- 1 Protocol Messages
- 1.1 Compound Data Types Used In The Protocol Specification
- 1.1.1 Array
- 1.1.2 Address Data Type
- 1.1.3 Cache Event Data Type
- 1.1.4 Distributed Object Info Data Type
- 1.1.5 Entry View Data Type
- 1.1.6 Job Partition State Data Type
- 1.1.7 Member Data Type
- 1.1.8 Query Cache Event Data Type
- 1.1.9 Transaction Id Data Type
- 1.1.10 Stack Trace Data type
- 1.2 Error Message
- 1.3 General Protocol Operations (No Specific Object)
- 1.3.1 "Authentication" Operation
- 1.3.2 "AuthenticationCustom" Operation
- 1.3.3 "MembershipListener" Operation
- 1.3.4 "CreateProxy" Operation
- 1.3.5 "DestroyProxy" Operation
- 1.3.6 "GetPartitions" Operation
- 1.3.7 "RemoveAllListeners" Operation
- 1.3.8 "AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.3.9 "RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.3.10 "GetDistributedObjects" Operation
- 1.3.11 "AddDistributedObjectListener" Operation
- 1.3.12 "RemoveDistributedObjectListener" Operation
- 1.3.13 "Ping" Operation
- 1.4 Map Object
- 1.4.1 "Put" Operation
- 1.4.2 "Get" Operation
- 1.4.3 "Remove" Operation
- 1.4.4 "Replace" Operation
- 1.4.5 "ReplaceIfSame" Operation
- 1.4.6 "PutAsync" Operation
- 1.4.7 "GetAsync" Operation
- 1.4.8 "RemoveAsync" Operation
- 1.4.9 "ContainsKey" Operation
- 1.4.10 "ContainsValue" Operation
- 1.4.11 "RemoveIfSame" Operation
- 1.4.12 "Delete" Operation
- 1.4.13 "Flush" Operation
- 1.4.14 "TryRemove" Operation
- 1.4.15 "TryPut" Operation
- 1.4.16 "PutTransient" Operation
- 1.4.17 "PutIfAbsent" Operation
- 1.4.18 "Set" Operation
- 1.4.19 "Lock" Operation
- 1.4.20 "TryLock" Operation
- 1.4.21 "IsLocked" Operation
- 1.4.22 "Unlock" Operation
- 1.4.23 "AddInterceptor" Operation
- 1.4.24 "RemoveInterceptor" Operation
- 1.4.25 "AddEntryListenerToKeyWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.26 "AddEntryListenerWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.27 "AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
- 1.4.28 "AddEntryListener" Operation
- 1.4.29 "AddNearCacheEntryListener" Operation
- 1.4.30 "RemoveEntryListener" Operation
- 1.4.31 "AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.4.32 "RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.4.33 "GetEntryView" Operation
- 1.4.34 "Evict" Operation
- 1.4.35 "EvictAll" Operation
- 1.4.36 "LoadAll" Operation
- 1.4.37 "LoadGivenKeys" Operation
- 1.4.38 "KeySet" Operation
- 1.4.39 "GetAll" Operation
- 1.4.40 "Values" Operation
- 1.4.41 "EntrySet" Operation
- 1.4.42 "KeySetWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.43 "ValuesWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.44 "EntriesWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.45 "AddIndex" Operation
- 1.4.46 "Size" Operation
- 1.4.47 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.4.48 "PutAll" Operation
- 1.4.49 "Clear" Operation
- 1.4.50 "ExecuteOnKey" Operation
- 1.4.51 "SubmitToKey" Operation
- 1.4.52 "ExecuteOnAllKeys" Operation
- 1.4.53 "ExecuteWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.54 "ExecuteOnKeys" Operation
- 1.4.55 "ForceUnlock" Operation
- 1.4.56 "KeySetWithPagingPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.57 "ValuesWithPagingPredicate" Operation
- 1.4.58 "EntriesWithPagingPredicate" Operation
- 1.5 MultiMap Object
- 1.5.1 "Put" Operation
- 1.5.2 "Get" Operation
- 1.5.3 "Remove" Operation
- 1.5.4 "KeySet" Operation
- 1.5.5 "Values" Operation
- 1.5.6 "EntrySet" Operation
- 1.5.7 "ContainsKey" Operation
- 1.5.8 "ContainsValue" Operation
- 1.5.9 "ContainsEntry" Operation
- 1.5.10 "Size" Operation
- 1.5.11 "Clear" Operation
- 1.5.12 "ValueCount" Operation
- 1.5.13 "AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
- 1.5.14 "AddEntryListener" Operation
- 1.5.15 "RemoveEntryListener" Operation
- 1.5.16 "Lock" Operation
- 1.5.17 "TryLock" Operation
- 1.5.18 "IsLocked" Operation
- 1.5.19 "Unlock" Operation
- 1.5.20 "ForceUnlock" Operation
- 1.5.21 "RemoveEntry" Operation
- 1.6 Queue Object
- 1.6.1 "Offer" Operation
- 1.6.2 "Put" Operation
- 1.6.3 "Size" Operation
- 1.6.4 "Remove" Operation
- 1.6.5 "Poll" Operation
- 1.6.6 "Take" Operation
- 1.6.7 "Peek" Operation
- 1.6.8 "Iterator" Operation
- 1.6.9 "DrainTo" Operation
- 1.6.10 "DrainToMaxSize" Operation
- 1.6.11 "Contains" Operation
- 1.6.12 "ContainsAll" Operation
- 1.6.13 "CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
- 1.6.14 "CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
- 1.6.15 "Clear" Operation
- 1.6.16 "AddAll" Operation
- 1.6.17 "AddListener" Operation
- 1.6.18 "RemoveListener" Operation
- 1.6.19 "RemainingCapacity" Operation
- 1.6.20 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.7 Topic Object
- 1.8 List Object
- 1.8.1 "Size" Operation
- 1.8.2 "Contains" Operation
- 1.8.3 "ContainsAll" Operation
- 1.8.4 "Add" Operation
- 1.8.5 "Remove" Operation
- 1.8.6 "AddAll" Operation
- 1.8.7 "CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
- 1.8.8 "CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
- 1.8.9 "Clear" Operation
- 1.8.10 "GetAll" Operation
- 1.8.11 "AddListener" Operation
- 1.8.12 "RemoveListener" Operation
- 1.8.13 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.8.14 "AddAllWithIndex" Operation
- 1.8.15 "Get" Operation
- 1.8.16 "Set" Operation
- 1.8.17 "AddWithIndex" Operation
- 1.8.18 "RemoveWithIndex" Operation
- 1.8.19 "LastIndexOf" Operation
- 1.8.20 "IndexOf" Operation
- 1.8.21 "Sub" Operation
- 1.8.22 "Iterator" Operation
- 1.8.23 "ListIterator" Operation
- 1.9 Set Object
- 1.9.1 "Size" Operation
- 1.9.2 "Contains" Operation
- 1.9.3 "ContainsAll" Operation
- 1.9.4 "Add" Operation
- 1.9.5 "Remove" Operation
- 1.9.6 "AddAll" Operation
- 1.9.7 "CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
- 1.9.8 "CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
- 1.9.9 "Clear" Operation
- 1.9.10 "GetAll" Operation
- 1.9.11 "AddListener" Operation
- 1.9.12 "RemoveListener" Operation
- 1.9.13 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.10 Lock Object
- 1.10.1 "IsLocked" Operation
- 1.10.2 "IsLockedByCurrentThread" Operation
- 1.10.3 "GetLockCount" Operation
- 1.10.4 "GetRemainingLeaseTime" Operation
- 1.10.5 "Lock" Operation
- 1.10.6 "Unlock" Operation
- 1.10.7 "ForceUnlock" Operation
- 1.10.8 "TryLock" Operation
- 1.11 Condition Object
- 1.11.1 "Await" Operation
- 1.11.2 "BeforeAwait" Operation
- 1.11.3 "Signal" Operation
- 1.11.4 "SignalAll" Operation
- 1.12 ExecutorService Object
- 1.12.1 "Shutdown" Operation
- 1.12.2 "IsShutdown" Operation
- 1.12.3 "CancelOnPartition" Operation
- 1.12.4 "CancelOnAddress" Operation
- 1.12.5 "SubmitToPartition" Operation
- 1.12.6 "SubmitToAddress" Operation
- 1.13 AtomicLong Object
- 1.13.1 "Apply" Operation
- 1.13.2 "Alter" Operation
- 1.13.3 "AlterAndGet" Operation
- 1.13.4 "GetAndAlter" Operation
- 1.13.5 "AddAndGet" Operation
- 1.13.6 "CompareAndSet" Operation
- 1.13.7 "DecrementAndGet" Operation
- 1.13.8 "Get" Operation
- 1.13.9 "GetAndAdd" Operation
- 1.13.10 "GetAndSet" Operation
- 1.13.11 "IncrementAndGet" Operation
- 1.13.12 "GetAndIncrement" Operation
- 1.13.13 "Set" Operation
- 1.14 AtomicReference Object
- 1.14.1 "Apply" Operation
- 1.14.2 "Alter" Operation
- 1.14.3 "AlterAndGet" Operation
- 1.14.4 "GetAndAlter" Operation
- 1.14.5 "Contains" Operation
- 1.14.6 "CompareAndSet" Operation
- 1.14.7 "Get" Operation
- 1.14.8 "Set" Operation
- 1.14.9 "Clear" Operation
- 1.14.10 "GetAndSet" Operation
- 1.14.11 "SetAndGet" Operation
- 1.14.12 "IsNull" Operation
- 1.15 CountdownLatch Object
- 1.15.1 "Await" Operation
- 1.15.2 "CountDown" Operation
- 1.15.3 "GetCount" Operation
- 1.15.4 "TrySetCount" Operation
- 1.16 Semaphore Object
- 1.16.1 "Init" Operation
- 1.16.2 "Acquire" Operation
- 1.16.3 "AvailablePermits" Operation
- 1.16.4 "DrainPermits" Operation
- 1.16.5 "ReducePermits" Operation
- 1.16.6 "Release" Operation
- 1.16.7 "TryAcquire" Operation
- 1.17 ReplicatedMap Object
- 1.17.1 "Put" Operation
- 1.17.2 "Size" Operation
- 1.17.3 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.17.4 "ContainsKey" Operation
- 1.17.5 "ContainsValue" Operation
- 1.17.6 "Get" Operation
- 1.17.7 "Remove" Operation
- 1.17.8 "PutAll" Operation
- 1.17.9 "Clear" Operation
- 1.17.10 "AddEntryListenerToKeyWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.17.11 "AddEntryListenerWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.17.12 "AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
- 1.17.13 "AddEntryListener" Operation
- 1.17.14 "RemoveEntryListener" Operation
- 1.17.15 "KeySet" Operation
- 1.17.16 "Values" Operation
- 1.17.17 "EntrySet" Operation
- 1.17.18 "AddNearCacheEntryListener" Operation
- 1.18 MapReduce Object
- 1.18.1 "Cancel" Operation
- 1.18.2 "JobProcessInformation" Operation
- 1.18.3 "ForMap" Operation
- 1.18.4 "ForList" Operation
- 1.18.5 "ForSet" Operation
- 1.18.6 "ForMultiMap" Operation
- 1.18.7 "ForCustom" Operation
- 1.19 TransactionalMap Object
- 1.19.1 "ContainsKey" Operation
- 1.19.2 "Get" Operation
- 1.19.3 "GetForUpdate" Operation
- 1.19.4 "Size" Operation
- 1.19.5 "IsEmpty" Operation
- 1.19.6 "Put" Operation
- 1.19.7 "Set" Operation
- 1.19.8 "PutIfAbsent" Operation
- 1.19.9 "Replace" Operation
- 1.19.10 "ReplaceIfSame" Operation
- 1.19.11 "Remove" Operation
- 1.19.12 "Delete" Operation
- 1.19.13 "RemoveIfSame" Operation
- 1.19.14 "KeySet" Operation
- 1.19.15 "KeySetWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.19.16 "Values" Operation
- 1.19.17 "ValuesWithPredicate" Operation
- 1.20 TransactionalMultiMap Object
- 1.20.1 "Put" Operation
- 1.20.2 "Get" Operation
- 1.20.3 "Remove" Operation
- 1.20.4 "RemoveEntry" Operation
- 1.20.5 "ValueCount" Operation
- 1.20.6 "Size" Operation
- 1.21 TransactionalSet Object
- 1.21.1 "Add" Operation
- 1.21.2 "Remove" Operation
- 1.21.3 "Size" Operation
- 1.22 TransactionalList Object
- 1.22.1 "Add" Operation
- 1.22.2 "Remove" Operation
- 1.22.3 "Size" Operation
- 1.23 TransactionalQueue Object
- 1.23.1 "Offer" Operation
- 1.23.2 "Take" Operation
- 1.23.3 "Poll" Operation
- 1.23.4 "Peek" Operation
- 1.23.5 "Size" Operation
- 1.24 Cache Object
- 1.24.1 "AddEntryListener" Operation
- 1.24.2 "AddInvalidationListener" Operation
- 1.24.3 "Clear" Operation
- 1.24.4 "RemoveAllKeys" Operation
- 1.24.5 "RemoveAll" Operation
- 1.24.6 "ContainsKey" Operation
- 1.24.7 "CreateConfig" Operation
- 1.24.8 "Destroy" Operation
- 1.24.9 "EntryProcessor" Operation
- 1.24.10 "GetAll" Operation
- 1.24.11 "GetAndRemove" Operation
- 1.24.12 "GetAndReplace" Operation
- 1.24.13 "GetConfig" Operation
- 1.24.14 "Get" Operation
- 1.24.15 "Iterate" Operation
- 1.24.16 "ListenerRegistration" Operation
- 1.24.17 "LoadAll" Operation
- 1.24.18 "ManagementConfig" Operation
- 1.24.19 "PutIfAbsent" Operation
- 1.24.20 "Put" Operation
- 1.24.21 "RemoveEntryListener" Operation
- 1.24.22 "RemoveInvalidationListener" Operation
- 1.24.23 "Remove" Operation
- 1.24.24 "Replace" Operation
- 1.24.25 "Size" Operation
- 1.24.26 "AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.24.27 "RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
- 1.25 XATransactional Object
- 1.25.1 "ClearRemote" Operation
- 1.25.2 "CollectTransactions" Operation
- 1.25.3 "Finalize" Operation
- 1.25.4 "Commit" Operation
- 1.25.5 "Create" Operation
- 1.25.6 "Prepare" Operation
- 1.25.7 "Rollback" Operation
- 1.26 Transactional Object
- 1.26.1 "Commit" Operation
- 1.26.2 "Create" Operation
- 1.26.3 "Rollback" Operation
- 1.27 EnterpriseMap Object
- 1.27.1 "PublisherCreateWithValue" Operation
- 1.27.2 "PublisherCreate" Operation
- 1.27.3 "MadePublishable" Operation
- 1.27.4 "AddListener" Operation
- 1.27.5 "SetReadCursor" Operation
- 1.27.6 "DestroyCache" Operation
- 1.28 Ringbuffer Object
- 1.28.1 "Size" Operation
- 1.28.2 "TailSequence" Operation
- 1.28.3 "HeadSequence" Operation
- 1.28.4 "Capacity" Operation
- 1.28.5 "RemainingCapacity" Operation
- 1.28.6 "Add" Operation
- 1.28.7 "AddAsync" Operation
- 1.28.8 "ReadOne" Operation
- 1.28.9 "AddAllAsync" Operation
- 1.28.10 "ReadManyAsync" Operation
- 1.1 Compound Data Types Used In The Protocol Specification
Protocol Messages
Compound Data Types Used In The Protocol Specification
Some common compound data structures used in the protocol message specification are defined in this section.
