Interface LocalMapStats

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
LocalMultiMapStats, LocalReplicatedMapStats

public interface LocalMapStats extends com.hazelcast.instance.LocalInstanceStats
Local map statistics to be used by MemberState implementations.

As IMap is a partitioned data structure in Hazelcast, each member owns a fraction of the total number of entries of a distributed map.

Depending on the IMap's configuration, each member may also hold backup entries of other members. LocalMapStats provides the count of owned and backup entries besides their size in memory.

  • Method Details

    • getOwnedEntryCount

      long getOwnedEntryCount()
      Returns the number of entries owned by this member.
      number of entries owned by this member.
    • getBackupEntryCount

      long getBackupEntryCount()
      Returns the number of backup entries hold by this member.
      number of backup entries hold by this member.
    • getBackupCount

      int getBackupCount()
      Returns the number of backups per entry.
      the number of backups per entry.
    • getOwnedEntryMemoryCost

      long getOwnedEntryMemoryCost()
      Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in this member.
      memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in this member.
    • getBackupEntryMemoryCost

      long getBackupEntryMemoryCost()
      Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of backup entries in this member.
      memory cost (number of bytes) of backup entries in this member.
    • getCreationTime

      long getCreationTime()
      Returns the creation time of this map on this member.
      Specified by:
      getCreationTime in interface com.hazelcast.instance.LocalInstanceStats
      creation time of this map on this member.
    • getLastAccessTime

      long getLastAccessTime()
      Returns the last access (read) time of the locally owned entries.
      last access (read) time of the locally owned entries.
    • getLastUpdateTime

      long getLastUpdateTime()
      Returns the last update time of the locally owned entries.
      last update time of the locally owned entries.
    • getHits

      long getHits()
      Returns the number of hits (reads) of locally owned entries, including those which are no longer in the map (for example, may have been evicted).

      The number of hits may be inaccurate after a partition is migrated to a new owner member.

      number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries.
    • getEvictionCount

      long getEvictionCount()
      number of evictions happened on locally owned entries, backups are not included.
    • getExpirationCount

      long getExpirationCount()
      number of expirations happened on locally owned entries, backups are not included.
    • getLockedEntryCount

      long getLockedEntryCount()
      Returns the number of currently locked keys. The returned count includes locks on keys whether or not they are present in the map, since it is allowed to lock on keys that are not present.
      number of locked entries.
    • getDirtyEntryCount

      long getDirtyEntryCount()
      Returns the number of entries that the member owns and are dirty (updated but not persisted yet). dirty entry count is meaningful when there is a persistence defined.
      the number of dirty entries that the member owns
    • getPutOperationCount

      long getPutOperationCount()
      Returns the number of put operations
      number of put operations
    • getSetOperationCount

      long getSetOperationCount()
      Returns the number of set operations
      number of set operations
    • getGetOperationCount

      long getGetOperationCount()
      Returns the number of get operations
      number of get operations
    • getRemoveOperationCount

      long getRemoveOperationCount()
      Returns the number of Remove operations
      number of remove operations
    • getValuesCallsCount

      long getValuesCallsCount()
      Returns the number of Map#values calls
      number of Map#values calls
    • getEntrySetCallsCount

      long getEntrySetCallsCount()
      Returns the number of Map#entrySet calls
      the number of Map#entrySet calls
    • getTotalPutLatency

      long getTotalPutLatency()
      Returns the total latency of put operations. To get the average latency, divide by the number of puts
      the total latency of put operations
    • getTotalSetLatency

      long getTotalSetLatency()
      Returns the total latency of set operations. To get the average latency, divide by the number of sets
      the total latency of set operations
    • getTotalGetLatency

      long getTotalGetLatency()
      Returns the total latency of get operations. To get the average latency, divide by the number of gets
      the total latency of get operations
    • getTotalRemoveLatency

      long getTotalRemoveLatency()
      Returns the total latency of remove operations. To get the average latency, divide by the number of gets
      the total latency of remove operations
    • getMaxPutLatency

      long getMaxPutLatency()
      Returns the maximum latency of put operations.
      the maximum latency of put operations
    • getMaxSetLatency

      long getMaxSetLatency()
      Returns the maximum latency of set operations.
      the maximum latency of set operations
    • getMaxGetLatency

      long getMaxGetLatency()
      Returns the maximum latency of get operations.
      the maximum latency of get operations
    • getMaxRemoveLatency

      long getMaxRemoveLatency()
      Returns the maximum latency of remove operations.
      the maximum latency of remove operations
    • getEventOperationCount

      long getEventOperationCount()
      Returns the number of Events Received
      number of events received
    • getOtherOperationCount

      long getOtherOperationCount()
      Returns the total number of Other Operations
      number of other operations
    • total

      long total()
      Returns the total number of total operations
      number of total operations
    • getHeapCost

      long getHeapCost()
      Cost of map & Near Cache & backup & Merkle trees in bytes

      When InMemoryFormat.OBJECT is used, the heap cost is zero.

      heap cost
    • getMerkleTreesCost

      long getMerkleTreesCost()
      Returns the heap cost of the Merkle trees
      the heap cost of the Merkle trees
    • getNearCacheStats

      NearCacheStats getNearCacheStats()
      Returns statistics related to the Near Cache.
      statistics object for the Near Cache
    • getQueryCount

      long getQueryCount()
      Returns the total number of queries performed on the map.

      The returned value includes queries processed with and without indexes.

      See Also:
    • getIndexedQueryCount

      long getIndexedQueryCount()
      Returns the total number of indexed queries performed on the map.

      The returned value includes only queries processed using indexes. If there are no indexes associated with the map, the returned value is 0.

      See Also:
    • incrementQueryResultSizeExceededCount

      default void incrementQueryResultSizeExceededCount()
      Increments throw count of QueryResultSizeExceededException
    • getQueryResultSizeExceededCount

      default long getQueryResultSizeExceededCount()
    • getIndexStats

      Map<String,LocalIndexStats> getIndexStats()
      Returns the per-index statistics map keyed by the index name.
    • getReplicationStats

      LocalReplicationStats getReplicationStats()
      replication statistics.