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HazelcastClient Class

Hazelcast Client enables you to do all Hazelcast operations without being a member of the cluster.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Client
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.12.1
public sealed class HazelcastClient : IHazelcastInstance

The HazelcastClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddDistributedObjectListener
Adds a Distributed Object listener which will be notified when a new IDistributedObject will be created or destroyed.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetAllHazelcastClients
Gets all Hazelcast clients.
Public methodGetAtomicLong
Creates cluster-wide atomic long.
Public methodGetClientService
Returns the client service of this Hazelcast instance.
Public methodGetCluster
Returns the ICluster that this Hazelcast instance is part of.
Public methodGetCountDownLatch
Creates cluster-wide CountDownLatch.
Public methodGetDistributedObjectT
Public methodGetDistributedObjects
Returns all IDistributedObject 's such as; queue, map, set, list, topic, lock, multimap.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIdGenerator
Creates cluster-wide unique IDs.
Public methodGetLifecycleService
Returns the lifecycle service for this instance.
Public methodGetListT
Returns the distributed list instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetLoadBalancer
Gets the configured ILoadBalancer instance
Public methodGetLocalEndpoint
Returns the local Endpoint which this IHazelcastInstance is belongs to.
Public methodCode exampleGetLock
Returns the distributed lock instance for the specified key object.
Public methodCode exampleGetMapTKey, TValue
Returns the distributed map instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetMultiMapTKey, TValue
Returns the distributed multimap instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetName
Returns the name of this Hazelcast instance
Public methodGetPartitionService
Not supported yet.
Public methodGetPNCounter
PN (Positive-Negative) CRDT counter.
Public methodGetQueueT
Returns the distributed queue instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetReplicatedMapTKey, TValue
Returns the replicated map instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetRingbufferT
Returns the distributed Ringbuffer instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetSemaphore
Creates cluster-wide semaphore.
Public methodGetSetT
Returns the distributed set instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetTopicT
Returns the distributed topic instance with the specified name.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUserContext
Returns a ConcurrentMap that can be used to add user-context to the IHazelcastInstance.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNewHazelcastClient
Creates a new hazelcast client using default configuration.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNewHazelcastClient(String)
Creates a new hazelcast client using the given configuration xml file
Public methodStatic memberNewHazelcastClient(ClientConfig)
Creates a new hazelcast client using the given configuration object created programmaticly.
Public methodNewTransactionContext
Creates a new ITransactionContext associated with the current thread using default options.
Public methodNewTransactionContext(TransactionOptions)
Creates a new ITransactionContext associated with the current thread with given options.
Public methodRemoveDistributedObjectListener
Removes the specified Distributed Object listener.
Public methodShutdown
Shuts down this IHazelcastInstance.
Public methodStatic memberShutdownAll
Shutdowns all Hazelcast Clients .
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Hazelcast Client enables you to do all Hazelcast operations without being a member of the cluster. It connects to one of the cluster members and delegates all cluster wide operations to it. When the connected cluster member dies, client will automatically switch to another live member.
See Also