Interface Job

public interface Job
A handle to Jet computation job created by submitting a DAG or Pipeline to the cluster. See JetService for methods to submit jobs and to get a handle to an existing job.
Jet 3.0
  • Method Details

    • isLightJob

      boolean isLightJob()
      Returns true if this instance represents a light job. For a light job, many of the methods in this interface throw UnsupportedOperationException.
    • getId

      long getId()
      Returns the ID of this job.
    • getIdString

      @Nonnull default String getIdString()
      Returns the string representation of this job's ID.
    • join

      default void join()
      Waits for the job to complete and throws an exception if the job completes with an error. Never returns for streaming (unbounded) jobs, unless they fail or are cancelled. In rare cases it can happen that after this method returns, the job is not yet fully cleaned up.

      Joining a suspended job will block until that job is resumed and completes.

      Shorthand for job.getFuture().join().

      CancellationException - if the job was cancelled
    • getFuture

      @Nonnull CompletableFuture<Void> getFuture()
      Gets the future associated with the job. The returned future is not cancellable. To cancel the job, the cancel() method should be used.
      IllegalStateException - if the job has not started yet.
    • cancel

      void cancel()
      Makes a request to cancel this job and returns. The job will complete after its execution has stopped on all the nodes, which can happen some time after this method returns.

      After cancellation, join() will throw a CancellationException.

      If the job is already suspended, Jet will delete its runtime resources and snapshots and it won't be able to resume again.

      NOTE: if the cluster becomes unstable (a member leaves or similar) while the job is in the process of cancellation, it may end up getting restarted after the cluster has stabilized and won't be cancelled. Call getStatus() to find out and possibly try to cancel again.

      The job status will be JobStatus.FAILED after cancellation.

      See cancelAndExportSnapshot(String) to cancel with a terminal snapshot.

      IllegalStateException - if the cluster is not in a state to restart the job, for example when coordinator member left and new coordinator did not yet load job's metadata.
      JobNotFoundException - for light jobs, if the job already completed
    • getSubmissionTime

      long getSubmissionTime()
      Returns the time when the job was submitted to the cluster.

      The time is assigned by reading System.currentTimeMillis() of the coordinator member that executes the job for the first time. It doesn't change on restart.

    • getName

      @Nullable String getName()
      Returns the name of this job or null if no name was supplied.

      Jobs can be named through JobConfig.setName(String) prior to submission. For light jobs it always returns null.

    • getStatus

      @Nonnull JobStatus getStatus()
      Returns the current status of this job. Each invocation queries the status from the job coordinator. For light jobs it returns only RUNNING, COMPLETED or FAILED.
    • isUserCancelled

      boolean isUserCancelled()
      Returns true, if the job is user-cancelled. Returns false, if it completed normally or failed due to another error. Jobs running in clusters before version 5.3 lack this information and will always return false.
      IllegalStateException - if the job is not done.
    • addStatusListener

      UUID addStatusListener(@Nonnull JobStatusListener listener)
      Associates the given listener to this job. The listener is automatically removed after a terminal event.
      The registration id
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the cluster version is less than 5.3
      IllegalStateException - if the job is completed or failed
    • removeStatusListener

      boolean removeStatusListener(@Nonnull UUID id)
      Stops delivering all events to the listener with the given registration id.
      Whether the specified registration was removed
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the cluster version is less than 5.3
    • getConfig

      @Nonnull JobConfig getConfig()
      Returns the configuration this job was submitted with. Changes made to the returned config object will not have any effect.
    • updateConfig

      JobConfig updateConfig(@Nonnull DeltaJobConfig deltaConfig)
      Applies the specified delta configuration to a suspended job and returns the updated configuration.
      IllegalStateException - if this job is not suspended
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
    • getSuspensionCause

      @Nonnull JobSuspensionCause getSuspensionCause()
      Return a description of the cause that has led to the suspension of the job. Throws an IllegalStateException if the job is not currently suspended. Not supported for light jobs.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
      Jet 4.3
    • getMetrics

      @Nonnull JobMetrics getMetrics()
      Returns a snapshot of the current values of all job-specific metrics. Not supported for light jobs.

      While the job is running the metric values are updated periodically (see metrics collection frequency), assuming that both global metrics collection and per-job metrics collection are enabled. Otherwise empty metrics will be returned.

      Keep in mind that the collections may occur at different times on each member, metrics from various members aren't from the same instant.

      When a job is restarted (or resumed after being previously suspended) the metrics are reset too, their values will reflect only updates from the latest execution of the job.

      Once a job completes successfully, the metrics will have their most recent values (i.e. the last metric values from the moment before the job completed), assuming that metrics storage was enabled. If a job fails, is cancelled or suspended, empty metrics will be returned.

      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
      Jet 3.2
    • restart

      void restart()
      Gracefully stops the current execution and schedules a new execution with the current member list of the Jet cluster. Can be called to manually make use of added members, if auto scaling is disabled. Only a running job can be restarted; a suspended job must be resumed.

