Packages that use MapEntry | |
com.hazelcast.core | |
com.hazelcast.jmx | The com.hazelcast.jmx package contains MBeans and a ManagementService for JMX management JMX support in Hazelcast. |
com.hazelcast.merge | |
com.hazelcast.query |
Uses of MapEntry in com.hazelcast.core |
Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return MapEntry | |
MapEntry<K,V> |
IMap.getMapEntry(K key)
Returns the MapEntry for the specified key. |
Uses of MapEntry in com.hazelcast.jmx |
Methods in com.hazelcast.jmx that return MapEntry | |
protected MapEntry |
Uses of MapEntry in com.hazelcast.merge |
Methods in com.hazelcast.merge with parameters of type MapEntry | |
Object |
AddNewEntryMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
AddNewEntryMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
HigherHitsMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
HigherHitsMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
LatestUpdateMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
LatestUpdateMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
MergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Returns the value of the entry after the merge of entries with the same key. |
Object |
MergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Returns the value of the entry after the merge of entries with the same key. |
Object |
PassThroughMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Object |
PassThroughMergePolicy.merge(String mapName,
MapEntry mergingEntry,
MapEntry existingEntry)
Uses of MapEntry in com.hazelcast.query |
Methods in com.hazelcast.query that return types with arguments of type MapEntry | |
Set<MapEntry> |
MapIndexService.doQuery(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
IndexAwarePredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
PredicateBuilder.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.GreaterLessPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.BetweenPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.NotEqualPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.InPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.EqualPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Predicates.AndOrPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
SqlPredicate.filter(QueryContext queryContext)
Set<MapEntry> |
Index.getRecords(Long value)
Set<MapEntry> |
IndexStore.getRecords(Long value)
Set<MapEntry> |
SortedIndexStore.getRecords(Long value)
Set<MapEntry> |
UnsortedIndexStore.getRecords(Long value)
Set<MapEntry> |
Index.getRecords(Set<Long> uniqueValues)
Set<MapEntry> |
Index.getSubRecords(boolean equal,
boolean lessThan,
Long searchedValue)
Set<MapEntry> |
Index.getSubRecordsBetween(Long from,
Long to)
Iterator<MapEntry> |
Iterator<MapEntry> |
Methods in com.hazelcast.query with parameters of type MapEntry | |
boolean |
MultiResultSet.add(MapEntry obj)
boolean |
PredicateBuilder.apply(MapEntry mapEntry)
boolean |
Predicates.BetweenPredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.NotEqualPredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.NotPredicate.apply(MapEntry mapEntry)
boolean |
Predicates.InPredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.RegexPredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.LikePredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.EqualPredicate.apply(MapEntry entry)
boolean |
Predicates.AndOrPredicate.apply(MapEntry mapEntry)
boolean |
SqlPredicate.apply(MapEntry mapEntry)
boolean |
Predicate.apply(MapEntry<K,V> mapEntry)