In the protocol specification, an array of a data type is frequently used. An array of a data type with n entries is encoded as shown below:
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Length | int32 | No | The length of the array. In this example, it is a value of n. |
Entry 1 | provided data type | No | First entry of the array |
Entry 2 | provided data type | No | Second entry of the array |
... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Entry n | provided data type | No | n'th entry of the array |
Address Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Host | string | No | The name or the IP address of the server member |
Port | int32 | No | The port number used for this address |
Cache Event Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Cache Event type | int32 | No | The type of the event. Possible values and their meanings are: CREATED(1):An event type indicating that the cache entry was created. UPDATED(2): An event type indicating that the cache entry was updated, i.e. a previous mapping existed. REMOVED(3): An event type indicating that the cache entry was removed. EXPIRED(4): An event type indicating that the cache entry has expired. EVICTED(5): An event type indicating that the cache entry has evicted. INVALIDATED(6): An event type indicating that the cache entry has invalidated for near cache invalidation. COMPLETED(7): An event type indicating that the cache operation has completed. EXPIRATION_TIME_UPDATED(8): An event type indicating that the expiration time of cache record has been updated |
Name | string | No | Name of the cache |
Key | byte-array | No | Key of the cache data |
Value | byte-array | Yes | Value of the cache data |
Old Value | byte-array | Yes | Old value of the cache data if exists |
Value | byte-array | Yes | Value of the cache data |
isOldValueAvailable | boolean | No | True if old value exist |
Distributed Object Info Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Service Name | string | No | Name of the service for the distributed object. E.g. this is "hz:impl:cacheService" for Cache object |
Name | string | No | Name of the object |
Entry View Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Key | byte-array | No | Key of the entry |
Value | byte-array | No | Value of the entry |
Cost | int64 | No | Cost of the entry |
Creation Time | int64 | No | Time when the entry is created |
Expiration Time | int64 | No | Time when the entry will expiry |
Hits | int64 | No | Number of hits |
Last Access Time | int64 | No | Time when entry is last accessed |
Last Stored Time | int64 | No | Time when entry is last stored |
Last Update Time | int64 | No | Time when entry is last updated |
Version | int64 | No | Version of the entry |
Eviction Criteria Number | int64 | No | The number of the eviction criteria applied |
ttl | int64 | No | Time to live for the entry |
Job Partition State Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Owner Address | Address | No | The address of the partition owner |
State value | string | No | Value of the partition state. Possible values are: "WAITING": Partition waits for being calculated. "MAPPING": Partition is in mapping phase. "REDUCING": Partition is in reducing phase (mapping may still not finished when this state is reached since there is a chunked based operation underlying). "PROCESSED": Partition is fully processed "CANCELLED": Partition calculation cancelled due to an internal exception |
Member Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Address | Address | No | Address of the member server |
Uuid | string | No | Unique user id of the member server |
attribute 1 name | string | No | Name of the attribute 1 |
attribute 1 value | string | No | Value of the attribute 1 |
attribute 2 name | string | No | Name of the attribute 2 |
attribute 2 value | string | No | Value of the attribute 2 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
attribute n name | string | No | Name of the attribute n |
attribute n value | string | No | Value of the attribute n |
n is the number of attributes for the server member.
Query Cache Event Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Event Data | int64 | No | The data for the cache event |
Key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the event |
New Value | byte-array | Yes | The new value for the event |
Event type | int32 | No | The type of the event |
Partition Id | int32 | No | The partition id for the event key |
Transaction Id Data Type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Format Id | int32 | No | The id of the transaction format |
Global Transaction Id | byte-array | No | The global id for the transaction |
Branch Qualifier | byte-array | No | The qualifier for the branch |
Stack Trace Data type
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Declaring Class | string | No | The name of the class |
Method Name | string | No | The name of the method |
File Name | string | Yes | The name of the class |
Line Number | int32 | No | The line number in the source code file |
Error Message
Response Message Type Id: 109
Field | Type | Nullable | Description |
Error Code | int32 | No | The unique code identifying the error |
Class Name | string | No | The class name which caused the error at the server side |
Message | string | Yes | The brief description of the error |
Stack Trace | array of stack-trace | No | The stack trace at the server side when the error occurred |
Cause Error Code | int32 | No | The error code for the actual cause of the error. If no cause exists, it is set to -1 |
Cause Class Name | string | Yes | The name of the class that actually cause the error |
The following error codes are defined in the system:
Error Name | Error Code | Description |
UNDEFINED | 0 | The error is not in the defined list of protocol errors. |
ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS | 1 | Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. The index is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array. |
ARRAY_STORE | 2 | Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects. For example, the following code generates an ArrayStoreException: Object x[] = new String[3]; x[0] = new Integer(0); |
AUTHENTICATION | 3 | The authentication failed. |
CACHE | 4 | |
CACHE_NOT_EXISTS | 6 | This exception class is thrown while creating com.hazelcast.cache.impl.CacheRecordStore instances but the cache config does not exist on the node to create the instance on. This can happen in either of two cases: the cache's config is not yet distributed to the node, or the cache has been already destroyed. For the first option, the caller can decide to just retry the operation a couple of times since distribution is executed in a asynchronous way. |
CALLER_NOT_MEMBER | 8 | A Retryable Hazelcast Exception that indicates that an operation was sent by a machine which isn't member in the cluster when the operation is executed. |
CANCELLATION | 9 | Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task, such as a FutureTask, cannot be retrieved because the task was cancelled. |
CLASS_CAST | 10 | The class conversion (cast) failed. |
CLASS_NOT_FOUND | 11 | The class does not exists in the loaded jars at the server member. |
CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION | 12 | You are trying to modify a resource concurrently which is not allowed. |
CONFIG_MISMATCH | 13 | Thrown when 2 nodes want to join, but their configuration doesn't match. |
CONFIGURATION | 14 | Thrown when something is wrong with the server or client configuration. |
DISTRIBUTED_OBJECT_DESTROYED | 15 | The distributed object that you are trying to access is destroyed and does not exist. |
DUPLICATE_INSTANCE_NAME | 16 | An instance with the same name already exists in the system. |
EOF | 17 | End of file is reached (May be for a file or a socket) |
EXECUTION | 19 | Thrown when attempting to retrieve the result of a task that aborted by throwing an exception. |
HAZELCAST | 20 | General internal error of Hazelcast. |
HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_NOT_ACTIVE | 21 | The Hazelcast server instance is not active, the server is possibly initialising. |
HAZELCAST_OVERLOAD | 22 | Thrown when the system won't handle more load due to an overload. This exception is thrown when backpressure is enabled. |
HAZELCAST_SERIALIZATION | 23 | Error during serialization/de-serialization of data. |
IO | 24 | An IO error occurred. |
ILLEGAL_MONITOR_STATE | 28 | When an operation on a distributed object is being attempted by a thread which did not initially own the lock on the object. |
ILLEGAL_THREAD_STATE | 30 | Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation. |
INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS | 31 | Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to a list) is out of range. |
INVALID_ADDRESS | 33 | Thrown when given address is not valid. |
INVALID_CONFIGURATION | 34 | An InvalidConfigurationException is thrown when there is an Invalid Configuration. Invalid Configuration can be a wrong Xml Config or logical config errors that are found at real time. |
MEMBER_LEFT | 35 | Thrown when a member left during an invocation or execution. |
NEGATIVE_ARRAY_SIZE | 36 | The provided size of the array can not be negative but a negative number is provided. |
NO_SUCH_ELEMENT | 37 | The requested element does not exist in the distributed object. |
NOT_SERIALIZABLE | 38 | The object could not be serialized |
NULL_POINTER | 39 | The server faced a null pointer exception during the operation. |
OPERATION_TIMEOUT | 40 | An unchecked version of java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException. Some of the Hazelcast operations may throw an OperationTimeoutException. Hazelcast uses OperationTimeoutException to pass TimeoutException up through interfaces that don't have TimeoutException in their signatures. |
PARTITION_MIGRATING | 41 | Thrown when an operation is executed on a partition, but that partition is currently being moved around. |
QUERY | 42 | Error during query. |
QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_EXCEEDED | 43 | Thrown when a query exceeds a configurable result size limit. |
QUORUM | 44 | An exception thrown when the cluster size is below the defined threshold. |
REACHED_MAX_SIZE | 45 | Exception thrown when a write-behind MapStore rejects to accept a new element. |
REJECTED_EXECUTION | 46 | Exception thrown by an Executor when a task cannot be accepted for execution. |
REMOTE_MAP_REDUCE | 47 | This is used for failed remote operations. This can happen if the get result operation fails to retrieve values for some reason. |
RESPONSE_ALREADY_SENT | 48 | There is some kind of system error causing a response to be send multiple times for some operation. |
RETRYABLE_HAZELCAST | 49 | The operation request can be retried. |
RETRYABLE_IO | 50 | Indicates that an operation can be retried. E.g. if map.get is send to a partition that is currently migrating, a subclass of this exception is thrown, so the caller can deal with it (e.g. sending the request to the new partition owner). |
RUNTIME | 51 | |
SECURITY | 52 | There is a security violation. |
SOCKET | 53 | There is an error in the underlying TCP protocol |
STALE_SEQUENCE | 54 | Thrown when accessing an item in the Ringbuffer using a sequence that is smaller than the current head sequence. This means that the and old item is read, but it isn't available anymore in the ringbuffer. |
TARGET_DISCONNECTED | 55 | Indicates that an operation is about to be sent to a non existing machine. |
TARGET_NOT_MEMBER | 56 | Indicates operation is sent to a machine that isn't member of the cluster. |
TIMEOUT | 57 | |
TOPIC_OVERLOAD | 58 | Thrown when a publisher wants to write to a topic, but there is not sufficient storage to deal with the event. This exception is only thrown in combination with the reliable topic. |
TOPOLOGY_CHANGED | 59 | Thrown when a topology change happens during the execution of a map reduce job and the com.hazelcast.mapreduce.TopologyChangedStrategy is set to com.hazelcast.mapreduce.TopologyChangedStrategy#CANCEL_RUNNING_OPERATION}. |
TRANSACTION | 60 | Thrown when something goes wrong while dealing with transactions and transactional data-structures. |
TRANSACTION_NOT_ACTIVE | 61 | Thrown when an a transactional operation is executed without an active transaction. |
TRANSACTION_TIMED_OUT | 62 | Thrown when a transaction has timed out. |
URI_SYNTAX | 63 | |
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION | 65 | The message type id for the operation request is not a recognised id. |
WRONG_TARGET | 66 | An operation is executed on the wrong machine. |
XA | 67 | An error occurred during an XA operation. |
ACCESS_CONTROL | 68 | Indicates that a requested access to a system resource is denied. |
LOGIN | 69 | |
UNSUPPORTED_CALLBACK | 70 | Signals that a CallbackHandler does not recognize a particular Callback. |
General Protocol Operations (No Specific Object)
"Authentication" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x2, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
username | string | No | Name of the user for authentication. |
password | string | No | Password for the user. |
uuid | string | Yes | Unique string identifying the connected client uniquely. This string is generated by the owner member server on initial connection. When the client connects to a non-owner member it sets this field on the request. |
ownerUuid | string | Yes | Unique string identifying the server member uniquely. |
isOwnerConnection | boolean | No | You must set this field to true while connecting to the owner member, otherwise set to false. |
clientType | string | No | The type of the client. E.g. JAVA, CPP, CSHARP, etc. |
Response Message Type Id:107
Returns the address, uuid and owner uuid.
