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IPNCounter Interface

PN (Positive-Negative) CRDT counter.

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Core
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.11
public interface IPNCounter : IDistributedObject

The IPNCounter type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAndGet
Adds the given value to the current value
Public methodDecrementAndGet
Decrements by one the current value.
Public methodDestroy
Destroys this object cluster-wide.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGet
Returns the current value of the counter.
Public methodGetAndAdd
Adds the given value to the current value.
Public methodGetAndDecrement
Decrements by one the current value.
Public methodGetAndIncrement
Increments by one the current value.
Public methodGetAndSubtract
Subtracts the given value from the current value.
Public methodGetName
Returns the unique name for this IDistributedObject.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetPartitionKey
Returns the key of partition this IDistributedObject is assigned to.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodGetServiceName
Returns the service name for this object.
(Inherited from IDistributedObject.)
Public methodIncrementAndGet
Increments by one the current value.
Public methodReset
Resets the observed state by this PN counter. This method may be used after a method invocation has thrown a ConsistencyLostException to reset the proxy and to be able to start a new session.
Public methodSubtractAndGet
Subtracts the given value from the current value.
The counter supports adding and subtracting values as well as retrieving the current counter value. Each replica of this counter can perform operations locally without coordination with the other replicas, thus increasing availability. The counter guarantees that whenever two nodes have received the same set of updates, possibly in a different order, their state is identical, and any conflicting updates are merged automatically. If no new updates are made to the shared state, all nodes that can communicate will eventually have the same data. The updates to this counter are applied locally when invoked on a CRDT replica. A replica can be any hazelcast instance which is not a client or a lite member. The number of replicas in the cluster is determined by the PNCounterConfig configuration value. When invoking updates from non-replica instance, the invocation is remote. This may lead to indeterminate state - the update may be applied but the response has not been received. In this case, the caller will be notified with a TargetDisconnectedException when invoking from a client. The read and write methods provide monotonic read and RYW(read - your - write) guarantees. These guarantees are session guarantees which means that if no replica with the previously observed state is reachable, the session guarantees are lost and the method invocation will throw a ConsistencyLostException. This does not mean that an update is lost.All of the updates are part of some replica and will be eventually reflected in the state of all other replicas. This exception just means that you cannot observe your own writes because all replicas that contain your updates are currently unreachable. After you have received a ConsistencyLostException, you can either wait for a sufficiently up - to - date replica to become reachable in which case the session can be continued or you can reset the session by calling the Reset method. If you have called the Reset method, a new session is started with the next invocation to a CRDT replica. NOTE: The CRDT state is kept entirely on non-lite(data) members. If there aren't any and the methods here are invoked on a lite member, they will fail with an NoDataMemberInClusterException
See Also