public final class SourceProcessors extends Object
package-level documentation
.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
convenientSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism,
boolean isBatch,
Permission permission)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
convenientTimestampedSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readCacheP(String cacheName)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.cache(String) . |
static <R> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readFilesP(String directory,
Charset charset,
String glob,
boolean sharedFileSystem,
BiFunctionEx<? super String,? super String,? extends R> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String) . |
static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readFilesP(String directory,
String glob,
boolean sharedFileSystem,
boolean ignoreFileNotFound,
FunctionEx<? super Path,? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
to read local files. |
static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readFilesP(String directory,
String glob,
boolean sharedFileSystem,
FunctionEx<? super Path,? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readJdbcP(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn,
FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
DataLinkRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readJdbcP(String connectionURL,
String query,
FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.jdbc(String, String, FunctionEx) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readJdbcP(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn,
ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn,
FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx) . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readListP(String listName)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.list(String) . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readMapP(String mapName)
Returns a supplier of processors for . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readMapP(String mapName,
Predicate<K,V> predicate,
Projection<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,? extends T> projection)
Returns a supplier of processors for, Predicate, Projection) . |
static ProcessorSupplier |
readRemoteCacheP(String cacheName,
ClientConfig clientConfig)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteCache(String, ClientConfig) . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
readRemoteListP(String listName,
ClientConfig clientConfig)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteList(String, ClientConfig) . |
static ProcessorSupplier |
readRemoteMapP(String mapName,
ClientConfig clientConfig)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorSupplier |
readRemoteMapP(String mapName,
ClientConfig clientConfig,
Predicate<K,V> predicate,
Projection<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,? extends T> projection)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, Predicate, Projection) . |
static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamCacheP(String cacheName,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamCacheP(String cacheName,
PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>> predicateFn,
FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx) . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamFilesP(String watchedDirectory,
Charset charset,
String glob,
boolean sharedFileSystem,
BiFunctionEx<? super String,? super String,?> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamJmsQueueP(String destination,
ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Session,? extends javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,?> messageIdFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,? extends T> projectionFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.ConnectionFactory>) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamJmsTopicP(String destination,
boolean isSharedConsumer,
ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Session,? extends javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,?> messageIdFn,
FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,? extends T> projectionFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.ConnectionFactory>) . |
static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamMapP(String mapName,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition) )}. |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamMapP(String mapName,
PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>> predicateFn,
FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx) . |
static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamRemoteCacheP(String cacheName,
ClientConfig clientConfig,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamRemoteCacheP(String cacheName,
ClientConfig clientConfig,
PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>> predicateFn,
FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx) . |
static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamRemoteMapP(String mapName,
ClientConfig clientConfig,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamRemoteMapP(String mapName,
ClientConfig clientConfig,
PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>> predicateFn,
FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx) . |
static ProcessorMetaSupplier |
streamSocketP(String host,
int port,
Charset charset)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sources.socket(String, int, Charset) . |
@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier readMapP(@Nonnull String mapName)
.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier readMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull Predicate<K,V> predicate, @Nonnull Projection<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,? extends T> projection), Predicate, Projection)
.@Nonnull public static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition)
)}.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>> predicateFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorSupplier readRemoteMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig)
Sources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig)
.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorSupplier readRemoteMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig, @Nonnull Predicate<K,V> predicate, @Nonnull Projection<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,? extends T> projection)
Sources.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, Predicate, Projection)
.@Nonnull public static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamRemoteMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition)
.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamRemoteMapP(@Nonnull String mapName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig, @Nonnull PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>> predicateFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier readCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName)
.@Nonnull public static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition)
