a partitioned data structure like an IMap, the returned value will not be null, but otherwise undefined.
      the partition key.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the unique name for this DistributedObject. The returned value will never be null.

      The suggested way for getting name is retrieving it through DistributedObjectUtil.getName(DistributedObject) because this might be also a PrefixedDistributedObject.

      the unique name for this object.
    • getServiceName

      String getServiceName()
      Returns the service name for this object.
      the service name for this object.
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Destroys this object cluster-wide. Clears and releases all resources for this object.
    • getDestroyContextForTenant

      @Nonnull default DestroyEventContext getDestroyContextForTenant()
      Returns a hook which can be used by tenant control implementation to clean up resources once a tenant is destroyed.

      This hook is used, for example, when a distributed object needs to clear any cached classes related to the destroyed tenant and to avoid class loader leaks and ClassNotFoundExceptions when the tenant is destroyed.

      destroy context, cannot be null