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IRingbufferTReadManyAsync Method

Reads a batch of items from the Ringbuffer.

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Core
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.10
Task<IList<T>> ReadManyAsync(
	long startSequence,
	int minCount,
	int maxCount


Type: SystemInt64
the startSequence of the first item to read.
Type: SystemInt32
the minimum number of items to read.
Type: SystemInt32
the maximum number of items to read.

Return Value

Type: TaskIListT
a future containing the items read.
ArgumentException if startSequence is smaller than 0 or if startSequence larger than TailSequence or if minCount smaller than 0 or if minCount larger than maxCount, or if maxCount larger than the capacity of the ringbuffer or if maxCount larger than 1000 (to prevent overload)
Reads a batch of items from the Ringbuffer. If the number of available items after the first read item is smaller than the maxCount, these items are returned. So it could be the number of items read is smaller than the maxCount. If there are less items available than minCount, then this call blocks. Reading a batch of items is likely to perform better because less overhead is involved.
See Also