Interface MapStore<K,V>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JPAMapStore, MapStoreAdapter, MongoMapStore

public interface MapStore<K,V>
extends MapLoader<K,V>

Hazelcast distributed map implementation is an in-memory data store but it can be backed by any type of data store such as RDBMS, OODBMS, NOSQL or simply a file based data store.

IMap.put(key, value) normally stores the entry into JVM's memory. If MapStore implementation is provided then Hazelcast will also call the MapStore implementation to store the entry into a user defined storage such as RDBMS or some other external storage system. It is completely up to the user how the key-value will be stored or deleted.

Same goes for IMap.remove(key)

Store implementation can be called synchronously (write-through) or asynchronously (write-behind) depending on the configuration.

Method Summary
 void delete(K key)
          Deletes the entry with a given key from the store.
 void deleteAll(Collection<K> keys)
          Deletes multiple entries from the store.
 void store(K key, V value)
          Stores the key-value pair.
 void storeAll(Map<K,V> map)
          Stores multiple entries.
Methods inherited from interface com.hazelcast.core.MapLoader
load, loadAll, loadAllKeys

Method Detail


void store(K key,
           V value)
Stores the key-value pair. If an exception is thrown then the put operation will fail.

key - key of the entry to store
value - value of the entry to store


void storeAll(Map<K,V> map)
Stores multiple entries. Implementation of this method can optimize the store operation by storing all entries in one database connection for instance. storeAll used when writeDelaySeconds is positive (write-behind). If an exception is thrown the entries will be tried to be stored one by one using store() method.

map - map of entries to store


void delete(K key)
Deletes the entry with a given key from the store. If an exception is thrown the remove operation will fail.

key - key to delete from the store.


void deleteAll(Collection<K> keys)
Deletes multiple entries from the store. If an exception is thrown the entries will be tried to be deleted one by one using delete() method.

keys - keys of the entries to delete.

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