Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExecutionCallback
com.hazelcast.core Provides core API interfaces/classes. 

Uses of ExecutionCallback in com.hazelcast.core

Methods in com.hazelcast.core with parameters of type ExecutionCallback
 void ICompletableFuture.andThen(ExecutionCallback<V> callback)
 void ICompletableFuture.andThen(ExecutionCallback<V> callback, Executor executor)
<T> void
IExecutorService.submit(Callable<T> task, ExecutionCallback<T> callback)
          Submits task to a random member.
<T> void
IExecutorService.submit(Callable<T> task, MemberSelector memberSelector, ExecutionCallback<T> callback)
          Submits task to a randomly selected member.
 void IExecutorService.submit(Runnable task, ExecutionCallback callback)
          Submits task to a random member.
 void IExecutorService.submit(Runnable task, MemberSelector memberSelector, ExecutionCallback callback)
          Submits task to a randomly selected members.
 void IMap.submitToKey(K key, entryProcessor, ExecutionCallback callback)
          Applies the user defined EntryProcessor to the entry mapped by the key with specified ExecutionCallback to listen event status and returns immediately.
<T> void
IExecutorService.submitToKeyOwner(Callable<T> task, Object key, ExecutionCallback<T> callback)
          Submits task to owner of the specified key.
 void IExecutorService.submitToKeyOwner(Runnable task, Object key, ExecutionCallback callback)
          Submits task to owner of the specified key.
<T> void
IExecutorService.submitToMember(Callable<T> task, Member member, ExecutionCallback<T> callback)
          Submits task to the specified member.
 void IExecutorService.submitToMember(Runnable task, Member member, ExecutionCallback callback)
          Submits task to the specified member.

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