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IEntryViewTKey, TValue Interface

IEntryView represents a readonly view of a map entry.

Namespace:  Hazelcast.Core
Assembly:  Hazelcast.Net (in Hazelcast.Net.dll) Version: 3.9.4
public interface IEntryView<TKey, TValue>

Type Parameters


The IEntryViewTKey, TValue type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCost
Returns the cost (in bytes) of the entry.
Public methodGetCreationTime
Returns the creation time of the entry.
Public methodGetExpirationTime
Returns the expiration time of the entry.
Public methodGetHits
Returns number of hits of the entry.
Public methodGetKey
Returns the key of the entry.
Public methodGetLastAccessTime
Returns the last access time to the entry.
Public methodGetLastStoredTime
Returns the last time value is flushed to mapstore.
Public methodGetLastUpdateTime
Returns the last time value is updated.
Public methodGetValue
Returns the value of the entry.
Public methodGetVersion
Returns the version of the entry
See Also