Uses of Class
Packages that use DataConnectionRef
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
Apache Kafka reader/writer support for Hazelcast Jet.
Contains sources and sinks for MongoDB.
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
Uses of DataConnectionRef in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor with parameters of type DataConnectionRefModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(DataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String updateQuery, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement, ? super T> bindFn, boolean exactlyOnce, int batchLimit) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jdbcBuilder()
. -
Uses of DataConnectionRef in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka with parameters of type DataConnectionRefModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <E> KafkaSinks.Builder<E>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that you can use to create an Apache Kafka pipeline sink.static <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super E, org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn) Returns a sink that publishes messages to Apache Kafka topic(s).KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
which expectsMap.Entry<K, V>
as input and extracts its key and value parts to be published to Kafka.static <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
which creates aProducerRecord
using the given topic and the given key and value mapping functionsstatic <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
which creates aProducerRecord
using the given topic and the given key and value mapping functions with additional properties availablestatic <K,
V, T> StreamSource<T> KafkaSources.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, T> projectionFn, String... topics) Returns a source that consumes one or more Apache Kafka topics and emits items from them asMap.Entry
instances.static <K,
V> StreamSource<Map.Entry<K, V>> KafkaSources.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String... topics) Convenience forKafkaSources.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx, String...)
wrapping the output inMap.Entry
.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, String... topics) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx, String...)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, Properties, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
. -
Uses of DataConnectionRef in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb with parameters of type DataConnectionRefModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBBatchSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(String name, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBBatchSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Creates as builder for new batch mongo source.static BatchSource<org.bson.Document>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String database, String collection, org.bson.conversions.Bson filter, org.bson.conversions.Bson projection) Returns a MongoDB batch source which queries the collection using givenfilter
and applies the givenprojection
on the documents.static <T> MongoSinkBuilder<T>
(Class<T> itemClass, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBSink
for the Pipeline API.static Sink<org.bson.Document>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String database, String collection) static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBStreamSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document>
(String name, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBStreamSource
for the Pipeline API. -
Uses of DataConnectionRef in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline that return DataConnectionRefModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic DataConnectionRef
(String name) Creates a reference to the configured data connectionstatic DataConnectionRef
(String name) If the name parameter is null, this method returns null.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline with parameters of type DataConnectionRefModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMapSinkEntryProcessorBuilder.dataConnectionName
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) JdbcSinkBuilder.dataConnectionRef
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Sets the reference to the configured data connection ofDataConnectionRef
from which the instance of theDataSource
will be retrieved.MapSinkBuilder.dataConnectionRef
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Sets theDataConnectionRef
reference to a HazelcastDataConnection to use for remote Map sink.RemoteMapSourceBuilder.dataConnectionRef
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) Set the data connection name to use to connect to the remote cluster.static <T> Sink<T>
(String updateQuery, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement, T> bindFn) A shortcut for:static <T> BatchSource<T>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Returns a source which connects to the specified database using the givendataConnectionRef
, queries the database and creates a result set using the givenresultSetFn
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) The same as theSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig)
method.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMap
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
method.static <K,
V> BatchSource<Map.Entry<K, V>> Sources.remoteMap
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef) The same as theSources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, Predicate, Projection)
method.static <T,
K, V> BatchSource<T> Sources.remoteMap
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Predicate<K, V> predicate, Projection<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends T> projection) The same as theSources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, Predicate, Projection)
method.static <K,
V> StreamSource<Map.Entry<K, V>> Sources.remoteMapJournal
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, JournalInitialPosition initialPos) Convenience forSources.remoteMapJournal(String, DataConnectionRef, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
which will pass onlyADDED
events and will project the event's key and new value into aMap.Entry
.static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.remoteMapJournal
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) The same as theSources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
method.static <E,
K, V, R> Sink<E> Sinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithMerging(String, ClientConfig, BinaryOperatorEx)
method.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithMerging
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithMerging(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super E, ? extends V> updateFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithUpdating(String, ClientConfig, BiFunctionEx)
method.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithUpdating
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithUpdating(String, ClientConfig, BiFunctionEx)