IExecutorService InterfaceHazelcast .Net Client Class Library
Distributed implementation of ExecutorService. IExecutorService provides additional methods like executing tasks on a specific member, on a member who is owner of a specific key, executing a tasks on multiple members and listening execution result using a callback.

Namespace: Hazelcast.Core
Assembly: Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.7.1

public interface IExecutorService : IDistributedObject

The IExecutorService type exposes the following members.


Public methodDestroy
Destroys this object cluster-wide.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodExecuteOnAllMembers
Executes task on all of known cluster members
Public methodExecuteOnKeyOwner
Executes task on owner of the specified key
Public methodExecuteOnMember
Executes task on the specified member
Public methodExecuteOnMembers
Executes task on each of the specified members
Public methodGetName
Returns the unique name for this IDistributedObject.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetPartitionKey
Returns the key of partition this IDistributedObject is assigned to.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetServiceName
Returns the service name for this object.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodSubmitT(CallableT, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to a random member.
Public methodSubmitT(Runnable, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to a random member.
Public methodSubmitToAllMembers(Runnable, IMultiExecutionCallback)
Submits task to the all cluster members.
Public methodSubmitToAllMembersT(CallableT)
Submits task to all cluster members and returns map of IMember-Future pairs representing pending completion of the task on each member
Public methodSubmitToAllMembersT(CallableT, IMultiExecutionCallback)
Submits task to the all cluster members.
Public methodSubmitToKeyOwnerT(CallableT, Object)
Submits task to owner of the specified key and returns a Future representing that task.
Public methodSubmitToKeyOwnerT(CallableT, Object, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to owner of the specified key.
Public methodSubmitToKeyOwnerT(Runnable, Object, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to owner of the specified key.
Public methodSubmitToMemberT(CallableT, IMember)
Submits task to specified member and returns a Future representing that task.
Public methodSubmitToMemberT(CallableT, IMember, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to the specified member.
Public methodSubmitToMemberT(Runnable, IMember, IExecutionCallbackT)
Submits task to the specified member.
Public methodSubmitToMembers(Runnable, ICollectionIMember, IMultiExecutionCallback)
Submits task to the specified members.
Public methodSubmitToMembersT(CallableT, ICollectionIMember)
Submits task to given members and returns map of IMember-Future pairs representing pending completion of the task on each member
Public methodSubmitToMembersT(CallableT, ICollectionIMember, IMultiExecutionCallback)
Submits task to the specified members.
See Also