Name | Type | Nullable |
address | Address | No |
uuid | string | No |
ownerUuid | string | No |
"AuthenticationCustom" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x3, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
credentials | byte-array | No | Secret byte array for authentication. |
uuid | string | Yes | Unique string identifying the connected client uniquely. This string is generated by the owner member server on initial connection. When the client connects to a non-owner member it sets this field on the request. |
ownerUuid | string | Yes | Unique string identifying the server member uniquely. |
isOwnerConnection | boolean | No | You must set this field to true while connecting to the owner member, otherwise set to false. |
clientType | string | No | The type of the client. E.g. JAVA, CPP, CSHARP, etc. |
Response Message Type Id:107
Returns the address, uuid and owner uuid.
Name | Type | Nullable |
address | Address | No |
uuid | string | No |
ownerUuid | string | No |
"MembershipListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x4, Retryable:No
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:104
Returns the registration id for the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Member" Event Message
Message Type Id:200
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
member | Member | No | Cluster member server |
eventType | int32 | No | Type of the event. The possible values are: 1: Member added event. 2: Member removed event. |
"MemberSet" Event Message
Message Type Id:201
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
members | array of Member | No | The list of members in the cluster. It is used to retrieve the initial list in the cluster when the client registers for the membership events. |
"MemberAttributeChange" Event Message
Message Type Id:202
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
uuid | string | No | Unique user id of the member serve |
key | string | No | Name of the attribute changed |
operationType | int32 | No | Type of the change. Possible values are: 1: An attribute is added 2: An attribute is removed |
value | string | Yes | Value of the attribute. This field only exist for operation type of 1, otherwise this field is not transferred at all |
"CreateProxy" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x5, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The distributed object name for which the proxy is being created for. |
serviceName | string | No | The name of the service. Possible service names are: "hz:impl:listService" "hz:impl:queueService" "hz:impl:setService" "hz:impl:atomicLongService" "hz:impl:atomicReferenceService" "hz:impl:countDownLatchService" "hz:impl:idGeneratorService" "hz:impl:semaphoreService" "hz:impl:executorService" "hz:impl:mapService" "hz:impl:mapReduceService" "hz:impl:multiMapService" "hz:impl:quorumService" "hz:impl:replicatedMapService" "hz:impl:ringbufferService" "hz:core:proxyService" "hz:impl:reliableTopicService" "hz:impl:topicService" "hz:core:txManagerService" "hz:impl:xaService" |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"DestroyProxy" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x6, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The distributed object name for which the proxy is being destroyed for. |
serviceName | string | No | The name of the service. Possible service names are: "hz:impl:listService" "hz:impl:queueService" "hz:impl:setService" "hz:impl:atomicLongService" "hz:impl:atomicReferenceService" "hz:impl:countDownLatchService" "hz:impl:idGeneratorService" "hz:impl:semaphoreService" "hz:impl:executorService" "hz:impl:mapService" "hz:impl:mapReduceService" "hz:impl:multiMapService" "hz:impl:quorumService" "hz:impl:replicatedMapService" "hz:impl:ringbufferService" "hz:core:proxyService" "hz:impl:reliableTopicService" "hz:impl:topicService" "hz:core:txManagerService" "hz:impl:xaService" |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"GetPartitions" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x8, Retryable:No
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:108
The partition list for each member address.
Name | Type | Nullable |
partitions | array of Address-Partition Id pair | No |
"RemoveAllListeners" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x9, Retryable:No
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xa, Retryable:Yes
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:104
The listener registration id.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"PartitionLost" Event Message
Message Type Id:206
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
partitionId | int32 | No | The lost partition id. |
lostBackupCount | int32 | No | The number of lost backups for the partition. O: the owner, 1: first backup, 2: second backup ... |
source | Address | Yes | The address of the node that dispatches the event. |
"RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xb, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
registrationId | string | No | The id assigned during the listener registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the listener existed and removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"GetDistributedObjects" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xc, Retryable:No
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:110
An array of distributed object info in the cluster.
Name | Type | Nullable |
infoCollection | array of Distributed Object Info | No |
"AddDistributedObjectListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xd, Retryable:Yes
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:104
The registration id for the distributed object listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"DistributedObject" Event Message
Message Type Id:207
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the DistributedObject instance |
serviceName | string | No | Name of the service. |
eventType | string | No | Can be one of the two values: "CREATED" "DESTROYED" |
"RemoveDistributedObjectListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xe, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
registrationId | string | No | The id assigned during the registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the listener existed and removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Ping" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0xf, Retryable:Yes
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
Map Object
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0101, Retryable:No
Puts an entry into this map with a given ttl (time to live) value.Entry will expire and get evicted after the ttl
If ttl is 0, then the entry lives forever.This method returns a clone of the previous value, not the original
(identically equal) value previously put into the map.Time resolution for TTL is seconds. The given TTL value is
rounded to the next closest second value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | Value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:105
old value of the entry
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0102, Retryable:Yes
This method returns a clone of the original value, so modifying the returned value does not change the actual
value in the map. You should put the modified value back to make changes visible to all nodes.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value for the key if exists
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0103, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
Returns the value to which this map previously associated the key, or null if the map contained no mapping for the key.
If this map permits null values, then a return value of null does not necessarily indicate that the map contained no mapping for the key; it's also
possible that the map explicitly mapped the key to null. The map will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the
call returns.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Clone of the removed value, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Replace" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0104, Retryable:No
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Clone of the previous value, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"ReplaceIfSame" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0105, Retryable:No
Replaces the the entry for a key only if existing values equal to the testValue
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
testValue | byte-array | No | Test the existing value against this value to find if equal to this value. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. Only replace with this value if existing value is equal to the testValue. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if value is replaced with new one, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"PutAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0106, Retryable:No
Asynchronously puts the given key and value into this map with a given ttl (time to live) value.Entry will expire
and get evicted after the ttl. If ttl is 0, then the entry lives forever. Time resolution for TTL is seconds.
The given TTL value is rounded to the next closest second value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Clone of the previous value, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0107, Retryable:Yes
Asynchronously gets the given key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Clone of the value if exists, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"RemoveAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0108, Retryable:No
Asynchronously removes the given key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Clone of the removed value, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"ContainsKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0109, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if the key exists, otherwise returns false.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsValue" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010a, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.This operation will probably require time
linear in the map size for most implementations of the Map interface.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
value | byte-array | No | Value to check if exists in the map. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if the value exists, otherwise returns false.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"RemoveIfSame" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010b, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if existing value equal to the this value
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | Test the existing value against this value to find if equal to this value. Only remove the entry from the map if the value is equal to this value. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if the key exists and removed, otherwise returns false.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Delete" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010c, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.Unlike remove(Object), this operation does not return
the removed value, which avoids the serialization cost of the returned value.If the removed value will not be used,
a delete operation is preferred over a remove operation for better performance. The map will not contain a mapping
for the specified key once the call returns.
This method breaks the contract of EntryListener. When an entry is removed by delete(), it fires an EntryEvent
with a null oldValue. Also, a listener with predicates will have null values, so only keys can be queried via predicates
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Flush" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010d, Retryable:No
If this map has a MapStore, this method flushes all the local dirty entries by calling MapStore.storeAll()
and/or MapStore.deleteAll().
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"TryRemove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010e, Retryable:No
Tries to remove the entry with the given key from this map within the specified timeout value.
If the key is already locked by another thread and/or member, then this operation will wait the timeout
amount for acquiring the lock.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
timeout | int64 | No | maximum time in milliseconds to wait for acquiring the lock for the key. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if successful, otherwise returns false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"TryPut" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x010f, Retryable:No
Tries to put the given key and value into this map within a specified timeout value. If this method returns false,
it means that the caller thread could not acquire the lock for the key within the timeout duration,
thus the put operation is not successful.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
timeout | int64 | No | maximum time in milliseconds to wait for acquiring the lock for the key. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if successful, otherwise returns false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"PutTransient" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0110, Retryable:No
Same as put except that MapStore, if defined, will not be called to store/persist the entry.
If ttl is 0, then the entry lives forever.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"PutIfAbsent" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0111, Retryable:No
Puts an entry into this map with a given ttl (time to live) value if the specified key is not already associated
with a value. Entry will expire and get evicted after the ttl.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:105
returns a clone of the previous value, not the original (identically equal) value previously put into the map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Set" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0112, Retryable:No
Puts an entry into this map with a given ttl (time to live) value.Entry will expire and get evicted after the ttl
If ttl is 0, then the entry lives forever. Similar to the put operation except that set doesn't
return the old value, which is more efficient.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
value | byte-array | No | New value for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Lock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0113, Retryable:No
Acquires the lock for the specified lease time.After lease time, lock will be released.If the lock is not
available then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the lock
has been acquired.
Scope of the lock is this map only. Acquired lock is only for the key in this map. Locks are re-entrant,
so if the key is locked N times then it should be unlocked N times before another thread can acquire it.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"TryLock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0114, Retryable:No
Tries to acquire the lock for the specified key for the specified lease time.After lease time, the lock will be
released.If the lock is not available, then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
purposes and lies dormant until one of two things happens the lock is acquired by the current thread, or
the specified waiting time elapses.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the map. |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
lease | int64 | No | time in milliseconds to wait before releasing the lock. |
timeout | int64 | No | maximum time to wait for getting the lock. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if successful, otherwise returns false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"IsLocked" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0115, Retryable:Yes
Checks the lock for the specified key.If the lock is acquired then returns true, else returns false.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry to check if it is locked. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if the entry is locked, otherwise returns false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Unlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0116, Retryable:No
Releases the lock for the specified key. It never blocks and returns immediately.
If the current thread is the holder of this lock, then the hold count is decremented.If the hold count is zero,
then the lock is released. If the current thread is not the holder of this lock,
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry to unlock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AddInterceptor" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0117, Retryable:No
Adds an interceptor for this map. Added interceptor will intercept operations
and execute user defined methods and will cancel operations if user defined method throw exception.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
interceptor | byte-array | No | interceptor to add |
Response Message Type Id:104
id of registered interceptor.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"RemoveInterceptor" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0118, Retryable:No
Removes the given interceptor for this map so it will not intercept operations anymore.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
id | string | No | of interceptor |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if successful, otherwise returns false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddEntryListenerToKeyWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0119, Retryable:Yes
Adds a MapListener for this map. To receive an event, you should implement a corresponding MapListener
sub-interface for that event.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
predicate | byte-array | No | predicate for filtering entries. |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if EntryEvent should contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListenerWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011a, Retryable:Yes
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map. Listener will get notified for map add/remove/update/evict events
filtered by the given predicate.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | predicate for filtering entries. |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if EntryEvent should contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011b, Retryable:Yes
Adds a MapListener for this map. To receive an event, you should implement a corresponding MapListener
sub-interface for that event.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | Key for the map entry. |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if EntryEvent should contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011c, Retryable:Yes
Adds a MapListener for this map. To receive an event, you should implement a corresponding MapListener
sub-interface for that event.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if EntryEvent should contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddNearCacheEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011d, Retryable:Yes
Adds an entry listener for this map. Listener will get notified for all map add/remove/update/evict events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if EntryEvent should contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"RemoveEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011e, Retryable:No
Removes the specified entry listener. Returns silently if there is no such listener added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
registrationId | string | No | id of registered listener. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if registration is removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x011f, Retryable:Yes
Adds a MapPartitionLostListener. The addPartitionLostListener returns a register-id. This id is needed to remove
the MapPartitionLostListener using the removePartitionLostListener(String) method.
There is no check for duplicate registrations, so if you register the listener twice, it will get events twice.
IMPORTANT: Please see com.hazelcast.partition.PartitionLostListener for weaknesses.
IMPORTANT: Listeners registered from HazelcastClient may miss some of the map partition lost events due
to design limitations.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
Response Message Type Id:104
returns the registration id for the MapPartitionLostListener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"MapPartitionLost" Event Message
Message Type Id:209
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
partitionId | int32 | No | The partition id that has been lost for the given map |
uuid | string | No | The id of the server member. |
"RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0120, Retryable:No
Removes the specified map partition lost listener. Returns silently if there is no such listener added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
registrationId | string | No | id of register |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if registration is removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"GetEntryView" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0121, Retryable:Yes
Returns the EntryView for the specified key.
This method returns a clone of original mapping, modifying the returned value does not change the actual value
in the map. One should put modified value back to make changes visible to all nodes.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | the key of the entry. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:111
EntryView of the specified key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
dataEntryView | array of Entry View | Yes |
"Evict" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0122, Retryable:No
Evicts the specified key from this map. If a MapStore is defined for this map, then the entry is not deleted
from the underlying MapStore, evict only removes the entry from the memory.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | the specified key to evict from this map. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the key is evicted, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"EvictAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0123, Retryable:No
Evicts all keys from this map except the locked ones. If a MapStore is defined for this map, deleteAll is not
called by this method. If you do want to deleteAll to be called use the clear method. The EVICT_ALL event is
fired for any registered listeners.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"LoadAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0124, Retryable:No
Loads all keys into the store. This is a batch load operation so that an implementation can optimize the multiple loads.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
replaceExistingValues | boolean | No | when true , existing values in the Map willbe replaced by those loaded from the MapLoader |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"LoadGivenKeys" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0125, Retryable:No
Loads the given keys. This is a batch load operation so that an implementation can optimize the multiple loads.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
keys | array of byte-array | No | keys to load |
replaceExistingValues | boolean | No | when true , existing values in the Map will be replaced by those loaded from the MapLoader |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"KeySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0126, Retryable:No
Returns a set clone of the keys contained in this map. The set is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map
are NOT reflected in the set, and vice-versa. On the server side this method is executed by a distributed query
so it may throw a QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_EXCEEDED if GroupProperties#PROP_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT is configured.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of the map |
Response Message Type Id:113
a set clone of the keys contained in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"GetAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0127, Retryable:No
Returns the entries for the given keys. If any keys are not present in the Map, it will call loadAll The returned
map is NOT backed by the original map, so changes to the original map are NOT reflected in the returned map, and vice-versa.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
keys | array of byte-array | No | keys to get |
Response Message Type Id:114
values for the provided keys.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"Values" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0128, Retryable:No
Returns a collection clone of the values contained in this map.