.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName, @Nonnull PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>> predicateFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorSupplier readRemoteCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig)
Sources.remoteCache(String, ClientConfig)
.@Nonnull public static <K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamRemoteCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition)
.@Nonnull public static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamRemoteCacheP(@Nonnull String cacheName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig, @Nonnull PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>> predicateFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn, @Nonnull JournalInitialPosition initialPos, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy)
Sources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier readListP(@Nonnull String listName)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier readRemoteListP(@Nonnull String listName, @Nonnull ClientConfig clientConfig)
Sources.remoteList(String, ClientConfig)
.@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier streamSocketP(@Nonnull String host, int port, @Nonnull Charset charset)
Sources.socket(String, int, Charset)
.@Nonnull public static <R> ProcessorMetaSupplier readFilesP(@Nonnull String directory, @Nonnull Charset charset, @Nonnull String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, @Nonnull BiFunctionEx<? super String,? super String,? extends R> mapOutputFn)
for more details.@Nonnull public static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier readFilesP(@Nonnull String directory, @Nonnull String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super Path,? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn)
for more details.@Nonnull public static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier readFilesP(@Nonnull String directory, @Nonnull String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, boolean ignoreFileNotFound, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super Path,? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn)
to read local files.@Nonnull public static ProcessorMetaSupplier streamFilesP(@Nonnull String watchedDirectory, @Nonnull Charset charset, @Nonnull String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, @Nonnull BiFunctionEx<? super String,? super String,?> mapOutputFn)
See FileSourceBuilder.buildWatcher()
for more details.@Nonnull public static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamJmsQueueP(@Nullable String destination, @Nonnull ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, @Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Session,? extends javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,?> messageIdFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,? extends T> projectionFn)
Sources.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
- maximum processing guarantee for the source. You can
use it to disable acknowledging in transactions to save transaction
overhead@Nonnull public static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier streamJmsTopicP(@Nullable String destination, boolean isSharedConsumer, @Nonnull ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, @Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Session,? extends javax.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,?> messageIdFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super javax.jms.Message,? extends T> projectionFn)
Sources.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends javax.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
- true, if createSharedConsumer()
was used to create the
consumer in the consumerFn
- maximum processing guarantee for the source. You can
use it to disable acknowledging in transactions to save transaction
overheadpublic static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier readJdbcP(@Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, @Nonnull ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.public static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier readJdbcP(@Nonnull DataLinkRef dataLinkRef, @Nonnull ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
DataLinkRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.public static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier readJdbcP(@Nonnull String connectionURL, @Nonnull String query, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
Sources.jdbc(String, String, FunctionEx)
.@Nonnull public static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier convenientSourceP(@Nonnull FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn, @Nonnull BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn, @Nonnull BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, @Nonnull ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism, boolean isBatch, @Nullable Permission permission)
. This variant creates a source that
emits items without timestamps.C
- type of the source's context objectT
- type of items the source emitsS
- type of object saved to state snapshotcreateFn
- function that creates the source's context objectfillBufferFn
- function that fills Jet's buffer with items to emitcreateSnapshotFn
- function that returns a snapshot of the context object's staterestoreSnapshotFn
- function that restores the context object's state from a snapshotdestroyFn
- function that cleans up the resources held by the context objectpreferredLocalParallelism
- preferred local parallelism of the source vertex. Special values:
-> use the cluster's
default local parallelism;
0 -> create a single processor for the entire cluster (total parallelism = 1)isBatch
- true, if the fillBufferFn will call buffer.close()
, that is whether
the source reads a bounded or unbounded set of data@Nonnull public static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier convenientTimestampedSourceP(@Nonnull FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn, @Nonnull BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, @Nonnull EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn, @Nonnull BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, @Nonnull ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism)
. This variant creates a source that
emits timestamped events.C
- type of the context objectT
- type of items the source emitsS
- type of the object saved to state snapshotcreateFn
- function that creates the source's context objectfillBufferFn
- function that fills Jet's buffer with items to emiteventTimePolicy
- parameters for watermark generationcreateSnapshotFn
- function that returns a snapshot of the context object's staterestoreSnapshotFn
- function that restores the context object's state from a snapshotdestroyFn
- function that cleans up the resources held by the context objectpreferredLocalParallelism
- preferred local parallelism of the source vertex. Special values:
use the cluster's default local parallelism;
0 -> create a single processor for the entire cluster (total parallelism = 1)Copyright © 2023 Hazelcast, Inc.. All rights reserved.