This manual is for an old version of Hazelcast Management Center, use the latest stable version.

image NOTE: This toolbar item is available only to admin users.

The admin user can see and change the cluster state and shut down the cluster using the operations listed in this screen as shown below.

Cluster State Operations

Cluster States:

  • Active: Cluster will continue to operate without any restriction. All operations are allowed. This is the default state of a cluster.

  • Frozen: New members are not allowed to join, except the members left in this state or Passive state. All other operations except migrations are allowed and will operate without any restriction.

  • Passive: New members are not allowed to join, except the members left in this state or Frozen state. All operations, except the ones marked with AllowedDuringPassiveState, will be rejected immediately.

  • In Transition: Shows that the cluster state is in transition. This is a temporary and intermediate state. It is not allowed to set it explicitly.

Changing Cluster State

Changing Cluster state

  • Click the dropdown menu and choose the state to which you want your cluster to change. A pop-up will appear and stay on the screen until the state is successfully changed.

Waiting the State Change

Shutting Down the Cluster

  • Click the Shutdown button. A pop-up will appear and stay on screen until the cluster is successfully shutdown.

Shutdown Cluster

If an exception occurs during the state change or shutdown operation on the cluster, this exception message will be shown on the screen as a notification.