
As mentioned in the previous section, Java serialization is an easy mechanism. However, we do not have a control on the way of serialization or deserialization of the fields. Moreover, this mechanism can lead to excessive CPU loads since it keep tracks of objects to handle the cycles and streams class descriptors. These are performance decreasing factors and thus, serialized data may not have an optimal size.

DataSerializable interface of Hazelcast overcomes these issues. Here is an example of a class implementing com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.DataSerializable interface.

public class Address implements DataSerializable {
  private String street;
  private int zipCode;
  private String city;
  private String state;

  public Address() {}

  //getters setters..

  public void writeData( ObjectDataOutput out ) throws IOException {

  public void readData( ObjectDataInput in ) throws IOException {
    street = in.readUTF();
    zipCode = in.readInt();
    city = in.readUTF();
    state = in.readUTF();

Let's take a look at another example which is encapsulating a DataSerializable field.

public class Employee implements DataSerializable {
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private int age;
  private double salary;
  private Address address; //address itself is DataSerializable

  public Employee() {}

  //getters setters..

  public void writeData( ObjectDataOutput out ) throws IOException {
    out.writeDouble (salary);
    address.writeData (out);

  public void readData( ObjectDataInput in ) throws IOException {
    firstName = in.readUTF();
    lastName = in.readUTF();
    age = in.readInt();
    salary = in.readDouble();
    address = new Address();
    // since Address is DataSerializable let it read its own internal state

As you can see, since address field itself is DataSerializable, it is calling address.writeData(out) when writing and address.readData(in) when reading. Also note that, the order of writing and reading fields should be the same. While Hazelcast serializes a DataSerializable, it writes the className first and when de-serializes it, className is used to instantiate the object using reflection.

NOTE: Since Hazelcast needs to create an instance during deserialization,DataSerializable class has a no-arg constructor.

NOTE: DataSerializable is a good option if serialization is only needed for in-cluster communication.


For a faster serialization of objects, avoiding reflection and long class names, Hazelcast recommends to implement com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.IdentifiedDataSerializable which is slightly better version of DataSerializable.

DataSerializable uses reflection to create a class instance, as mentioned in above section. But, IdentifiedDataSerializable uses a factory for this purpose and it is faster during deserialization which requires new instance creations.

IdentifiedDataSerializable extends DataSerializable and introduces two new methods.

  • int getId();
  • int getFactoryId();

IdentifiedDataSerializable uses getId() instead of class name and uses getFactoryId() to load the class given the Id. To complete the implementation, a com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.DataSerializableFactory should also be implemented and registered into SerializationConfig which can be accessed from Config.getSerializationConfig(). Factory's responsibility is to return an instance of the right IdentifiedDataSerializable object, given the Id. So far this is the most efficient way of Serialization that Hazelcast supports off the shelf.

Let's take a look at the below example codes and configuration to see IdentifiedDataSerializable in action.

public class Employee
    implements IdentifiedDataSerializable {

  private String surname;

  public Employee() {}

  public Employee( String surname ) { 
    this.surname = surname;

  public void readData( ObjectDataInput in ) 
      throws IOException {
    this.surname = in.readUTF();

  public void writeData( ObjectDataOutput out )
      throws IOException { 
    out.writeUTF( surname );

  public int getFactoryId() { 
    return EmployeeDataSerializableFactory.FACTORY_ID;

  public int getId() { 
    return EmployeeDataSerializableFactory.EMPLOYEE_TYPE;

  public String toString() {
    return String.format( "Employee(surname=%s)", surname ); 

Each of the methods getId and getFactoryId should return a unique positive number within the EmployeeDataSerializableFactory. Now, let's create an instance of this EmployeeDataSerializableFactory.

public class EmployeeDataSerializableFactory 
    implements DataSerializableFactory{

  public static final int FACTORY_ID = 1;

  public static final int EMPLOYEE_TYPE = 1;

  public IdentifiedDataSerializable create(int typeId) {
    if ( typeId == EMPLOYEE_TYPE ) { 
      return new Employee();
    } else {
      return null; 

Only method that should be implemented is create, as seen in the above sample. It is recommended to use switch-`case statement instead of multiple if-else lines if you have a lot of subclasses. Hazelcast throws an exception if null is returned for typeId.

Now, as the last step, you need to register EmployeeDataSerializableFactory declaratively (in the configuration file hazelcast.xml) as shown below. Note that, factory-id has the same value of FACTORY_ID in the above code. This is crucial to enable Hazelcast to find the correct factory.

      </data- serializable -factory>