Hazelcast C++ Client
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hazelcast::client::internal::ClientDelegatingFuture< V > Class Template Reference

The Client Delegating Future is used to delegate ClientInvocationFuture to a user type to be used with. More...

#include <ClientDelegatingFuture.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for hazelcast::client::internal::ClientDelegatingFuture< V >:

Public Member Functions

 ClientDelegatingFuture (const boost::shared_ptr< spi::impl::ClientInvocationFuture > &clientInvocationFuture, serialization::pimpl::SerializationService &serializationService, const boost::shared_ptr< impl::ClientMessageDecoder< V > > &clientMessageDecoder, const boost::shared_ptr< V > &defaultValue)
 ClientDelegatingFuture (const boost::shared_ptr< spi::impl::ClientInvocationFuture > &clientInvocationFuture, serialization::pimpl::SerializationService &serializationService, const boost::shared_ptr< impl::ClientMessageDecoder< V > > &clientMessageDecoder)
virtual void andThen (const boost::shared_ptr< ExecutionCallback< V > > &callback)
virtual void andThen (const boost::shared_ptr< ExecutionCallback< V > > &callback, const boost::shared_ptr< Executor > &executor)
virtual bool cancel (bool mayInterruptIfRunning)
virtual bool isCancelled ()
virtual bool isDone ()
virtual boost::shared_ptr< V > get ()
virtual boost::shared_ptr< V > get (int64_t timeout, const TimeUnit &unit)
virtual boost::shared_ptr< V > join ()
virtual bool complete (const boost::shared_ptr< V > &value)
virtual bool complete (const boost::shared_ptr< exception::IException > &value)

Protected Member Functions

const boost::shared_ptr< spi::impl::ClientInvocationFuture > & getFuture () const

Detailed Description

template<typename V>
class hazelcast::client::internal::ClientDelegatingFuture< V >

The Client Delegating Future is used to delegate ClientInvocationFuture to a user type to be used with.




. It converts ClientMessage coming from ClientInvocationFuture to a user object.

<V>Value type that the user expects

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