The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
On the server side this method is executed by a distributed query so it may throw a QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_EXCEEDED
if GroupProperties#PROP_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT is configured.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
Response Message Type Id:106
All values in the map
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"EntrySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0129, Retryable:No
Returns a Set clone of the mappings contained in this map.
The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
On the server side this method is executed by a distributed query so it may throw a QueryResultSizeExceededException
if GroupProperties#PROP_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT is configured.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
Response Message Type Id:114
a set clone of the keys mappings in this map
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"KeySetWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012a, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the keys of matching entries. Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel.The set is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the
set, and vice-versa This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map. |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:113
result key set for the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"ValuesWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012b, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the values of matching entries.Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected
in the collection, and vice-versa.This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:106
result value collection of the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"EntriesWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012c, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the matching entries.Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected
in the collection, and vice-versa.This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:114
result key-value entry collection of the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"AddIndex" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012d, Retryable:No
Adds an index to this map for the specified entries so that queries can run faster.If you are querying your values
mostly based on age and active then you should consider indexing these fields.
Index attribute should either have a getter method or be public.You should also make sure to add the indexes before
adding entries to this map.
Indexing time is executed in parallel on each partition by operation threads. The Map is not blocked during this
operation.The time taken in proportional to the size of the Map and the number Members.
Until the index finishes being created, any searches for the attribute will use a full Map scan, thus avoiding
using a partially built index and returning incorrect results.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
attribute | string | No | index attribute of value |
ordered | boolean | No | true if index should be ordered, false otherwise. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012e, Retryable:Yes
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the map contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements,
returns Integer.MAX_VALUE
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | of map |
Response Message Type Id:102
the number of key-value mappings in this map
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x012f, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this map contains no key-value mappings
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"PutAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0130, Retryable:No
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).The effect of this call is
equivalent to that of calling put(Object,Object) put(k, v) on this map once for each mapping from key k to value
v in the specified map.The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified map is modified while the
operation is in progress.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entries | array of key-value byte array pair | No | mappings to be stored in this map |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0131, Retryable:No
This method clears the map and invokes MapStore#deleteAll deleteAll on MapStore which, if connected to a database,
will delete the records from that database. The MAP_CLEARED event is fired for any registered listeners.
To clear a map without calling MapStore#deleteAll, use #evictAll.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | of map |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ExecuteOnKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0132, Retryable:No
Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the entry mapped by the key. Returns the the object which is result of
the process() method of EntryProcessor.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | processor to execute on the map entry |
key | byte-array | No | the key of the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No |
Response Message Type Id:105
result of entry process.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"SubmitToKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0133, Retryable:No
Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the entry mapped by the key. Returns immediately with a Future
representing that task.EntryProcessor is not cancellable, so calling Future.cancel() method won't cancel the
operation of EntryProcessor.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | entry processor to be executed on the entry. |
key | byte-array | No | the key of the map entry. |
threadId | int64 | No |
Response Message Type Id:105
result of entry process.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"ExecuteOnAllKeys" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0134, Retryable:No
Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the all entries in the map.Returns the results mapped by each key in the map.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | entry processor to be executed. |
Response Message Type Id:114
results of entry process on the entries
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ExecuteWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0135, Retryable:No
Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the entries in the map which satisfies provided predicate.
Returns the results mapped by each key in the map.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | entry processor to be executed. |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:114
results of entry process on the entries matching the query criteria
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ExecuteOnKeys" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0136, Retryable:No
Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the entries mapped by the collection of keys.The results mapped by
each key in the collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | entry processor to be executed. |
keys | array of byte-array | No | The keys for the entries for which the entry processor shall be executed on. |
Response Message Type Id:114
results of entry process on the entries with the provided keys
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ForceUnlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0137, Retryable:No
Releases the lock for the specified key regardless of the lock owner.It always successfully unlocks the key,
never blocks,and returns immediately.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
key | byte-array | No | the key of the map entry. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"KeySetWithPagingPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0138, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:113
result keys for the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"ValuesWithPagingPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0139, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the values of matching entries. Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel. The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected
in the collection, and vice-versa. This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:114
values for the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"EntriesWithPagingPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x013a, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | name of map |
predicate | byte-array | No | specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:114
key-value pairs for the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
MultiMap Object
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0201, Retryable:No
Stores a key-value pair in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key to be stored |
value | byte-array | No | The value to be stored |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if size of the multimap is increased, false if the multimap already contains the key-value pair.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0202, Retryable:Yes
Returns the collection of values associated with the key. The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to
the map are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated values are to be returned |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:106
The collection of the values associated with the key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0203, Retryable:No
Removes the given key value pair from the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key of the entry to remove |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:106
True if the size of the multimap changed after the remove operation, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"KeySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0204, Retryable:Yes
Returns the set of keys in the multimap.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT
reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
Response Message Type Id:113
The set of keys in the multimap. The returned set might be modifiable but it has no effect on the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"Values" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0205, Retryable:Yes
Returns the collection of values in the multimap.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map
are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
Response Message Type Id:106
The collection of values in the multimap. the returned collection might be modifiable but it has no effect on the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"EntrySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0206, Retryable:Yes
Returns the set of key-value pairs in the multimap.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map
are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
Response Message Type Id:114
The set of key-value pairs in the multimap. The returned set might be modifiable but it has no effect on the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ContainsKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0207, Retryable:Yes
Returns whether the multimap contains an entry with the key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose existence is checked. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the multimap contains an entry with the key, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsValue" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0208, Retryable:Yes
Returns whether the multimap contains an entry with the value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
value | byte-array | No | The value whose existence is checked. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the multimap contains an entry with the value, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsEntry" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0209, Retryable:Yes
Returns whether the multimap contains the given key-value pair.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose existence is checked. |
value | byte-array | No | The value whose existence is checked. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the multimap contains the key-value pair, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020a, Retryable:Yes
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of key-value pairs in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020b, Retryable:No
Clears the multimap. Removes all key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ValueCount" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020c, Retryable:Yes
Returns the number of values that match the given key in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose values count is to be returned |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of values that match the given key in the multimap
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020d, Retryable:Yes
Adds the specified entry listener for the specified key.The listener will be notified for all
add/remove/update/evict events for the specified key only.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key to listen to |
includeValue | boolean | No | True if EntryEvent should contain the value,false otherwise |
Response Message Type Id:104
Returns registration id for the entry listener
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020e, Retryable:Yes
Adds an entry listener for this multimap. The listener will be notified for all multimap add/remove/update/evict events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
includeValue | boolean | No | True if EntryEvent should contain the value,false otherwise |
Response Message Type Id:104
Returns registration id for the entry listener
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"RemoveEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x020f, Retryable:No
Removes the specified entry listener. Returns silently if no such listener was added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
registrationId | string | No | Registration id of listener |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if registration is removed, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Lock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0210, Retryable:No
Acquires the lock for the specified key for the specified lease time. After the lease time, the lock will be
released. If the lock is not available, then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
purposes and lies dormant until the lock has been acquired. Scope of the lock is for this map only. The acquired
lock is only for the key in this map.Locks are re-entrant, so if the key is locked N times, then it should be
unlocked N times before another thread can acquire it.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key the Lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"TryLock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0211, Retryable:No
Tries to acquire the lock for the specified key for the specified lease time. After lease time, the lock will be
released. If the lock is not available, then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes
and lies dormant until one of two things happens:the lock is acquired by the current thread, or the specified
waiting time elapses.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | Key to lock in this map. |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
lease | int64 | No | Time in milliseconds to wait before releasing the lock. |
timeout | int64 | No | Maximum time to wait for the lock. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the lock was acquired and false if the waiting time elapsed before the lock acquired
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"IsLocked" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0212, Retryable:Yes
Checks the lock for the specified key. If the lock is acquired, this method returns true, else it returns false.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | Key to lock to be checked. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the lock acquired,false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Unlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0213, Retryable:No
Releases the lock for the specified key regardless of the lock owner. It always successfully unlocks the key,
never blocks and returns immediately.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key to Lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ForceUnlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0214, Retryable:No
Releases the lock for the specified key regardless of the lock owner. It always successfully unlocks the key,
never blocks and returns immediately.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key to Lock |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"RemoveEntry" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0215, Retryable:No
Removes all the entries with the given key. The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are
NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the MultiMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key of the entry to remove |
value | byte-array | No | The value of the entry to remove |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the size of the multimap changed after the remove operation, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Queue Object
"Offer" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0301, Retryable:No
Inserts the specified element into this queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for space to
become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
value | byte-array | No | The element to add |
timeoutMillis | int64 | No | Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for acquiring the lock for the key. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the element was added to this queue, else false
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0302, Retryable:No
Inserts the specified element into this queue, waiting if necessary for space to become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
value | byte-array | No | The element to add |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0303, Retryable:No
Returns the number of elements in this collection. If this collection contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE
elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of elements in this collection
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0304, Retryable:No
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue. This method differs from poll only in that it throws an exception
if this queue is empty.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
value | byte-array | No | Element to be removed from this queue, if present |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this queue changed as a result of the call
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Poll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0305, Retryable:No
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element
to become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
timeoutMillis | int64 | No | Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for acquiring the lock for the key. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The head of this queue, or null if this queue is empty
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Take" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0306, Retryable:No
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until an element becomes available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:105
The head of this queue
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Peek" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0307, Retryable:No
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, or returns null if this queue is empty.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:105
The head of this queue, or null if this queue is empty
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Iterator" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0308, Retryable:No
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection. There are no guarantees concerning the order in which
the elements are returned (unless this collection is an instance of some class that provides a guarantee).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:106
list of all data in queue
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"DrainTo" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0309, Retryable:No
Removes all available elements from this queue and adds them to the given collection. This operation may be more
efficient than repeatedly polling this queue. A failure encountered while attempting to add elements to
collection c may result in elements being in neither, either or both collections when the associated exception is
thrown. Attempts to drain a queue to itself result in ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT. Further, the behavior of
this operation is undefined if the specified collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:106
list of all removed data in queue
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"DrainToMaxSize" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030a, Retryable:No
Removes at most the given number of available elements from this queue and adds them to the given collection.
A failure encountered while attempting to add elements to collection may result in elements being in neither,
either or both collections when the associated exception is thrown. Attempts to drain a queue to itself result in
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT. Further, the behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified collection is
modified while the operation is in progress.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
maxSize | int32 | No | The maximum number of elements to transfer |
Response Message Type Id:106
list of all removed data in result of this method
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"Contains" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030b, Retryable:No
Returns true if this queue contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this queue
contains at least one element e such that value.equals(e)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
value | byte-array | No | Element whose presence in this collection is to be tested |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this collection contains the specified element
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030c, Retryable:No
Return true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
dataList | array of byte-array | No | Collection to be checked for containment in this collection |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030d, Retryable:No
Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
After this call returns, this collection will contain no elements in common with the specified collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
dataList | array of byte-array | No | Collection containing elements to be removed from this collection |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this collection changed as a result of the call
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030e, Retryable:No
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
In other words, removes from this collection all of its elements that are not contained in the specified collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
dataList | array of byte-array | No | collection containing elements to be retained in this collection |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this collection changed as a result of the call
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x030f, Retryable:No
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation). The collection will be empty after this
method returns.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AddAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0310, Retryable:No
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation).The behavior of this
operation is undefined if the specified collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
(This implies that the behavior of this call is undefined if the specified collection is this collection,
and this collection is nonempty.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
dataList | array of byte-array | No | Collection containing elements to be added to this collection |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this collection changed as a result of the call
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0311, Retryable:Yes
Adds an listener for this collection. Listener will be notified or all collection add/remove events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
includeValue | boolean | No | true if the updated item should be passed to the item listener, false otherwise. |
Response Message Type Id:104
The registration id
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Item" Event Message
Message Type Id:204
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
item | byte-array | Yes | Map data item. |
uuid | string | No | The id of the server member. |
eventType | int32 | No | There are two possible values: 1: ADDED 2: REMOVED |
"RemoveListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0312, Retryable:No
Removes the specified item listener.Returns silently if the specified listener was not added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
registrationId | string | No | Id of the listener registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the item listener is removed, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"RemainingCapacity" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0313, Retryable:No
Returns the number of additional elements that this queue can ideally (in the absence of memory or resource
constraints) accept without blocking, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no intrinsic limit. Note that you cannot
always tell if an attempt to insert an element will succeed by inspecting remainingCapacity because it may be
the case that another thread is about to insert or remove an element.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:102
The remaining capacity
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0314, Retryable:No
Returns true if this collection contains no elements.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Queue |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this collection contains no elements
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Topic Object
"Publish" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0401, Retryable:No
Publishes the message to all subscribers of this topic
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Topic |
message | byte-array | No | The message to publish to all subscribers of this topic |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AddMessageListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0402, Retryable:Yes
Subscribes to this topic. When someone publishes a message on this topic. onMessage() function of the given
MessageListener is called. More than one message listener can be added on one instance.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Topic |
Response Message Type Id:104
returns the registration id
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Topic" Event Message
Message Type Id:205
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
item | byte-array | No | The published item |
publishTime | int64 | No | The time the topic is published. |
uuid | string | No | The id of the server member. |
"RemoveMessageListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0403, Retryable:No
Stops receiving messages for the given message listener.If the given listener already removed, this method does nothing.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Topic |
registrationId | string | No | Id of listener registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if registration is removed, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
List Object
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0501, Retryable:Yes
Returns the number of elements in this list. If this list contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of List |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of elements in this list
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Contains" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0502, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
value | byte-array | No | Element whose presence in this list is to be tested |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list contains the specified element, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0503, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this list contains all of the elements of the specified collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | Collection to be checked for containment in this list |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list contains all of the elements of the
specified collection
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Add" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0504, Retryable:No
Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation). Lists that support this operation may
place limitations on what elements may be added to this list. In particular, some lists will refuse to add null
elements, and others will impose restrictions on the type of elements that may be added. List classes should
clearly specify in their documentation any restrictions on what elements may be added.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
value | byte-array | No | Element to be appended to this list |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this list changed as a result of the call, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0505, Retryable:No
Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present (optional operation).
