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NearCacheConfigReadOnly Methods

The NearCacheConfigReadOnly type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAsReadOnly
Returns an immutable version of this configuration.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetEvictionPolicy
Returns the eviction policy for the Near Cache.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInMemoryFormat (Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetMaxIdleSeconds
Gets the maximum number of seconds each entry can stay in the Near Cache as untouched (not read).
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetMaxSize
Returns the maximum size of the Near Cache.
When the maxSize is reached, the Near Cache is evicted based on the policy defined.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetName
Returns the name of the Near Cache
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetTimeToLiveSeconds
Returns the maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the Near Cache (time to live).
Entries that are older than timeToLiveSeconds will automatically be evicted from the Near Cache.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsCacheLocalEntries Obsolete. (Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodIsInvalidateOnChange
Checks if Near Cache entries are invalidated when the entries in the backing data structure are changed (updated or removed).
When this setting is enabled, a Hazelcast instance with a Near Cache listens for cluster-wide changes on the entries of the backing data structure and invalidates its corresponding Near Cache entries. Changes done on the local Hazelcast instance always invalidate the Near Cache immediately.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodSetCacheLocalEntries Obsolete. (Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
Public methodSetEvictionPolicy
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetEvictionPolicy(String).)
Public methodSetInMemoryFormat(String)
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetInMemoryFormat(String).)
Public methodSetInMemoryFormat(InMemoryFormat)
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetInMemoryFormat(InMemoryFormat).)
Public methodSetInvalidateOnChange
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetInvalidateOnChange(Boolean).)
Public methodSetMaxIdleSeconds
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetMaxIdleSeconds(Int32).)
Public methodSetMaxSize
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetMaxSize(Int32).)
Public methodSetName
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetName(String).)
Public methodSetTimeToLiveSeconds
Not supported function in readonly config, throws
(Overrides NearCacheConfigSetTimeToLiveSeconds(Int32).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from NearCacheConfig.)
See Also