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IMapTKey, TValueAggregateTResult Method (IAggregatorTResult, IPredicate)

Applies the aggregation logic on all map entries and returns the result

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Core
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.9.4
TResult Aggregate<TResult>(
	IAggregator<TResult> aggregator,
	IPredicate predicate


Type: Hazelcast.CoreIAggregatorTResult
Aggregator to aggregate the entries with. This must be serializable via hazelcast serialization and have a counterpart on server side. One of the builtin Aggregators or a custom IAggregatorTResult implementation can be used.
Type: Hazelcast.CoreIPredicate
predicate to filter the entries with. This must be serializable via hazelcast serialization and have a counterpart on server side.

Type Parameters

type of the result

Return Value

Type: TResult
the result of the given type
Fast-Aggregations are the successor of the Map-Reduce Aggregators. They are equivalent to the Map-Reduce Aggregators in most of the use-cases, but instead of running on the Map-Reduce engine they run on the Query infrastructure. Their performance is tens to hundreds times better due to the fact that they run in parallel for each partition and are highly optimized for speed and low memory consumption
See Also