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SerializationConfig Class

Contains the serialization configuration
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Config
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.9.4
public class SerializationConfig

The SerializationConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodSerializationConfig
Initializes a new instance of the SerializationConfig class
Public methodAddClassDefinition
Adds a IPortable class definition to be registered
Public methodAddDataSerializableFactory
Adds a IDataSerializableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddDataSerializableFactoryClass(Int32, String)
Adds a IDataSerializableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddDataSerializableFactoryClass(Int32, Type)
Adds a IDataSerializableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddPortableFactory
Adds a IPortableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddPortableFactoryClass(Int32, String)
Adds a IPortableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddPortableFactoryClass(Int32, Type)
Adds a IPortableFactory mapped with a factory id to be registered
Public methodAddSerializerConfig
Adds a SerializationConfig
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetByteOrder
Gets the configured ByteOrder
Public methodGetClassDefinitions
Gets all registered IClassDefinitions
Public methodGetDataSerializableFactories
Gets the dictionary of factoryId to IDataSerializableFactory mapping
Public methodGetDataSerializableFactoryClasses
Gets the dictionary of factoryId to IDataSerializableFactory class names mapping
Public methodGetGlobalSerializerConfig
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetPortableFactories
Gets the dictionary of factoryId to IPortableFactory mapping
Public methodGetPortableFactoryClasses
Gets the dictionary of factoryId to IPortableFactory class names mapping
Public methodGetPortableVersion
Gets the configured Portable version that will be used to differentiate two versions of the same class that have changes on the class, like adding/removing a field or changing a type of a field.
Public methodGetSerializerConfigs
Gets all SerializationConfigs
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsCheckClassDefErrors
When enabled, serialization system will check for class definitions error at start and throw an Serialization Exception with error definition or not.
Default value is true
Public methodIsEnableCompression Obsolete.
Not used
Public methodIsEnableSharedObject Obsolete.
Not used
Public methodIsUseNativeByteOrder
Public methodSetByteOrder
Sets the serialization's ByteOrder
Public methodSetCheckClassDefErrors
When enabled, serialization system will check for class definitions error at start and throw an Serialization Exception with error definition or not.
Public methodSetClassDefinitions
Sets all IClassDefinitions
Public methodSetDataSerializableFactories
Sets the dictionary of factory ID and corresponding IDataSerializableFactorys
Public methodSetDataSerializableFactoryClasses
Sets the dictionary of factory ID and corresponding factory class names
Public methodSetEnableCompression Obsolete.
Not used
Public methodSetEnableSharedObject Obsolete.
Not used
Public methodSetGlobalSerializerConfig
Public methodSetPortableFactories
Sets the dictionary of factory ID and corresponding IPortableFactorys
Public methodSetPortableFactoryClasses
Sets the dictionary of factory ID and corresponding factory class names
Public methodSetPortableVersion
Sets the version of portable classes
Public methodSetSerializerConfigs
Sets all SerializationConfigs
Public methodSetUseNativeByteOrder
Sets to use native byte order of the underlying platform
Public methodToString (Overrides ObjectToString.)
IIdentifiedDataSerializable, IPortable, custom serializers, and global serializer can be configured using this config.
See Also