- the type of elements maintained by this setpublic interface ISet<E> extends Set<E>, ICollection<E>
Note: This class is not a general-purpose Set
implementation! While this class implements the Set
it intentionally violates Set
's general contract, which mandates the
use of the equals() method when comparing objects. Instead of the
equals method this implementation compares the serialized byte version
of the objects.
Supports Quorum {@link com.hazelcast.config.QuorumConfig} since 3.10 in cluster versions 3.10 and higher.
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, spliterator, toArray, toArray
addItemListener, getName, removeItemListener
parallelStream, removeIf, stream
destroy, getPartitionKey, getServiceName
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