
  1. Up and Running OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) version 3.4 or 3.5 that you can login as system:admin.
  • You may install OpenShift Container Development Kit from Redhat, if you need to test on your local machine. Please note that downloading and installing will require Redhat subscription. Moreover, please follow the CDK installation document. After installation of the CDK, you will need to have an up and running OpenShift Container Platform virtual machine.

2) RHEL 7.3 host with Docker 1.12 installation to build Hazelcast image. Please follow [this solution]( to register and subscribe.

NOTE: You may use host machines that comes with OCP installations.

3) Another important note would be that this document assumes familiarity with `oc` CLI, OCP and Docker.

Building Hazelcast Enterprise Image

Hazelcast Dockerfile can be built only on RHEL 7.2/7.3 hosts with proper subscription.

Run the following Docker command under hazelcast-openshift-rhel directory to build the image on RHEL host:

docker build . -t <your-image-name>:<version>

To verify the image in Docker, please run the following command in shell:

docker images

You should see <your-image-name> as a repository.

Pushing Image to Private Docker Registry in OCP

In order to push hazelcast image to Docker registry in OCP installation, you can use default project in OCP, which has already configured Docker registry and router.

If you choose to start from scratch please install the following components under your project:

And create a route for private Docker registry. This route will be referred as <route-to-registry> from now on.

Please also note that you need to login to local Docker registry beforehand with the following command:

docker login -a <your-ocp-user> -p <your-token> <route-to-registry>

You may get <your-ocp-user> from oc whoami CLI command on OCP VM after connecting it via vagrant ssh or oc login https://<route-to-ocp>:8443. Moreover, you can get regarding <your-token> from oc whoami -t command.

Please be aware that, in order to login to registry and execute push command, <your-ocp-user> should have the proper rights.

During login, you will probably get SSL handshake error. If you do please add your route to Docker insecure registry list or read the OCP documentation regarding exposing private registry.

After the successful login, you may continue with tagging your image with the following sample command:

docker tag <your-image-name>:<version> <route-to-registry>\<your-namespace>\<your-image-name>:<version>

Now, you can push your image to the private registry using the following command:

docker push <route-to-registry>\<your-namespace>\<your-image-name>:<version>

To verify the image on OCP, you can execute the following command in OCP shell:

oc get imagestreams