If this list does not contain the element, it is unchanged.
Returns true if this list contained the specified element (or equivalently, if this list changed as a result of the call).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
value | byte-array | No | Element to be removed from this list, if present |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list contained the specified element, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0506, Retryable:No
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are
returned by the specified collection's iterator (optional operation).
The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
(Note that this will occur if the specified collection is this list, and it's nonempty.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
valueList | array of byte-array | No | Collection containing elements to be added to this list |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list changed as a result of the call, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0507, Retryable:No
Removes from this list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | The list of values to compare for removal. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if removed at least one of the items, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0508, Retryable:No
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
In other words, removes from this list all of its elements that are not contained in the specified collection.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | The list of values to compare for retaining. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list changed as a result of the call, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0509, Retryable:No
Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation). The list will be empty after this call returns.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"GetAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050a, Retryable:Yes
Return the all elements of this collection
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
Response Message Type Id:106
An array of all item values in the list.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"AddListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050b, Retryable:Yes
Adds an item listener for this collection. Listener will be notified for all collection add/remove events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
includeValue | boolean | No | Set to true if you want the event to contain the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
Registration id for the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Item" Event Message
Message Type Id:204
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
item | byte-array | Yes | Map data item. |
uuid | string | No | The id of the server member. |
eventType | int32 | No | There are two possible values: 1: ADDED 2: REMOVED |
"RemoveListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050c, Retryable:No
Removes the specified item listener. Returns silently if the specified listener was not added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
registrationId | string | No | The id of the listener which was provided during registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if unregistered, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050d, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this list contains no elements
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list contains no elements
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddAllWithIndex" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050e, Retryable:No
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position (optional operation).
Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (increases their indices).
The new elements will appear in this list in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator.
The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
(Note that this will occur if the specified collection is this list, and it's nonempty.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | index at which to insert the first element from the specified collection. |
valueList | array of byte-array | No | The list of value to insert into the list. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this list changed as a result of the call, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x050f, Retryable:Yes
Returns the element at the specified position in this list
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | Index of the element to return |
Response Message Type Id:105
The element at the specified position in this list
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Set" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0510, Retryable:No
The element previously at the specified position
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | Index of the element to replace |
value | byte-array | No | Element to be stored at the specified position |
Response Message Type Id:105
The element previously at the specified position
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"AddWithIndex" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0511, Retryable:No
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Shifts the element
currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | index at which the specified element is to be inserted |
value | byte-array | No | Value to be inserted. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"RemoveWithIndex" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0512, Retryable:No
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Shifts any subsequent elements
to the left (subtracts one from their indices). Returns the element that was removed from the list.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | The index of the element to be removed |
Response Message Type Id:105
The element previously at the specified position
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"LastIndexOf" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0513, Retryable:Yes
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not
contain the element.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
value | byte-array | No | Element to search for |
Response Message Type Id:102
the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in
this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"IndexOf" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0514, Retryable:Yes
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not
contain the element.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
value | byte-array | No | Element to search for |
Response Message Type Id:102
The index of the first occurrence of the specified element in
this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Sub" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0515, Retryable:Yes
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified from, inclusive, and to, exclusive.(If from and
to are equal, the returned list is empty.) The returned list is backed by this list, so non-structural changes in
the returned list are reflected in this list, and vice-versa. The returned list supports all of the optional list
operations supported by this list.
This method eliminates the need for explicit range operations (of the sort that commonly exist for arrays).
Any operation that expects a list can be used as a range operation by passing a subList view instead of a whole list.
Similar idioms may be constructed for indexOf and lastIndexOf, and all of the algorithms in the Collections class
can be applied to a subList.
The semantics of the list returned by this method become undefined if the backing list (i.e., this list) is
structurally modified in any way other than via the returned list.(Structural modifications are those that change
the size of this list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield incorrect results.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
from | int32 | No | Low endpoint (inclusive) of the subList |
to | int32 | No | High endpoint (exclusive) of the subList |
Response Message Type Id:106
A view of the specified range within this list
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"Iterator" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0516, Retryable:Yes
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
Response Message Type Id:106
An iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"ListIterator" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0517, Retryable:Yes
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position
in the list. The specified index indicates the first element that would be returned by an initial call to
ListIterator#next next. An initial call to ListIterator#previous previous would return the element with the
specified index minus one.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the List |
index | int32 | No | index of the first element to be returned from the list iterator next |
Response Message Type Id:106
a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper
sequence), starting at the specified position in the list
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
Set Object
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0601, Retryable:No
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality). If this set contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE
elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of elements in this set (its cardinality)
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Contains" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0602, Retryable:No
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
value | byte-array | No | Element whose presence in this set is to be tested |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this set contains the specified element, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0603, Retryable:No
Returns true if this set contains all of the elements of the specified collection. If the specified collection is
also a set, this method returns true if it is a subset of this set.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | Collection to be checked for containment in this set |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this set contains all of the elements of the
specified collection
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Add" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0604, Retryable:No
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
If this set already contains the element, the call leaves the set unchanged and returns false.In combination with
the restriction on constructors, this ensures that sets never contain duplicate elements.
The stipulation above does not imply that sets must accept all elements; sets may refuse to add any particular
element, including null, and throw an exception, as described in the specification for Collection
Individual set implementations should clearly document any restrictions on the elements that they may contain.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
value | byte-array | No | Element to be added to this set |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this set did not already contain the specified
element and the element is added, returns false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0605, Retryable:No
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional operation).
Returns true if this set contained the element (or equivalently, if this set changed as a result of the call).
(This set will not contain the element once the call returns.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
value | byte-array | No | Object to be removed from this set, if present |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this set contained the specified element and it is removed successfully
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0606, Retryable:No
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present
(optional operation). If the specified collection is also a set, the addAll operation effectively modifies this
set so that its value is the union of the two sets. The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified
collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
valueList | array of byte-array | No | Collection containing elements to be added to this set |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this set changed as a result of the call
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRemoveAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0607, Retryable:No
Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
If the specified collection is also a set, this operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is the
asymmetric set difference of the two sets.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | The set of values to test for matching the item to remove. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if at least one item in valueSet existed and removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndRetainAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0608, Retryable:No
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
In other words, removes from this set all of its elements that are not contained in the specified collection.
If the specified collection is also a set, this operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is the
intersection of the two sets.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
valueSet | array of byte-array | No | The set of values to test for matching the item to retain. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if at least one item in valueSet existed and it is retained, false otherwise. All items not in valueSet but
in the Set are removed.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0609, Retryable:No
Removes all of the elements from this set (optional operation). The set will be empty after this call returns.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"GetAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x060a, Retryable:No
Return the all elements of this collection
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
Response Message Type Id:106
Array of all values in the Set
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"AddListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x060b, Retryable:Yes
Adds an item listener for this collection. Listener will be notified for all collection add/remove events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
includeValue | boolean | No | if set to true, the event shall also include the value. |
Response Message Type Id:104
The registration id.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Item" Event Message
Message Type Id:204
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
item | byte-array | Yes | Map data item. |
uuid | string | No | The id of the server member. |
eventType | int32 | No | There are two possible values: 1: ADDED 2: REMOVED |
"RemoveListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x060c, Retryable:No
Removes the specified item listener. Returns silently if the specified listener was not added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
registrationId | string | No | The id retrieved during registration. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the listener with the provided id existed and removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x060d, Retryable:No
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Set |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this set contains no elements
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Lock Object
"IsLocked" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0701, Retryable:Yes
Returns whether this lock is locked or not.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this lock is locked, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"IsLockedByCurrentThread" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0702, Retryable:Yes
Returns whether this lock is locked by current thread or not.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this lock is locked by current thread, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"GetLockCount" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0703, Retryable:Yes
Returns re-entrant lock hold count, regardless of lock ownership.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
Response Message Type Id:102
The lock hold count.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"GetRemainingLeaseTime" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0704, Retryable:Yes
Returns remaining lease time in milliseconds. If the lock is not locked then -1 will be returned
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
Response Message Type Id:103
Remaining lease time in milliseconds.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"Lock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0705, Retryable:No
Acquires the lock for the specified lease time.After lease time, lock will be released.If the lock is not
available then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the lock
has been acquired.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
leaseTime | int64 | No | Time to wait before releasing to lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Unlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0706, Retryable:No
Releases the lock.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ForceUnlock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0707, Retryable:No
Releases the lock regardless of the lock owner. It always successfully unlocks, never blocks,
and returns immediately.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"TryLock" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0708, Retryable:No
Tries to acquire the lock for the specified lease time.After lease time, the lock will be released.
If the lock is not available, then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies
dormant until one of two things happens: the lock is acquired by the current thread, or the specified waiting
time elapses.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Lock |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
lease | int64 | No | time in milliseconds to wait before releasing the lock. |
timeout | int64 | No | Maximum time to wait for the lock. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the lock was acquired and false if the waiting time elapsed before the lock was acquired.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Condition Object
"Await" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0801, Retryable:No
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Condition |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
timeout | int64 | No | The maximum time to wait |
lockName | string | No | Name of the lock to wait on. |
Response Message Type Id:101
False if the waiting time detectably elapsed before return from the method, else true
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"BeforeAwait" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0802, Retryable:No
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or Thread#interrupt interrupted. The lock associated with
this Condition is atomically released and the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and
lies dormant until one of four things happens:
Some other thread invokes the #signal method for this Condition and the current thread happens to be chosen as the
thread to be awakened; or Some other thread invokes the #signalAll method for this Condition; or Some other thread
Thread#interrupt interrupts the current thread, and interruption of thread suspension is supported; or A spurious wakeup occurs.
In all cases, before this method can return the current thread must re-acquire the lock associated with this condition.
When the thread returns it is guaranteed to hold this lock. If the current thread: has its interrupted status set
on entry to this method; or is Thread#interrupt interrupted while waiting and interruption of thread suspension
is supported, then INTERRUPTED is thrown and the current thread's interrupted status is cleared. It is
not specified, in the first case, whether or not the test for interruption occurs before the lock is released.
The current thread is assumed to hold the lock associated with this Condition when this method is called.
It is up to the implementation to determine if this is the case and if not, how to respond. Typically, an exception will be
thrown (such as ILLEGAL_MONITOR_STATE) and the implementation must document that fact.
