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IConfigPatternMatcher Interface

The IConfigPatternMatcher provides a strategy to match an item name to a configuration pattern.

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Config
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.9.4
public interface IConfigPatternMatcher

The IConfigPatternMatcher type exposes the following members.

Public methodMatches
Returns the best match for an item name out of a list of configuration patterns.
The IConfigPatternMatcher provides a strategy to match an item name to a configuration pattern.

It is used on each Config.getXXXConfig() and ClientConfig.getXXXConfig() call for map, list, queue, set, executor, topic, semaphore etc., so for example

is the name of a map and
are all defined map configurations.

If no configuration is found by the matcher it should return null. In this case the default config will be used for this item then. If multiple configurations are found by the matcher a ConfigurationException should be thrown.

Since Hazelcast 3.5 the default matcher is MatchingPointConfigPatternMatcher .

See Also