Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISemaphore
com.hazelcast.client This package contains the serverside client functionality 
com.hazelcast.core Provides core API interfaces/classes. 
com.hazelcast.jmx Contains Hazelcast MBean classes. 

Uses of ISemaphore in com.hazelcast.client

Methods in com.hazelcast.client that return ISemaphore
 ISemaphore HazelcastClientProxy.getSemaphore(String name)
 ISemaphore HazelcastClient.getSemaphore(String name)

Uses of ISemaphore in com.hazelcast.core

Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return ISemaphore
 ISemaphore HazelcastInstance.getSemaphore(String name)
          Creates cluster-wide semaphore.

Uses of ISemaphore in com.hazelcast.jmx

Constructors in com.hazelcast.jmx with parameters of type ISemaphore
SemaphoreMBean(ISemaphore managedObject, ManagementService service)

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