An implementation can favor responding to an interrupt over normal method return in response to a signal. In that
case the implementation must ensure that the signal is redirected to another waiting thread, if there is one.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Condition |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
lockName | string | No | Name of the lock to wait on. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Signal" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0803, Retryable:No
If any threads are waiting on this condition then one is selected for waking up.That thread must then re-acquire
the lock before returning from await. An implementation may (and typically does) require that the
current thread hold the lock associated with this Condition when this method is called. Implementations must
document this precondition and any actions taken if the lock is not held. Typically, an exception such as
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Condition |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
lockName | string | No | Name of the lock to wait on. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"SignalAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0804, Retryable:No
If any threads are waiting on this condition then they are all woken up. Each thread must re-acquire the lock
before it can return from
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Condition |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
lockName | string | No | Name of the lock to wait on. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
ExecutorService Object
"Shutdown" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0901, Retryable:No
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
Invocation has no additional effect if already shut down.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the executor. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"IsShutdown" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0902, Retryable:No
Returns true if this executor has been shut down.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the executor. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this executor has been shut down
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CancelOnPartition" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0903, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
uuid | string | No | Unique id for the execution. |
partitionId | int32 | No | The id of the partition to execute this cancellation request. |
interrupt | boolean | No | If true, then the thread interrupt call can be used to cancel the thread, otherwise interrupt can not be used. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if cancelled successfully, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CancelOnAddress" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0904, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
uuid | string | No | Unique id for the execution. |
address | Address | No | Address of the host to execute the request on. |
interrupt | boolean | No | If true, then the thread interrupt call can be used to cancel the thread, otherwise interrupt can not be used. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if cancelled successfully, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"SubmitToPartition" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0905, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the executor. |
uuid | string | No | Unique id for the execution. |
callable | byte-array | No | The callable object to be executed. |
partitionId | int32 | No | The id of the partition to execute this cancellation request. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The result of the callable execution.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"SubmitToAddress" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0906, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the executor. |
uuid | string | No | Unique id for the execution. |
callable | byte-array | No | The callable object to be executed. |
address | Address | No | The member host on which the callable shall be executed on. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The result of the callable execution.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
AtomicLong Object
"Apply" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a01, Retryable:No
Applies a function on the value, the actual stored value will not change.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
function | byte-array | No | The function applied to the value, the value is not changed. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The result of the function application.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Alter" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a02, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
function | byte-array | No | The function applied to the currently stored value. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AlterAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a03, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it and gets the result.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
function | byte-array | No | The function applied to the currently stored value. |
Response Message Type Id:103
The result of the function application.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"GetAndAlter" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a04, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it on and gets the old value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
function | byte-array | No | The function applied to the currently stored value. |
Response Message Type Id:103
The old value before the function application.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"AddAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a05, Retryable:No
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
delta | int64 | No | the value to add to the current value |
Response Message Type Id:103
the updated value, the given value added to the current value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"CompareAndSet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a06, Retryable:No
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value only if the current value the expected value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
expected | int64 | No | the expected value |
updated | int64 | No | the new value |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if successful; or false if the actual value
was not equal to the expected value.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"DecrementAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a07, Retryable:No
Atomically decrements the current value by one.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
Response Message Type Id:103
the updated value, the current value decremented by one
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a08, Retryable:No
Gets the current value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
Response Message Type Id:103
the current value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"GetAndAdd" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a09, Retryable:No
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
delta | int64 | No | the value to add to the current value |
Response Message Type Id:103
the old value before the add
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"GetAndSet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a0a, Retryable:No
Atomically sets the given value and returns the old value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
newValue | int64 | No | the new value |
Response Message Type Id:103
the old value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"IncrementAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a0b, Retryable:No
Atomically increments the current value by one.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
Response Message Type Id:103
The updated value, the current value incremented by one
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"GetAndIncrement" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a0c, Retryable:No
Atomically increments the current value by one.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
Response Message Type Id:103
the old value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"Set" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0a0d, Retryable:No
Atomically sets the given value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | The name of this IAtomicLong instance. |
newValue | int64 | No | The new value |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
AtomicReference Object
"Apply" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b01, Retryable:No
Applies a function on the value, the actual stored value will not change.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
function | byte-array | No | the function applied on the value, the stored value does not change |
Response Message Type Id:105
the result of the function application
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Alter" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b02, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
function | byte-array | No | the function that alters the currently stored reference |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AlterAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b03, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it and gets the result.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
function | byte-array | No | the function that alters the currently stored reference |
Response Message Type Id:105
the new value, the result of the applied function.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetAndAlter" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b04, Retryable:No
Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it on and gets the old value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
function | byte-array | No | the function that alters the currently stored reference |
Response Message Type Id:105
the old value, the value before the function is applied
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Contains" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b05, Retryable:Yes
Checks if the reference contains the value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
expected | byte-array | Yes | the value to check (is allowed to be null). |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the value is found, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CompareAndSet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b06, Retryable:No
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value only if the current value the expected value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
expected | byte-array | Yes | the expected value |
updated | byte-array | Yes | the new value |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if successful; or false if the actual value
was not equal to the expected value.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b08, Retryable:Yes
Gets the current value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the current value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Set" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b09, Retryable:No
Atomically sets the given value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
newValue | byte-array | Yes | the new value |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b0a, Retryable:No
Clears the current stored reference.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"GetAndSet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b0b, Retryable:No
Gets the old value and sets the new value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
newValue | byte-array | Yes | the new value. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the old value.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"SetAndGet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b0c, Retryable:No
Sets and gets the value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
newValue | byte-array | Yes | the new value |
Response Message Type Id:105
the new value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"IsNull" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0b0d, Retryable:Yes
Checks if the stored reference is null.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the AtomicReference distributed object instance. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if null, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
CountdownLatch Object
"Await" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0c01, Retryable:No
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to zero, or an exception is thrown, or the
specified waiting time elapses. If the current count is zero then this method returns immediately with the value
true. If the current count is greater than zero, then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
purposes and lies dormant until one of five things happen: the count reaches zero due to invocations of the
#countDown method, this ICountDownLatch instance is destroyed, the countdown owner becomes disconnected, some
other thread Thread#interrupt interrupts the current thread, or the specified waiting time elapses. If the count
reaches zero, then the method returns with the value true. If the current thread: has its interrupted status set
on entry to this method, or is Thread#interrupt interrupted while waiting, then INTERRUPTED is thrown
and the current thread's interrupted status is cleared. If the specified waiting time elapses then the value false
is returned. If the time is less than or equal to zero, the method will not wait at all.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the CountDownLatch |
timeout | int64 | No | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the count reached zero, false if the waiting time elapsed before the count reached zero
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CountDown" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0c02, Retryable:No
Decrements the count of the latch, releasing all waiting threads if the count reaches zero. If the current count
is greater than zero, then it is decremented. If the new count is zero: All waiting threads are re-enabled for
thread scheduling purposes, and Countdown owner is set to null. If the current count equals zero, then nothing happens.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the CountDownLatch |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"GetCount" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0c03, Retryable:Yes
Returns the current count.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the CountDownLatch |
Response Message Type Id:102
The current count for the latch.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"TrySetCount" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0c04, Retryable:No
Sets the count to the given value if the current count is zero. If the count is not zero, then this method does
nothing and returns false
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the CountDownLatch |
count | int32 | No | The number of times countDown must be invoked before threads can pass through await |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the new count was set, false if the current count is not zero.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Semaphore Object
"Init" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d01, Retryable:No
Try to initialize this ISemaphore instance with the given permit count
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
permits | int32 | No | The given permit count |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if initialization succeeds, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Acquire" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d02, Retryable:No
Acquires the given number of permits if they are available, and returns immediately, reducing the number of
available permits by the given amount. If insufficient permits are available then the current thread becomes
disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens: some other thread
invokes one of the methods for this semaphore, the current thread is next to be assigned permits and the number
of available permits satisfies this request, this ISemaphore instance is destroyed, or some other thread
the current thread. If the current thread has its interrupted status set on entry to this method, or is while
waiting for a permit, then is thrown and the current thread's interrupted status is cleared.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
permits | int32 | No | The given permit count |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AvailablePermits" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d03, Retryable:Yes
Returns the current number of permits currently available in this semaphore. This method is typically used for
debugging and testing purposes.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of permits available in this semaphore.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"DrainPermits" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d04, Retryable:No
Acquires and returns all permits that are immediately available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of permits drained
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"ReducePermits" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d05, Retryable:No
Shrinks the number of available permits by the indicated reduction. This method differs from acquire in that it
does not block waiting for permits to become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
reduction | int32 | No | The number of permits to remove |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Release" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d06, Retryable:No
Releases the given number of permits, increasing the number of available permits by that amount. There is no
requirement that a thread that releases a permit must have acquired that permit by calling one of the
acquire()acquire methods. Correct usage of a semaphore is established by programming convention in the application.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
permits | int32 | No | The number of permits to remove |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"TryAcquire" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0d07, Retryable:No
Acquires the given number of permits, if they are available, and returns immediately, with the value true,
reducing the number of available permits by the given amount. If insufficient permits are available then this
method will return immediately with the value false and the number of available permits is unchanged.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Semaphore |
permits | int32 | No | The number of permits to remove |
timeout | int64 | No | The maximum time to wait for a permit |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if all permits were acquired, false if the waiting time elapsed before all permits could be acquired
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
ReplicatedMap Object
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e01, Retryable:No
Associates a given value to the specified key and replicates it to the cluster. If there is an old value, it will
be replaced by the specified one and returned from the call. In addition, you have to specify a ttl and its TimeUnit
to define when the value is outdated and thus should be removed from the replicated map.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
key | byte-array | No | Key with which the specified value is to be associated. |
value | byte-array | No | Value to be associated with the specified key |
ttl | int64 | No | ttl in milliseconds to be associated with the specified key-value pair |
Response Message Type Id:105
The old value if existed for the key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e02, Retryable:Yes
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the map contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements,
returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:102
the number of key-value mappings in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e03, Retryable:Yes
Return true if this map contains no key-value mappings
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this map contains no key-value mappings
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e04, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated value is to be returned. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this map contains a mapping for the specified key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ContainsValue" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e05, Retryable:Yes
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
This operation will probably require time linear in the map size for most implementations of the Map interface.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
value | byte-array | No | value whose presence in this map is to be tested |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e06, Retryable:Yes
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
If this map permits null values, then a return value of null does not
necessarily indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
explicitly maps the key to null. The #containsKey operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated value is to be returned |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e07, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present (optional operation). Returns the value to which this map previously associated the key,
or null if the map contained no mapping for the key. If this map permits null values, then a return value of
null does not necessarily indicate that the map contained no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
explicitly mapped the key to null. The map will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the call returns.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
key | byte-array | No | Key with which the specified value is to be associated. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"PutAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e08, Retryable:No
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation). The effect of this call is
equivalent to that of calling put(Object,Object) put(k, v) on this map once for each mapping from key k to value
v in the specified map. The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified map is modified while the
operation is in progress.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
map | array of key-value byte array pair | No | Mappings to be stored in this map |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e09, Retryable:No
The clear operation wipes data out of the replicated maps.It is the only synchronous remote operation in this
implementation, so be aware that this might be a slow operation. If some node fails on executing the operation,
it is retried for at most 3 times (on the failing nodes only). If it does not work after the third time, this
method throws a OPERATION_TIMEOUT back to the caller.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Replicated Map |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"AddEntryListenerToKeyWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0a, Retryable:Yes
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map. The listener will be notified for map add/remove/update/evict
events filtered by the given predicate.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Replicated Map |
key | byte-array | No | Key with which the specified value is to be associated. |
predicate | byte-array | No | The predicate for filtering entries |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListenerWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0b, Retryable:Yes
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map. The listener will be notified for map add/remove/update/evict
events filtered by the given predicate.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Replicated Map |
predicate | byte-array | No | The predicate for filtering entries |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListenerToKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0c, Retryable:Yes
Adds the specified entry listener for the specified key. The listener will be notified for all
add/remove/update/evict events of the specified key only.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Replicated Map |
key | byte-array | No | Key with which the specified value is to be associated. |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"AddEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0d, Retryable:Yes
Adds an entry listener for this map. The listener will be notified for all map add/remove/update/evict events.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
"RemoveEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0e, Retryable:No
Removes the specified entry listener. Returns silently if there was no such listener added before.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
registrationId | string | No | ID of the registered entry listener. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if registration is removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"KeySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e0f, Retryable:Yes
Returns a lazy Set view of the key contained in this map. A LazySet is optimized for querying speed
(preventing eager deserialization and hashing on HashSet insertion) and does NOT provide all operations.
Any kind of mutating function will throw an UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION. Same is true for operations
like java.util.Set#contains(Object) and java.util.Set#containsAll(java.util.Collection) which would result in
very poor performance if called repeatedly (for example, in a loop). If the use case is different from querying
the data, please copy the resulting set into a new java.util.HashSet.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:113
A lazy set view of the keys contained in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"Values" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e10, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:106
A collection view of the values contained in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"EntrySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e11, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
Response Message Type Id:114
A lazy set view of the mappings contained in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"AddNearCacheEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0e12, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the ReplicatedMap |
includeValue | boolean | No | True if EntryEvent should contain the value,false otherwise |
Response Message Type Id:104
A unique string which is used as a key to remove the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Entry" Event Message
Message Type Id:203
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry in the map. |
value | byte-array | Yes | The value of the entry in the map. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | The original value for the key in the map if exists. |
mergingValue | byte-array | Yes | The incoming merging value of the entry event. |
eventType | int32 | No | Possible types are: ADDED(1) REMOVED(2) UPDATED(3) EVICTED(4) EVICT_ALL(5) CLEAR_ALL(6) MERGED(7) |
uuid | string | No | The id of the member. |
numberOfAffectedEntries | int32 | No | The number of entries affected in the map. |
MapReduce Object
"Cancel" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f01, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job to cancel |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if successful, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"JobProcessInformation" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f02, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
Response Message Type Id:112
The information about the job if exists
Name | Type | Nullable |
jobPartitionStates | array of Job Partition State | No |
processRecords | int32 | No |
"ForMap" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f03, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
predicate | byte-array | Yes | The filter to use during operation |
mapper | byte-array | No | The mapper for the operation |
combinerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The combiner factory to use |
reducerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The reducer factory to be used |
mapName | string | No | Name of the Map object to work on. |
chunkSize | int32 | No | The number of items for which the reduce shall be performed |
keys | array of byte-array | Yes | The keys for the objects to be processed |
topologyChangedStrategy | string | Yes | The strategy to use if a topology change is detected. |
Response Message Type Id:114
The resulting key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ForList" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f04, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
predicate | byte-array | Yes | The filter to use during operation |
mapper | byte-array | No | The mapper for the operation |
combinerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The combiner factory to use |
reducerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The reducer factory to be used |
listName | string | No | Name of the List object to work on. |
chunkSize | int32 | No | The number of items for which the reduce shall be performed |
keys | array of byte-array | Yes | The keys for the objects to be processed |
topologyChangedStrategy | string | Yes | The strategy to use if a topology change is detected. |
Response Message Type Id:114
The resulting key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ForSet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f05, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
predicate | byte-array | Yes | The filter to use during operation |
mapper | byte-array | No | The mapper for the operation |
combinerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The combiner factory to use |
reducerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The reducer factory to be used |
setName | string | No | Name of the Set object to work on. |
chunkSize | int32 | No | The number of items for which the reduce shall be performed |
keys | array of byte-array | Yes | The keys for the objects to be processed |
topologyChangedStrategy | string | Yes | The strategy to use if a topology change is detected. |
Response Message Type Id:114
The resulting key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ForMultiMap" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f06, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
predicate | byte-array | Yes | The filter to use during operation |
mapper | byte-array | No | The mapper for the operation |
combinerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The combiner factory to use |
reducerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The reducer factory to be used |
multiMapName | string | No | Name of the MultiMap object to work on. |
chunkSize | int32 | No | The number of items for which the reduce shall be performed |
keys | array of byte-array | Yes | The keys for the objects to be processed |
topologyChangedStrategy | string | Yes | The strategy to use if a topology change is detected. |
Response Message Type Id:114
The resulting key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"ForCustom" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x0f07, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the distributed object |
jobId | string | No | Id of the job |
predicate | byte-array | Yes | The filter to use during operation |
mapper | byte-array | No | The mapper for the operation |
combinerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The combiner factory to use |
reducerFactory | byte-array | Yes | The reducer factory to be used |
keyValueSource | byte-array | No | custom data sources for mapreduce algorithm. The object implements the com.hazelcast.mapreduce.KeyValueSource interface |
chunkSize | int32 | No | The number of items for which the reduce shall be performed |
keys | array of byte-array | Yes | The keys for the objects to be processed |
topologyChangedStrategy | string | Yes | The strategy to use if a topology change is detected. |
Response Message Type Id:114
The resulting key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
TransactionalMap Object
"ContainsKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1001, Retryable:No
Returns true if this map contains an entry for the specified key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if this map contains an entry for the specified key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1002, Retryable:No
Returns the value for the specified key, or null if this map does not contain this key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value for the specified key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetForUpdate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1003, Retryable:No
Locks the key and then gets and returns the value to which the specified key is mapped. Lock will be released at
the end of the transaction (either commit or rollback).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The value to which the specified key is mapped |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value for the specified key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1004, Retryable:No
Returns the number of entries in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of entries in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"IsEmpty" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1005, Retryable:No
Returns true if this map contains no entries
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if this map contains no entries.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1006, Retryable:No
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for
the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value. The object to be put will be accessible only in the
current transaction context till transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
value | byte-array | No | The value to associate with the key. |
ttl | int64 | No | The duration in milliseconds after which this entry shall be deleted. O means infinite. |
Response Message Type Id:105
Previous value associated with key or null if there was no mapping for key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Set" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1007, Retryable:No
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for
the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value. This method is preferred to #put(Object, Object)
if the old value is not needed.
