Uses of Interface

Packages that use DistributedObject
com.hazelcast.client This package contains the serverside client functionality 
com.hazelcast.core Provides core API interfaces/classes. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce This package contains the MapReduce API definition for Hazelcast.
All map reduce operations running in a distributed manner inside the active Hazelcast cluster. 
com.hazelcast.spi Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.transaction Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast transaction support. 

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.client

Methods in com.hazelcast.client with type parameters of type DistributedObject
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastClientProxy.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, Object id)
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastClient.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, Object id)
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastClientProxy.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, String name)
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastClient.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, String name)

Methods in com.hazelcast.client that return types with arguments of type DistributedObject
 Collection<DistributedObject> HazelcastClientProxy.getDistributedObjects()
 Collection<DistributedObject> HazelcastClient.getDistributedObjects()

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.client.spi

Classes in com.hazelcast.client.spi that implement DistributedObject
 class ClientProxy

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.spi that return types with arguments of type DistributedObject
 Collection<? extends DistributedObject> ProxyManager.getDistributedObjects()

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.core

Subinterfaces of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.core
 interface AsyncAtomicLong
          A IAtomicLong that exposes its operations using a ICompletableFuture so it can be used in the reactive programming model approach.
 interface AsyncAtomicReference<E>
          A IAtomicReference that exposes its operations using a ICompletableFuture so it can be used in the reactive programming model approach.
 interface BaseMap<K,V>
          Base interface for Hazelcast distributed maps.
 interface BaseMultiMap<K,V>
          Base interface for Hazelcast distributed multi-maps.
 interface BaseQueue<E>
          Base interface for Hazelcast distributed queues.
 interface IAtomicLong
          IAtomicLong is a redundant and highly available distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.
 interface IAtomicReference<E>
          IAtomicReference is a redundant and highly available distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference.
 interface ICollection<E>
          Concurrent, distributed, partitioned, listenable collection.
 interface ICountDownLatch
          ICountDownLatch is a backed-up distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.
 interface IdGenerator
          Cluster-wide unique id generator.
 interface IExecutorService
          Distributed implementation of ExecutorService.
 interface IList<E>
          Concurrent, distributed implementation of List
 interface ILock
          Distributed implementation of Lock.
 interface IMap<K,V>
          Concurrent, distributed, observable and queryable map.
 interface IQueue<E>
          Concurrent, blocking, distributed, observable queue.
 interface ISemaphore
          ISemaphore is a backed-up distributed alternative to the Semaphore.
 interface ISet<E>
          Concurrent, distributed implementation of Set

This class is not a general-purpose Set implementation! While this class implements the Set interface, it intentionally violates Set's general contract, which mandates the use of the equals method when comparing objects.

 interface ITopic<E>

Hazelcast provides distribution mechanism for publishing messages that are delivered to multiple subscribers which is also known as publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging model.

 interface MultiMap<K,V>
          A specialized map whose keys can be associated with multiple values.
 interface TransactionalList<E>
          Transactional implementation of IList.
 interface TransactionalMap<K,V>
          Transactional implementation of BaseMap.
 interface TransactionalMultiMap<K,V>
          Transactional implementation of BaseMultiMap.
 interface TransactionalQueue<E>
          Transactional implementation of BaseQueue.
 interface TransactionalSet<E>
          Transactional implementation of ISet.

Methods in com.hazelcast.core with type parameters of type DistributedObject
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastInstance.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, Object id)
          Deprecated. use HazelcastInstance.getDistributedObject(String, String) instead.
<T extends DistributedObject>
HazelcastInstance.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, String name)

Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return DistributedObject
 DistributedObject DistributedObjectEvent.getDistributedObject()
          Returns DistributedObject instance

Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return types with arguments of type DistributedObject
 Collection<DistributedObject> HazelcastInstance.getDistributedObjects()
          Returns all DistributedObject's such as; queue, map, set, list, topic, lock, multimap.

Constructors in com.hazelcast.core with parameters of type DistributedObject
DistributedObjectEvent(DistributedObjectEvent.EventType eventType, String serviceName, DistributedObject distributedObject)

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.mapreduce

Subinterfaces of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.mapreduce
 interface JobTracker
           The JobTracker interface is used to create instances of Jobs depending on the given data structure / data source.

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.spi

Classes in com.hazelcast.spi that implement DistributedObject
 class AbstractDistributedObject<S extends RemoteService>

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi that return DistributedObject
 DistributedObject RemoteService.createDistributedObject(String objectName)
 DistributedObject ProxyService.getDistributedObject(String serviceName, String objectId)

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi that return types with arguments of type DistributedObject
 Collection<DistributedObject> ProxyService.getAllDistributedObjects()
 Collection<DistributedObject> ProxyService.getDistributedObjects(String serviceName)

Uses of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.transaction

Subinterfaces of DistributedObject in com.hazelcast.transaction
 interface TransactionalObject
          Marker interface for all transactional distributed objects.

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