C++ Client

You can use Native C++ Client to connect to Hazelcast nodes and perform almost all operations that a node can perform. Clients differ from nodes in that clients do not hold data. The C++ Client is by default a smart client, i.e. it knows where the data is and asks directly for the correct node. You can disable this feature (using the ClientConfig::setSmart method) if you do not want the clients to connect to every node.

The features of C++ Clients are:

  • Access to distributed data structures (IMap, IQueue, MultiMap, ITopic, etc.).
  • Access to transactional distributed data structures (TransactionalMap, TransactionalQueue, etc.).
  • Ability to add cluster listeners to a cluster and entry/item listeners to distributed data structures.
  • Distributed synchronization mechanisms with ILock, ISemaphore and ICountDownLatch.

How to Setup

Hazelcast C++ Client is shipped with 32/64 bit, shared and static libraries. You only need to include the boost shared_ptr.hpp header in your compilation since the API makes use of the boost shared_ptr.

The downloaded release folder consists of:

  • Mac_64/
  • Windows_32/
  • Windows_64/
  • Linux_32/
  • Linux_64/
  • docs/ (HTML Doxygen documents are here)

Each of the folders above contains the following:

  • examples/

    • testApp.exe => example command line client tool to connect hazelcast servers.
    • TestApp.cpp => code of the example command line tool.
  • hazelcast/

    • lib/ => Contains both shared and static library of hazelcast.
    • include/ => Contains headers of client.
  • external/

    • include/ => Contains headers of dependencies. (boost::shared_ptr)

Platform Specific Installation Guides

The C++ Client is tested on Linux 32/64-bit, Mac 64-bit and Windows 32/64-bit machines. For each of the headers above, it is assumed that you are in the correct folder for your platform. Folders are Mac_64, Windows_32, Windows_64, Linux_32 or Linux_64.


For Linux, there are two distributions: 32 bit and 64 bit.

Here is an example script to build with static library:

g++ main.cpp -pthread -I./external/include -I./hazelcast/include ./hazelcast/lib/static/libHazelcastClientStatic_64.a

Here is an example script to build with shared library:

g++ main.cpp -lpthread -Wl,–no-as-needed -lrt -I./external/include -I./hazelcast/include -L./hazelcast/lib/shared -lHazelcastClientShared_64


For Mac, there is one distribution: 64 bit.

Here is an example script to build with static library:

g++ main.cpp -I./external/include -I./hazelcast/include ./hazelcast/lib/static/libHazelcastClientStatic_64.a

Here is an example script to build with shared library:

g++ main.cpp -I./external/include -I./hazelcast/include -L./hazelcast/lib/shared -lHazelcastClientShared_6


For Windows, there are two distributions; 32 bit and 64 bit.

Code Examples

A Hazelcast node should be running to make the code examples work.

image NOTE: The license key should be provided in the configuration as config->getGroupConfig().setLicenseKey(PROVIDED_ENTERPRISE_KEY);

Map Example

#include <hazelcast/client/HazelcastAll.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace hazelcast::client;

int main() {
  ClientConfig clientConfig;
  Address address( "localhost", 5701 );
  clientConfig.addAddress( address );

  HazelcastClient hazelcastClient( clientConfig );

  IMap<int,int> myMap = hazelcastClient.getMap<int ,int>( "myIntMap" );
  myMap.put( 1,3 );
  boost::shared_ptr<int> value = myMap.get( 1 );
  if( value.get() != NULL ) {
    //process the item

  return 0;

Queue Example

#include <hazelcast/client/HazelcastAll.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace hazelcast::client;

int main() {
  ClientConfig clientConfig;
  Address address( "localhost", 5701 );
  clientConfig.addAddress( address );

  HazelcastClient hazelcastClient( clientConfig );

  IQueue<std::string> queue = hazelcastClient.getQueue<std::string>( "q" );
  queue.offer( "sample" );
  boost::shared_ptr<std::string> value = queue.poll();
  if( value.get() != NULL ) {
    //process the item
  return 0;