The object to be set will be accessible only in the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
value | byte-array | No | The value to associate with key |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"PutIfAbsent" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1008, Retryable:No
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.
The object to be put will be accessible only in the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
value | byte-array | No | The value to associate with the key when there is no previous value. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Replace" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1009, Retryable:No
Replaces the entry for a key only if it is currently mapped to some value. The object to be replaced will be
accessible only in the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
value | byte-array | No | The value replaced the previous value |
Response Message Type Id:105
The previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"ReplaceIfSame" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100a, Retryable:No
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value. The object to be replaced will be
accessible only in the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key. |
oldValue | byte-array | No | Replace the key value if it is the old value. |
newValue | byte-array | No | The new value to replace the old value. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the value was replaced.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100b, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present. The map will not contain a mapping for the
specified key once the call returns. The object to be removed will be accessible only in the current transaction
context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | Remove the mapping for this key. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Delete" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100c, Retryable:No
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present. The map will not contain a mapping for the specified
key once the call returns. This method is preferred to #remove(Object) if the old value is not needed. The object
to be deleted will be removed from only the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | Remove the mapping for this key. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"RemoveIfSame" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100d, Retryable:No
Removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value. The object to be removed will be removed
from only the current transaction context until the transaction is committed.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The specified key |
value | byte-array | No | Remove the key if it has this value. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the value was removed
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"KeySet" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100e, Retryable:No
Returns a set clone of the keys contained in this map. The set is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map
are NOT reflected in the set, and vice-versa. On the server side this method is executed by a distributed query
so it may throw a QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_EXCEEDED#PROP_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT if GroupProperties is configured.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:113
A set clone of the keys contained in this map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"KeySetWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x100f, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the keys of matching entries. Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel.The set is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the
set, and vice-versa This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
predicate | byte-array | No | Specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:113
Result key set for the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"Values" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1010, Retryable:No
Returns a collection clone of the values contained in this map. The collection is NOT backed by the map,
so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. On the server side this method is
executed by a distributed query so it may throw a QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_EXCEEDED#PROP_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT
if GroupProperties is configured.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:106
All values in the map
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"ValuesWithPredicate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1011, Retryable:No
Queries the map based on the specified predicate and returns the values of matching entries.Specified predicate
runs on all members in parallel.The collection is NOT backed by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected
in the collection, and vice-versa.This method is always executed by a distributed query so it may throw a
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
predicate | byte-array | No | Specified query criteria. |
Response Message Type Id:106
Result value collection of the query.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
TransactionalMultiMap Object
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1101, Retryable:No
Stores a key-value pair in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The key to be stored |
value | byte-array | No | The value to be stored |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the size of the multimap is increased, false if the multimap already contains the key-value pair.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1102, Retryable:No
Returns the collection of values associated with the key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated values are returned |
Response Message Type Id:106
The collection of the values associated with the key
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1103, Retryable:No
Removes the given key value pair from the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated values are returned |
Response Message Type Id:106
True if the size of the multimap changed after the remove operation, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
list | array of byte-array | No |
"RemoveEntry" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1104, Retryable:No
Removes all the entries associated with the given key.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose associated values are returned |
value | byte-array | No | The value to be stored |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the size of the multimap changed after the remove operation, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"ValueCount" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1105, Retryable:No
Returns the number of values matching the given key in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose number of values are returned |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of values matching the given key in the multimap
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1106, Retryable:No
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the multimap.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Multi Map |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of key-value pairs in the multimap
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
TransactionalSet Object
"Add" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1201, Retryable:No
Add new item to transactional set.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Set |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
item | byte-array | No | Item added to transactional set |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if item is added successfully
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1202, Retryable:No
Remove item from transactional set.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Set |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
item | byte-array | No | Item removed from Transactional Set |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if item is remove successfully
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1203, Retryable:No
Returns the size of the set.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Set |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:102
The size of the set
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
TransactionalList Object
"Add" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1301, Retryable:No
Adds a new item to the transactional list.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional List |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
item | byte-array | No | The new item added to the transactionalList |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the item is added successfully, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1302, Retryable:No
Remove item from the transactional list
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional List |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
item | byte-array | No | Item to remove to transactional List |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the removed successfully,false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1303, Retryable:No
Returns the size of the list
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional List |
txnId | string | No | ID of the this transaction operation |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:102
The size of the list
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
TransactionalQueue Object
"Offer" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1401, Retryable:No
Inserts the specified element into this queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for space to
become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transcational Queue |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
item | byte-array | No | The element to add |
timeout | int64 | No | How long to wait before giving up, in milliseconds |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if successful, or false if the specified waiting time elapses before space is available
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Take" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1402, Retryable:No
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until an element becomes available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Queue |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The head of this queue
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Poll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1403, Retryable:No
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element
to become available.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Queue |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
timeout | int64 | No | How long to wait before giving up, in milliseconds |
Response Message Type Id:105
The head of this queue, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Peek" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1404, Retryable:No
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, or returns null if this queue is empty.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Queue |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
timeout | int64 | No | How long to wait before giving up, in milliseconds |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value at the head of the queue.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1405, Retryable:No
Returns the number of elements in this collection.If this collection contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE
elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Transactional Queue |
txnId | string | No | ID of the transaction |
threadId | int64 | No | The id of the user thread performing the operation. It is used to guarantee that only the lock holder thread (if a lock exists on the entry) can perform the requested operation. |
Response Message Type Id:102
The number of elements in this collection
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
Cache Object
"AddEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1501, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
Response Message Type Id:104
Registration id for the registered listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Cache" Event Message
Message Type Id:210
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
type | int32 | No | The type of the event. Possible values for the event are: CREATED(1): An event type indicating that the cache entry was created. UPDATED(2): An event type indicating that the cache entry was updated, i.e. a previous mapping existed. REMOVED(3): An event type indicating that the cache entry was removed. EXPIRED(4): An event type indicating that the cache entry has expired. EVICTED(5): An event type indicating that the cache entry has evicted. INVALIDATED(6): An event type indicating that the cache entry has invalidated for near cache invalidation. COMPLETED(7): An event type indicating that the cache operation has completed. EXPIRATION_TIME_UPDATED(8): An event type indicating that the expiration time of cache record has been updated |
keys | array of Cache Event Data | No | The keys for the entries in the cache. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
"AddInvalidationListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1502, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
Response Message Type Id:104
Registration id for the registered listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"CacheInvalidation" Event Message
Message Type Id:208
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | Yes | The key for the entry. |
sourceUuid | string | Yes | The id of the server member. |
"CacheBatchInvalidation" Event Message
Message Type Id:211
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
keys | array of byte-array | No | The keys for the entries in batch invalidation. |
sourceUuids | array of string | Yes | The ids of the server members. |
"Clear" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1503, Retryable:No
Clears the contents of the cache, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"RemoveAllKeys" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1504, Retryable:No
Removes entries for the specified keys. The order in which the individual entries are removed is undefined.
For every entry in the key set, the following are called: any registered CacheEntryRemovedListeners if the cache
is a write-through cache, the CacheWriter. If the key set is empty, the CacheWriter is not called.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
keys | array of byte-array | No | The keys to remove. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"RemoveAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1505, Retryable:No
Removes all of the mappings from this cache. The order that the individual entries are removed is undefined.
For every mapping that exists the following are called: any registered CacheEntryRemovedListener if the cache is
a write-through cache, the CacheWriter.If the cache is empty, the CacheWriter is not called.
This is potentially an expensive operation as listeners are invoked. Use #clear() to avoid this.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ContainsKey" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1506, Retryable:Yes
Determines if the Cache contains an entry for the specified key. More formally, returns true if and only if this
cache contains a mapping for a key k such that key.equals(k). (There can be at most one such mapping.)
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose presence in this cache is to be tested. |
Response Message Type Id:101
Returns true if cache value for the key exists, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"CreateConfig" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1507, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
cacheConfig | byte-array | No | The cache configuration. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.configuration.Configuration interface. |
createAlsoOnOthers | boolean | No | True if the configuration shall be created on all members, false otherwise. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The created configuration object. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing
javax.cache.configuration.Configuration interface.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Destroy" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1508, Retryable:No
Closes the cache. Clears the internal content and releases any resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"EntryProcessor" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1509, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | the key to the entry |
entryProcessor | byte-array | No | Entry processor to invoke. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor. |
arguments | array of byte-array | No | additional arguments to pass to the EntryProcessor |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the result of the processing, if any, defined by the EntryProcessor implementation
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150a, Retryable:No
Gets a collection of entries from the cache with custom expiry policy, returning them as Map of the values
associated with the set of keys requested. If the cache is configured for read-through operation mode, the underlying
configured javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader might be called to retrieve the values of the keys from any kind
of external resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
keys | array of byte-array | No | The keys whose associated values are to be returned. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | Expiry policy for the entry. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy interface. |
Response Message Type Id:114
A map of entries that were found for the given keys. Keys not found
in the cache are not in the returned map.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"GetAndRemove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150b, Retryable:No
Atomically removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | key with which the specified value is associated |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the value if one existed or null if no mapping existed for this key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetAndReplace" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150c, Retryable:No
Atomically replaces the assigned value of the given key by the specified value using a custom
javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy and returns the previously assigned value. If the cache is configured for
write-through operation mode, the underlying configured javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter might be called to
store the value of the key to any kind of external resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose value is replaced. |
value | byte-array | No | The new value to be associated with the specified key. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | Expiry policy for the entry. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy interface. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The old value previously assigned to the given key.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"GetConfig" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150d, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache with prefix. |
simpleName | string | No | Name of the cache without prefix. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The cache configuration. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing
javax.cache.configuration.Configuration interface.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Get" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150e, Retryable:Yes
Retrieves the mapped value of the given key using a custom javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy. If no mapping exists
null is returned. If the cache is configured for read-through operation mode, the underlying configured
javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader might be called to retrieve the value of the key from any kind of external resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose mapped value is to be returned. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | Expiry policy for the entry. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy interface. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value assigned to the given key, or null if not assigned.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Iterate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x150f, Retryable:No
The ordering of iteration over entries is undefined. During iteration, any entries that are a). read will have
their appropriate CacheEntryReadListeners notified and b). removed will have their appropriate
CacheEntryRemoveListeners notified. java.util.Iterator#next() may return null if the entry is no longer present,
has expired or has been evicted.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
partitionId | int32 | No | The partition id which owns this cache store. |
tableIndex | int32 | No | The slot number (or index) to start the iterator |
batch | int32 | No | The number of items to be batched |
Response Message Type Id:116
last index processed and list of data
Name | Type | Nullable |
tableIndex | int32 | No |
keys | array of byte-array | No |
"ListenerRegistration" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1510, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
listenerConfig | byte-array | No | The listener configuration. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.configuration.CacheEntryListenerConfiguration |
register | boolean | No | true if the listener is being registered, false if the listener is being unregistered. |
address | Address | No | The address of the member server for which the listener is being registered for. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"LoadAll" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1511, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
keys | array of byte-array | No | the keys to load |
replaceExistingValues | boolean | No | when true existing values in the Cache will be replaced by those loaded from a CacheLoader |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"ManagementConfig" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1512, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
isStat | boolean | No | true if enabling statistics, false if enabling management. |
enabled | boolean | No | true if enabled, false to disable. |
address | Address | No | the address of the host to enable. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"PutIfAbsent" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1513, Retryable:No
Associates the specified key with the given value if and only if there is not yet a mapping defined for the
specified key. If the cache is configured for write-through operation mode, the underlying configured
javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter might be called to store the value of the key to any kind of external resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key that is associated with the specified value. |
value | byte-array | No | The value that has the specified key associated with it. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | The custom expiry policy for this operation. A null value is equivalent to put(Object, Object). |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if a value was set, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Put" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1514, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key that has the specified value associated with it. |
value | byte-array | No | The value to be associated with the key. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | Expiry policy for the entry. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy interface. |
get | boolean | No | boolean flag indicating if the previous value should be retrieved. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The value previously assigned to the given key, or null if not assigned.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"RemoveEntryListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1515, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
registrationId | string | No | The id assigned during the registration for the listener which shall be removed. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the listener is de-registered, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"RemoveInvalidationListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1516, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
registrationId | string | No | The id assigned during the registration for the listener which shall be removed. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if the listener is de-registered, false otherwise
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Remove" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1517, Retryable:No
Atomically removes the mapping for a key only if currently mapped to the given value.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | key whose mapping is to be removed from the cache |
currentValue | byte-array | Yes | value expected to be associated with the specified key. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:101
returns false if there was no matching key
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"Replace" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1518, Retryable:No
Atomically replaces the currently assigned value for the given key with the specified newValue if and only if the
currently assigned value equals the value of oldValue using a custom javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy
If the cache is configured for write-through operation mode, the underlying configured
javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter might be called to store the value of the key to any kind of external resource.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
key | byte-array | No | The key whose value is replaced. |
oldValue | byte-array | Yes | Old value to match if exists before removing. Null means "don't try to remove" |
newValue | byte-array | No | The new value to be associated with the specified key. |
expiryPolicy | byte-array | Yes | Expiry policy for the entry. Byte-array which is serialized from an object implementing javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy interface. |
completionId | int32 | No | User generated id which shall be received as a field of the cache event upon completion of the request in the cluster. |
Response Message Type Id:105
The replaced value.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1519, Retryable:Yes
Total entry count
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache. |
Response Message Type Id:102
total entry count
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int32 | No |
"AddPartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x151a, Retryable:Yes
Adds a CachePartitionLostListener. The addPartitionLostListener returns a registration ID. This ID is needed to remove the
CachePartitionLostListener using the #removePartitionLostListener(String) method. There is no check for duplicate
registrations, so if you register the listener twice, it will get events twice.Listeners registered from
HazelcastClient may miss some of the cache partition lost events due to design limitations.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the cache |
Response Message Type Id:104
returns the registration id for the CachePartitionLostListener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"CachePartitionLost" Event Message
Message Type Id:214
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
partitionId | int32 | No | |
uuid | string | No |
"RemovePartitionLostListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x151b, Retryable:No
Removes the specified cache partition lost listener. Returns silently if there is no such listener added before
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Cache |
registrationId | string | No | ID of registered listener. |
Response Message Type Id:101
true if registration is removed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
XATransactional Object
"ClearRemote" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1601, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
xid | Transaction Id | No | Java XA transaction id as defined in interface javax.transaction.xa.Xid. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"CollectTransactions" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1602, Retryable:No
Header only request message, no message body exist.
