Uses of Class

Packages that use HazelcastException
Contains classes/interfaces related to Client
Provides classes for configuring HazelcastInstance.
This package contains the public API for properties defined in the XML configuration.
Provides core API interfaces/classes.
Contains exceptions that can be thrown by APIs of CP Subsystem
Contains exception classes related to the locking API of CP Subsystem
This package contains the common classes for CRDT (conflict-free replicated data type) implementations based on the Hazelcast infrastructure.
This package contains DurableExecutorService functionality for Hazelcast.
The DurableExecutorService extends the ExecutorService and provides additional methods like executing tasks on a member who is owner of a specific key.
Hazelcast Jet is a distributed computation engine running on top of Hazelcast IMDG technology.
Jet's Core API.
Contains Hazelcast map module classes.
Contains interfaces/classes related to serialization, such as serializer interfaces, input/output streams.
Contains the partition logic for Hazelcast.
Contains interfaces/classes related to Hazelcast query and indexing support.
Classes for replicated map.
This package contains ScheduledExecutorService functionality for Hazelcast.
Contains exceptions for Hazelcast SPI.
Contains classes related to cluster split brain protection.
This package contains the SQL API.
Contains the API for the ITopic.
Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast transaction support.
This package contains the WAN replication API