Entry Listener Example

#include "hazelcast/client/ClientConfig.h"
#include "hazelcast/client/EntryEvent.h"
#include "hazelcast/client/IMap.h"
#include "hazelcast/client/Address.h"
#include "hazelcast/client/HazelcastClient.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace hazelcast::client;

class SampleEntryListener {

  void entryAdded( EntryEvent<std::string, std::string> &event ) {
    std::cout << "entry added " <<  event.getKey() << " "
        << event.getValue() << std::endl;

  void entryRemoved( EntryEvent<std::string, std::string> &event ) {
    std::cout << "entry added " <<  event.getKey() << " " 
        << event.getValue() << std::endl;

  void entryUpdated( EntryEvent<std::string, std::string> &event ) {
    std::cout << "entry added " <<  event.getKey() << " " 
        << event.getValue() << std::endl;

  void entryEvicted( EntryEvent<std::string, std::string> &event ) {
    std::cout << "entry added " <<  event.getKey() << " " 
        << event.getValue() << std::endl;

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
  ClientConfig clientConfig;
  Address address( "localhost", 5701 );
  clientConfig.addAddress( address );

  HazelcastClient hazelcastClient( clientConfig );

  IMap<std::string,std::string> myMap = hazelcastClient
      .getMap<std::string ,std::string>( "myIntMap" );
  SampleEntryListener *  listener = new SampleEntryListener();

  std::string id = myMap.addEntryListener( *listener, true );
  // Prints entryAdded
  myMap.put( "key1", "value1" );
  // Prints updated
  myMap.put( "key1", "value2" );
  // Prints entryRemoved
  myMap.remove( "key1" );
  // Prints entryEvicted after 1 second
  myMap.put( "key2", "value2", 1000 );

  // WARNING: deleting listener before removing it from hazelcast leads to crashes.
  myMap.removeEntryListener( id );
  // Delete listener after remove it from hazelcast.
  delete listener;
  return 0;

Serialization Example

Assume that you have the following two classes in Java and you want to use them with a C++ client.

class Foo implements Serializable {
  private int age;
  private String name;

class Bar implements Serializable {
  private float x;
  private float y;

First, let them implement Portable or IdentifiedDataSerializable as shown below.

class Foo implements Portable {
  private int age;
  private String name;

  public int getFactoryId() {
    // a positive id that you choose
    return 123;

  public int getClassId() {
    // a positive id that you choose
    return 2;     

  public void writePortable( PortableWriter writer ) throws IOException {
    writer.writeUTF( "n", name );
    writer.writeInt( "a", age );

  public void readPortable( PortableReader reader ) throws IOException {
    name = reader.readUTF( "n" );
    age = reader.readInt( "a" );

class Bar implements IdentifiedDataSerializable {
  private float x;
  private float y;

  public int getFactoryId() {
    // a positive id that you choose
    return 4;     

  public int getId() {
    // a positive id that you choose
    return 5;    

  public void writeData( ObjectDataOutput out ) throws IOException {
    out.writeFloat( x );
    out.writeFloat( y );

  public void readData( ObjectDataInput in ) throws IOException {
    x = in.readFloat();
    y = in.readFloat();

Then, implement the corresponding classes in C++ with same factory and class ID as shown below.

class Foo : public Portable {
  int getFactoryId() const {
    return 123;

  int getClassId() const {
    return 2;

  void writePortable( serialization::PortableWriter &writer ) const {
    writer.writeUTF( "n", name );
    writer.writeInt( "a", age );

  void readPortable( serialization::PortableReader &reader ) {
    name = reader.readUTF( "n" );
    age = reader.readInt( "a" );

  int age;
  std::string name;

class Bar : public IdentifiedDataSerializable {
  int getFactoryId() const {
    return 4;

  int getClassId() const {
    return 2;

  void writeData( serialization::ObjectDataOutput& out ) const {

  void readData( serialization::ObjectDataInput& in ) {
    x = in.readFloat();
    y = in.readFloat();

  float x;
  float y;

Now, you can use the classes Foo and Bar in distributed structures. For example, use as Key or Value of IMap or as an Item in IQueue.