Response Message Type Id:113
Array of Xids.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"Finalize" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1603, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
xid | Transaction Id | No | Java XA transaction id as defined in interface javax.transaction.xa.Xid. |
isCommit | boolean | No | If true, the transaction is committed else transaction is rolled back. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Commit" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1604, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
transactionId | string | No | The internal Hazelcast transaction id. |
onePhase | boolean | No | If true, the prepare is also done. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Create" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1605, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
xid | Transaction Id | No | Java XA transaction id as defined in interface javax.transaction.xa.Xid. |
timeout | int64 | No | The timeout in seconds for XA operations such as prepare, commit, rollback. |
Response Message Type Id:104
The transaction unique identifier.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Prepare" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1606, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
transactionId | string | No | The id of the transaction to prepare. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Rollback" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1607, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
transactionId | string | No | The id of the transaction to rollback. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
Transactional Object
"Commit" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1701, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
transactionId | string | No | The internal Hazelcast transaction id. |
threadId | int64 | No | The thread id for the transaction. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
"Create" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1702, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
timeout | int64 | No | The maximum allowed duration for the transaction operations. |
durability | int32 | No | The durability of the transaction |
transactionType | int32 | No | Identifies the type of the transaction. Possible values are: 1 (Two phase): The two phase commit is more than the classic two phase commit (if you want a regular two phase commit, use local). Before it commits, it copies the commit-log to other members, so in case of member failure, another member can complete the commit. 2 (Local): Unlike the name suggests, local is a two phase commit. So first all cohorts are asked to prepare if everyone agrees then all cohorts are asked to commit. The problem happens when during the commit phase one or more members crash, that the system could be left in an inconsistent state. |
threadId | int64 | No | The thread id for the transaction. |
Response Message Type Id:104
The transaction id for the created transaction.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"Rollback" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1703, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
transactionId | string | No | The internal Hazelcast transaction id. |
threadId | int64 | No | The thread id for the transaction. |
Response Message Type Id:100
Header only response message, no message body exist.
EnterpriseMap Object
"PublisherCreateWithValue" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1801, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
mapName | string | No | Name of the map. |
cacheName | string | No | Name of the cache for query cache. |
predicate | byte-array | No | The predicate to filter events which will be applied to the QueryCache. |
batchSize | int32 | No | The size of batch. After reaching this minimum size, node immediately sends buffered events to QueryCache. |
bufferSize | int32 | No | Maximum number of events which can be stored in a buffer of partition. |
delaySeconds | int64 | No | The minimum number of delay seconds which an event waits in the buffer of node. |
populate | boolean | No | Flag to enable/disable initial population of the QueryCache. |
coalesce | boolean | No | Flag to enable/disable coalescing. If true, then only the last updated value for a key is placed in the batch, otherwise all changed values are included in the update. |
Response Message Type Id:114
Array of key-value pairs.
Name | Type | Nullable |
entrySet | array of key-value byte array pair | No |
"PublisherCreate" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1802, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
mapName | string | No | Name of the map. |
cacheName | string | No | Name of query cache. |
predicate | byte-array | No | The predicate to filter events which will be applied to the QueryCache. |
batchSize | int32 | No | The size of batch. After reaching this minimum size, node immediately sends buffered events to QueryCache. |
bufferSize | int32 | No | Maximum number of events which can be stored in a buffer of partition. |
delaySeconds | int64 | No | The minimum number of delay seconds which an event waits in the buffer of node. |
populate | boolean | No | Flag to enable/disable initial population of the QueryCache. |
coalesce | boolean | No | Flag to enable/disable coalescing. If true, then only the last updated value for a key is placed in the batch, otherwise all changed values are included in the update. |
Response Message Type Id:113
Array of keys.
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | array of byte-array | No |
"MadePublishable" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1803, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
mapName | string | No | Name of the map. |
cacheName | string | No | Name of query cache. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if successfully set as publishable, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"AddListener" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1804, Retryable:Yes
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
listenerName | string | No | Name of the MapListener which will be used to listen this QueryCache |
Response Message Type Id:104
Registration id for the listener.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | string | No |
"QueryCacheSingle" Event Message
Message Type Id:212
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
data | Query Cache Event Data | No | Query cache map event data. |
"QueryCacheBatch" Event Message
Message Type Id:213
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
events | array of Query Cache Event Data | No | Array of query cache events |
source | string | No | Source of the event. |
partitionId | int32 | No | The partition id for the query cache. |
"SetReadCursor" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1805, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
mapName | string | No | Name of the map. |
cacheName | string | No | Name of query cache. |
sequence | int64 | No | The cursor position of the accumulator to be set. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if the cursor position could be set, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
"DestroyCache" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1806, Retryable:No
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
mapName | string | No | Name of the map. |
cacheName | string | No | Name of query cache. |
Response Message Type Id:101
True if all cache is destroyed, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | boolean | No |
Note: All operation defined for the Map Object can also be executed against the EnterpriseMap Object.
Ringbuffer Object
"Size" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1901, Retryable:No
Returns number of items in the ringbuffer. If no ttl is set, the size will always be equal to capacity after the
head completed the first looparound the ring. This is because no items are getting retired.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
Response Message Type Id:103
the size
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"TailSequence" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1902, Retryable:No
Returns the sequence of the tail. The tail is the side of the ringbuffer where the items are added to.
The initial value of the tail is -1.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
Response Message Type Id:103
the sequence of the tail
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"HeadSequence" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1903, Retryable:No
Returns the sequence of the head. The head is the side of the ringbuffer where the oldest items in the ringbuffer
are found. If the RingBuffer is empty, the head will be one more than the tail.
The initial value of the head is 0 (1 more than tail).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
Response Message Type Id:103
the sequence of the head
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"Capacity" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1904, Retryable:No
Returns the capacity of this Ringbuffer.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
Response Message Type Id:103
the capacity
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"RemainingCapacity" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1905, Retryable:No
Returns the remaining capacity of the ringbuffer. The returned value could be stale as soon as it is returned.
If ttl is not set, the remaining capacity will always be the capacity.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
Response Message Type Id:103
the remaining capacity
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"Add" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1906, Retryable:No
Adds an item to the tail of the Ringbuffer. If there is no space in the Ringbuffer, the add will overwrite the oldest
item in the ringbuffer no matter what the ttl is. For more control on this behavior, check the
addAsync(Object, OverflowPolicy) and the OverflowPolicy. The returned value is the sequence of the added item.
Using this sequence you can read the added item.
This sequence will always be unique for this Ringbuffer instance so it can be used as a unique id generator if you are
publishing items on this Ringbuffer. However you need to take care of correctly determining an initial id when any node
uses the ringbuffer for the first time. The most reliable way to do that is to write a dummy item into the ringbuffer and
use the returned sequence as initial id. On the reading side, this dummy item should be discard. Please keep in mind that
this id is not the sequence of the item you are about to publish but from a previously published item. So it can't be used
to find that item.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
overflowPolicy | int32 | No | the OverflowPolicy to use. |
value | byte-array | No | to item to add |
Response Message Type Id:103
the sequence of the added item.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"AddAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1907, Retryable:No
Asynchronously writes an item with a configurable OverflowPolicy. If there is space in the ringbuffer, the call
will return the sequence of the written item. If there is no space, it depends on the overflow policy what happens:
OverflowPolicy OVERWRITE we just overwrite the oldest item in the ringbuffer and we violate the ttl
OverflowPolicy FAIL we return -1. The reason that FAIL exist is to give the opportunity to obey the ttl. If
blocking behavior is required, this can be implemented using retrying in combination with a exponential backoff.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
overflowPolicy | int32 | No | the OveflowPolicy to use |
value | byte-array | No | to item to add |
Response Message Type Id:103
the sequenceId of the added item, or -1 if the add failed.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"ReadOne" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1908, Retryable:No
Reads one item from the Ringbuffer. If the sequence is one beyond the current tail, this call blocks until an
item is added. This method is not destructive unlike e.g. a queue.take. So the same item can be read by multiple
readers or it can be read multiple times by the same reader. Currently it isn't possible to control how long this
call is going to block. In the future we could add e.g. tryReadOne(long sequence, long timeout, TimeUnit unit).
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
sequence | int64 | No | the sequence of the item to read. |
Response Message Type Id:105
the read item
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | byte-array | Yes |
"AddAllAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x1909, Retryable:No
Adds all the items of a collection to the tail of the Ringbuffer. A addAll is likely to outperform multiple calls
to add(Object) due to better io utilization and a reduced number of executed operations. If the batch is empty,
the call is ignored. When the collection is not empty, the content is copied into a different data-structure.
This means that: after this call completes, the collection can be re-used. the collection doesn't need to be serializable.
If the collection is larger than the capacity of the ringbuffer, then the items that were written first will be
overwritten. Therefor this call will not block. The items are inserted in the order of the Iterator of the collection.
If an addAll is executed concurrently with an add or addAll, no guarantee is given that items are contiguous.
The result of the future contains the sequenceId of the last written item
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
valueList | array of byte-array | No | the batch of items to add |
overflowPolicy | int32 | No | the overflowPolicy to use |
Response Message Type Id:103
the ICompletableFuture to synchronize on completion.
Name | Type | Nullable |
response | int64 | No |
"ReadManyAsync" Operation
Request Message Type Id:0x190a, Retryable:No
Reads a batch of items from the Ringbuffer. If the number of available items after the first read item is smaller
than the maxCount, these items are returned. So it could be the number of items read is smaller than the maxCount.
If there are less items available than minCount, then this call blacks. Reading a batch of items is likely to
perform better because less overhead is involved. A filter can be provided to only select items that need to be read.
If the filter is null, all items are read. If the filter is not null, only items where the filter function returns
true are returned. Using filters is a good way to prevent getting items that are of no value to the receiver.
This reduces the amount of IO and the number of operations being executed, and can result in a significant performance improvement.
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
name | string | No | Name of the Ringbuffer |
startSequence | int64 | No | the startSequence of the first item to read |
minCount | int32 | No | the minimum number of items to read. |
maxCount | int32 | No | the maximum number of items to read. |
filter | byte-array | Yes | Filter is allowed to be null, indicating there is no filter. |
Response Message Type Id:115
a future containing the items read.
Name | Type | Nullable |
readCount | int32 | No |
items | array of byte-array | No |