Interface PartitionService

public interface PartitionService
PartitionService allows you to query Partitions and attach/detach MigrationListeners to listen to partition migration events.

The methods on the PartitionService are thread-safe.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPartitions

      Set<Partition> getPartitions()
      Returns a set containing all the Partitions in the cluster.
      all partitions in the cluster
    • getPartition

      Partition getPartition(@Nonnull Object key)
      Returns the partition that the given key belongs to.
      key - the given key
      the partition that the given key belongs to
    • addMigrationListener

      UUID addMigrationListener(MigrationListener migrationListener)
      Adds a MigrationListener.

      The addMigrationListener returns a register ID. This ID is needed to remove the MigrationListener using the removeMigrationListener(UUID) method.

      There is no check for duplicate registrations, so if you register the listener twice, it will get events twice.

      migrationListener - the added MigrationListener
      returns the registration ID for the MigrationListener
      NullPointerException - if migrationListener is null
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this operation isn't supported. For example on the client side it isn't possible to add a MigrationListener
      See Also:
    • removeMigrationListener

      boolean removeMigrationListener(UUID registrationId)
      Removes a MigrationListener.

      If the same MigrationListener is registered multiple times, it needs to be removed multiple times.

      This method can safely be called multiple times for the same registration ID; every subsequent call is just ignored.

      registrationId - the registration ID of the listener to remove
      true if the listener is removed, false otherwise
      NullPointerException - if registration ID is null
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this operation isn't supported, e.g. on the client side it isn't possible to add/remove a MigrationListener
      See Also:
    • addPartitionLostListener

      UUID addPartitionLostListener(PartitionLostListener partitionLostListener)
      Adds a PartitionLostListener.

      The addPartitionLostListener returns a registration ID. This ID is needed to remove the PartitionLostListener using the removePartitionLostListener(UUID) method.

      There is no check for duplicate registrations, so if you register the listener twice, it will get events twice. IMPORTANT: Please @see com.hazelcast.partition.PartitionLostListener for weaknesses

      partitionLostListener - the added PartitionLostListener
      returns the registration ID for the PartitionLostListener
      NullPointerException - if partitionLostListener is null
      See Also:
    • removePartitionLostListener

      boolean removePartitionLostListener(UUID registrationId)
      Removes a PartitionLostListener.

      If the same PartitionLostListener is registered multiple times, it needs to be removed multiple times.

      This method can safely be called multiple times for the same registration ID; every subsequent call is just ignored.

      registrationId - the registration ID of the listener to remove
      true if the listener is removed, false otherwise
      NullPointerException - if registration ID is null
      See Also: