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IReplicatedMapTKey, TValue Interface

A ReplicatedMap is a map-like data structure with weak consistency and values locally stored on every node of the cluster.

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Core
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.10
public interface IReplicatedMap<TKey, TValue> : IDistributedObject

Type Parameters

the type of keys maintained by this map
the type of mapped values

The IReplicatedMapTKey, TValue type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue)
Adds an entry listener for this map.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, IPredicate)
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, TKey)
Adds the specified entry listener for the specified key.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, IPredicate, TKey)
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map.
Public methodClear
The clear operation wipes data out of the replicated maps.
Public methodContainsKey
Determines whether this map contains an entry for the specified key.
Public methodContainsValue
Determines whether this map contains one or more keys to the specified value
Public methodDestroy
Destroys this object cluster-wide.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodEntrySet
Public methodGet
Returns the value for the specified key, or null if this map does not contain this key.
Public methodGetName
Returns the unique name for this IDistributedObject.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetPartitionKey
Returns the key of partition this IDistributedObject is assigned to.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetServiceName
Returns the service name for this object.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodIsEmpty
Returns true if this map contains no entries.
Public methodKeySet
Returns a set clone of the keys contained in this map.
Public methodPut(TKey, TValue)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
Public methodPut(TKey, TValue, Int64, TimeUnit)
Associates a given value to the specified key and replicates it to the cluster. If there is an old value, it will be replaced by the specified one and returned from the call.
Public methodPutAll
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map
Public methodRemove
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
Public methodRemoveEntryListener
Removes the specified entry listener.
Public methodSize
Returns the number of entries in this map.
Public methodValues
Returns a collection clone of the values contained in this map.

Whenever a value is written asynchronously, the new value will be internally distributed to all existing cluster members, and eventually every node will have the new value.

When a new node joins the cluster, the new node initially will request existing values from older nodes and replicate them locally.

See Also