Class MapStoreAdapter<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - key of the map entry
V - value of the map entry.
All Implemented Interfaces:
MapLoader<K,V>, MapStore<K,V>

public class MapStoreAdapter<K,V> extends Object implements MapStore<K,V>
Adapter for MapStore.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MapStoreAdapter

      public MapStoreAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • delete

      public void delete(K key)
      Deletes the entry with a given key from the store.

      If an exception is thrown the remove operation will fail.

      Specified by:
      delete in interface MapStore<K,V>
      key - the key to delete from the store
    • store

      public void store(K key, V value)
      Stores the key-value pair.

      If an exception is thrown then the put operation will fail.

      Specified by:
      store in interface MapStore<K,V>
      key - key of the entry to store
      value - value of the entry to store
    • storeAll

      public void storeAll(Map<K,V> map)
      Stores multiple entries.

      Implementation of this method can optimize the store operation by storing all entries in one database connection. storeAll() is used when writeDelaySeconds is positive (write-behind).If an exception is thrown, the entries will try to be stored one by one using the store() method.

      Note: on the retry phase only entries left in the map will be stored one-by-one. In this way a MapStore implementation can handle partial storeAll() cases when some entries were stored successfully before a failure happens. Entries removed from the map will be not passed to subsequent call to store() method anymore.

      Specified by:
      storeAll in interface MapStore<K,V>
      map - map of entries to store
    • deleteAll

      public void deleteAll(Collection<K> keys)
      Deletes multiple entries from the store.

      If an exception is thrown the entries will try to be deleted one by one using the delete() method.

      Note: on the retry phase only entries left in the keys will be deleted one-by-one. In this way a MapStore implementation can handle partial deleteAll() cases when some entries were deleted successfully before a failure happens. Entries removed from the keys will be not passed to subsequent call to delete() method anymore. The intended usage is to delete items from the provided collection as they are deleted from the store.

      Specified by:
      deleteAll in interface MapStore<K,V>
      keys - the keys of the entries to delete.
    • load

      public V load(K key)
      Loads the value of a given key. If distributed map doesn't contain the value for the given key then Hazelcast will call implementation's load (key) method to obtain the value. Implementation can use any means of loading the given key; such as an O/R mapping tool, simple SQL or reading a file etc.
      Specified by:
      load in interface MapLoader<K,V>
      key - , cannot be null
      value of the key; returning null value signals value missing in the underlying store
    • loadAll

      public Map<K,V> loadAll(Collection<K> keys)
      Loads given keys. This is batch load operation so that implementation can optimize the multiple loads.

      For any key in the input keys, there should be a single mapping in the resulting map. Also, the resulting map should not have any keys that are not part of the input keys.

      The given collection should not contain any null keys. The returned Map should not contain any null keys or values.

      Loading other items than what provided in keys prevents the map from being filled from the map store.

      Specified by:
      loadAll in interface MapLoader<K,V>
      keys - keys of the values entries to load
      map of loaded key-value pairs.
    • loadAllKeys

      public Iterable<K> loadAllKeys()
      Loads all the keys from the store. The returned Iterable may return the keys lazily by loading them in batches. The Iterator of this Iterable may implement the Closeable interface in which case it will be closed once iteration is over. This is intended for releasing resources such as closing a JDBC result set.

      The returned Iterable should not contain any null keys.

      Specified by:
      loadAllKeys in interface MapLoader<K,V>
      all the keys. Keys inside the Iterable cannot be null.