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ClientNetworkConfig Methods

The ClientNetworkConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAddress
Adds given addresses to the list of candidate addresses that client will use to establish initial connection.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAddresses
Returns the list of candidate addresses that client will use to establish initial connection
Public methodGetConnectionAttemptLimit
While client is trying to connect initially to one of the members in the configured address list, all might be not available. Instead of giving up, throwing Exception and stopping client, it will attempt to retry as much as connection attempt limit times.
Public methodGetConnectionAttemptPeriod
Gets the connection attempt period, in millis, for the next attempt to find a member to connect.
Public methodGetConnectionTimeout
Gets connection timeout.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSocketInterceptorConfig
Public methodGetSocketOptions
Public methodGetSSLConfig
Gets SSLConfig.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsRedoOperation
Specifies whether the redo operations are enabled or not.
Public methodIsSmartRouting
Specifies whether the client is smart or not.
Public methodSetAddresses
Sets all addresses
Public methodSetConnectionAttemptLimit
While client is trying to connect initially to one of the members in the configured address list, all might be not available. Instead of giving up, throwing Exception and stopping client, it will attempt to retry as much as connection attempt limit times.
Public methodSetConnectionAttemptPeriod
Sets the connection attempt period, in millis, for the next attempt to find a member to connect..
Public methodSetConnectionTimeout
Sets connection timeout
Public methodSetRedoOperation
If true, client will redo the operations that were executing on the server and client lost the connection. This can be because of network, or simply because the member died. However it is not clear whether the application is performed or not. For idempotent operations this is harmless, but for non-idempotent ones retrying can cause to undesirable effects. Note that the redo can perform on any member. If false, the operation will throw exception
Public methodSetSmartRouting
If true, client will route the key based operations to owner of the key at the best effort.
Public methodSetSocketInterceptorConfig
Public methodSetSocketOptions
Public methodSetSSLConfig
Sets SSLConfig
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also