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IMapTKey, TValueAddEntryListener Method

Overload List
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, Boolean) Obsolete.
Adds an entry listener for this map.
Public methodAddEntryListener(MapListener, Boolean)
Adds a MapListener for this map.To receive an event, you should implement a corresponding MapListener sub-interface for that event.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, IPredicate, Boolean) Obsolete.
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, TKey, Boolean) Obsolete.
Adds the specified entry listener for the specified key.
Public methodAddEntryListener(MapListener, IPredicate, Boolean)
Adds a MapListener for this map.To receive an event, you should implement a corresponding MapListener sub-interface for that event.
Public methodAddEntryListener(MapListener, TKey, Boolean)
Adds a MapListener for the specified key, you should implement a corresponding MapListener sub-interface for that event.
Public methodAddEntryListener(IEntryListenerTKey, TValue, IPredicate, TKey, Boolean) Obsolete.
Adds an continuous entry listener for this map.
Public methodAddEntryListener(MapListener, IPredicate, TKey, Boolean)
Adds a MapListener for the specified key, you should implement a corresponding MapListener sub-interface for that event.
See Also