Package com.hazelcast.jmx

The com.hazelcast.jmx package contains MBeans and a ManagementService for JMX management JMX support in Hazelcast.

See: Description

Package com.hazelcast.jmx Description

The com.hazelcast.jmx package contains MBeans and a ManagementService for JMX management JMX support in Hazelcast. The ManagementService is intend to monitoring and debugging Hazelcast applications, not to interact or manage with it.

Use JConsole with Hazelcast

Monitoring applications can have a heavy impact on performance. By design, there are no dependencies from JMX into the core of Hazelcast and the JMX agent is disabled by default. To enable the JMX agent, you must set the system property
when you start the Java virtual machine (JVM). For compatibility reasons, also starting with property will active the JMX agent.

Code usage overview

To create a MBean class, extend AbstractMBean and use annotation to define attributes and operations.

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