      Conceptually this call is equivalent to suspend() & resume(). Not supported for light jobs.

      IllegalStateException - if the job is not running, for example it has already completed, is not yet running, is already restarting, suspended etc.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
    • suspend

      void suspend()
      Gracefully suspends the current execution of the job. The job's status will become JobStatus.SUSPENDED. To resume the job, call resume(). Not supported for light jobs.

      You can suspend a job even if it's not configured for snapshotting. Such a job will resume with empty state, as if it has just been started.

      This call just initiates the suspension process and doesn't wait for it to complete. Suspension starts with creating a terminal state snapshot. Should the terminal snapshot fail, the job will suspend anyway, but the previous snapshot (if there was one) won't be deleted. When the job resumes, its processing starts from the point of the last snapshot.

      NOTE: if the cluster becomes unstable (a member leaves or similar) while the job is in the process of being suspended, it may end up getting immediately restarted. Call getStatus() to find out and possibly try to suspend again.

      IllegalStateException - if the job is not running
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
    • resume

      void resume()
      Resumes a suspended job. The job will resume from the last known successful snapshot, if there is one. Not supported for light jobs

      If the job is not suspended, it does nothing.

      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
    • cancelAndExportSnapshot

      JobStateSnapshot cancelAndExportSnapshot(String name)
      Exports and saves a state snapshot with the given name, and then cancels the job without processing any more data after the barrier (graceful cancellation). It's similar to suspend() followed by a cancel(), except that it won't process any more data after the snapshot. Not supported for light jobs.

      You can use the exported snapshot as a starting point for a new job. The job doesn't need to execute the same Pipeline as the job that created it, it must just be compatible with its state data. To achieve this, use JobConfig.setInitialSnapshotName(String).

      Unlike exportSnapshot(java.lang.String) method, when a snapshot is created using this method Jet will commit the external transactions because this snapshot is the last one created for the job and it's safe to use it to continue the processing.

      If the terminal snapshot fails, Jet will suspend this job instead of cancelling it.

      NOTE: if the cluster becomes unstable (a member leaves or similar) while the job is in the process of being cancelled, it may end up getting immediately restarted. Call getStatus() to find out and possibly try to cancel again. Should this restart happen, created snapshot cannot be regarded as exported terminal snapshot. It shall be neither overwritten nor deleted until there is a new snapshot created, either automatic or via cancelAndExportSnapshot method, otherwise data can be lost. If cancelAndExportSnapshot is used again, ensure that there was a regular snapshot made or use different snapshot name.

      You can call this method for a suspended job, too: in that case it will export the last successful snapshot and cancel the job.

      The method call will block until it has fully exported the snapshot, but may return before the job has stopped executing.

      For more information about "exported state" see exportSnapshot(String).

      The job status will be JobStatus.FAILED after cancellation, join() will throw a CancellationException.

      name - name of the snapshot. If name is already used, it will be overwritten
      JetException - if the job is in an incorrect state: completed, cancelled or is in the process of restarting or suspending.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job
    • exportSnapshot

      JobStateSnapshot exportSnapshot(String name)
      Exports a state snapshot and saves it under the given name. You can start a new job using the exported state using JobConfig.setInitialSnapshotName(String). Not supported for light jobs.

      The snapshot will be independent of the job that created it. Jet won't automatically delete the IMap it is exported into. You must manually call snapshot.destroy() to delete it. If your state is large, make sure you have enough memory to store it. The snapshot created using this method will also not be used for automatic restart - should the job fail, the previous automatically saved snapshot will be used.

      For transactional sources or sinks (that is those which use transactions to confirm reads or to commit writes), Jet will not commit the transactions when creating a snapshot using this method. The reason for this is that such connectors only achieve exactly-once guarantee if the job restarts from the latest snapshot. But, for example, if the job fails after exporting a snapshot but before it creates a new automatic one, the job would restart from the previous automatic snapshot and the stored internal and committed external state will be from a different point in time and a data loss will occur.

      If a snapshot with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten. If a snapshot is already in progress for this job (either automatic or user-requested), the requested one will wait and start immediately after the previous one completes. If a snapshot with the same name is requested for two jobs at the same time, their data will likely be damaged (similar to two processes writing to the same file).

      You can call this method on a suspended job: in that case it will export the last successful snapshot. You can also export the state of non-snapshotted jobs (those with ProcessingGuarantee.NONE).

      If you issue any graceful job-control actions such as a graceful member shutdown or suspending a snapshotted job while Jet is exporting a snapshot, they will wait in a queue for this snapshot to complete. Forceful job-control actions will interrupt the export procedure.

      You can access the exported state using JetService.getJobStateSnapshot(String).

      The method call will block until it has fully exported the snapshot.

      name - name of the snapshot. If name is already used, it will be overwritten
      JetException - if the job is in an incorrect state: completed, cancelled or is in the process of restarting or suspending.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if called for a light job