Interface ICredentialsFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ICredentialsFactory
ICredentialsFactory is used to create Credentials objects to be used during node authentication before connection is accepted by the master node.
  • Method Details

    • init

      default void init(Properties properties)
      This method is (only) called if the factory instance is newly created from a class name provided in CredentialsFactoryConfig.
      properties - factory properties defined in configuration
    • configure

      void configure(CallbackHandler callbackHandler)
      callbackHandler - callback handler which can provide access to system internals
    • newCredentials

      Credentials newCredentials()
      Creates new Credentials object.
      the new Credentials object
    • newCredentials

      default Credentials newCredentials(Address address)
      Creates new Credentials object for given target Address.
      address - Target Address (may be null)
    • destroy

      void destroy()