Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
▼ hazelcast | |
▼ include | |
▼ hazelcast | |
▼ client | |
► adaptor | |
MapEntryView.h | |
RawPointerList.h | |
RawPointerMap.h | |
RawPointerMultiMap.h | |
RawPointerQueue.h | |
RawPointerSet.h | |
RawPointerTransactionalMap.h | |
RawPointerTransactionalMultiMap.h | |
RawPointerTransactionalQueue.h | |
► aws | |
► security | |
EC2RequestSigner.h | |
► utility | |
AwsURLEncoder.h | |
CloudUtility.h | |
AWSClient.h | |
► config | |
ClientAwsConfig.h | |
ClientNetworkConfig.h | |
EvictionConfig.h | |
EvictionPolicy.h | |
InMemoryFormat.h | |
NearCacheConfig.h | |
NearCacheConfigBase.h | |
ReliableTopicConfig.h | |
SSLConfig.h | |
► exception | |
AuthenticationException.h | |
HazelcastSerializationException.h | |
IClassCastException.h | |
IException.h | |
IllegalArgumentException.h | |
IllegalStateException.h | |
InstanceNotActiveException.h | |
InterruptedException.h | |
IOException.h | |
ProtocolExceptions.h | |
UnexpectedMessageTypeException.h | |
UTFDataFormatException.h | |
► internal | |
► adapter | |
DataStructureAdapter.h | |
IMapDataStructureAdapter.h | |
► eviction | |
Evictable.h | |
EvictableEntryView.h | |
EvictableStore.h | |
EvictionCandidate.h | |
EvictionChecker.h | |
EvictionConfiguration.h | |
EvictionListener.h | |
EvictionPolicyComparator.h | |
EvictionPolicyEvaluator.h | |
EvictionPolicyEvaluatorProvider.h | |
EvictionPolicyType.h | |
EvictionStrategy.h | |
EvictionStrategyProvider.h | |
EvictionStrategyType.h | |
Expirable.h | |
MaxSizeChecker.h | |
► nearcache | |
NearCache.h | |
NearCacheManager.h | |
NearCacheRecord.h | |
► socket | |
SocketFactory.h | |
SSLSocket.h | |
TcpSocket.h | |
► mixedtype | |
ClientMapProxy.h | |
HazelcastClient.h | |
IList.h | |
IMap.h | |
IQueue.h | |
ISet.h | |
ITopic.h | |
MultiMap.h | |
NearCachedClientMapProxy.h | |
Ringbuffer.h | |
► monitor | |
LocalMapStats.h | |
NearCacheStats.h | |
► query | |
AndPredicate.h | |
BetweenPredicate.h | |
EntryComparator.h | |
EqualPredicate.h | |
FalsePredicate.h | |
GreaterLessPredicate.h | |
ILikePredicate.h | |
InPredicate.h | |
InstanceOfPredicate.h | |
LikePredicate.h | |
NotEqualPredicate.h | |
NotPredicate.h | |
OrPredicate.h | |
PagingPredicate.h | |
Predicate.h | |
QueryConstants.h | |
RegexPredicate.h | |
SqlPredicate.h | |
TruePredicate.h | |
► serialization | |
ClassDefinition.h | |
ClassDefinitionBuilder.h | |
DataSerializableFactory.h | |
FieldDefinition.h | |
FieldType.h | |
IdentifiedDataSerializable.h | |
ObjectDataInput.h | |
ObjectDataOutput.h | |
Portable.h | |
PortableFactory.h | |
PortableReader.h | |
PortableWriter.h | |
Serializer.h | |
TypeIDS.h | |
VersionedPortable.h | |
Address.h | |
ClientConfig.h | |
ClientProperties.h | |
Cluster.h | |
Credentials.h | |
DataArray.h | |
DistributedObject.h | |
EntryAdapter.h | |
EntryArray.h | |
EntryEvent.h | |
EntryListener.h | |
EntryView.h | |
Future.h | |
GroupConfig.h | |
HazelcastAll.h | |
HazelcastClient.h | |
IAtomicLong.h | |
ICountDownLatch.h | |
IdGenerator.h | |
IDistributedObject.h | |
IList.h | |
ILock.h | |
IMap.h | |
InitialMembershipEvent.h | |
InitialMembershipListener.h | |
IQueue.h | |
ISemaphore.h | |
ISet.h | |
ItemEvent.h | |
ItemListener.h | |
ITopic.h | |
LifecycleEvent.h | |
LifecycleListener.h | |
LoadBalancer.h | |
MapEvent.h | |
Member.h | |
MemberAttributeEvent.h | |
MembershipAdapter.h | |
MembershipEvent.h | |
MembershipListener.h | |
MultiMap.h | |
PartitionAware.h | |
ReliableTopic.h | |
Ringbuffer.h | |
SerializationConfig.h | |
Socket.h | |
SocketInterceptor.h | |
TransactionalList.h | |
TransactionalMap.h | |
TransactionalMultiMap.h | |
TransactionalQueue.h | |
TransactionalSet.h | |
TransactionContext.h | |
TransactionOptions.h | |
TypedData.h | |