Used to get IHazelcastInstance reference when submitting a Runnable/Callable using Hazelcast ExecutorService.
Namespace: Hazelcast.CoreAssembly: Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.7.1
public interface IHazelcastInstanceAware
Public Interface IHazelcastInstanceAware
public interface class IHazelcastInstanceAware
type IHazelcastInstanceAware = interface end
The IHazelcastInstanceAware type exposes the following members.
Used to get IHazelcastInstance reference when submitting a Runnable/Callable using Hazelcast ExecutorService.
Before executing the Runnable/Callable Hazelcast will invoke
method with
the reference to IHazelcastInstance that is executing. This way the implementer will have a chance to get the
reference to IHazelcastInstance.