
Hazelcast provides distribution mechanism for publishing messages that are delivered to multiple subscribers which is also known as publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging model. Publishing and subscribing operations are cluster wide. When a member subscribes for a topic, it is actually registering for messages published by any member in the cluster, including the new members joined after you add the listener.

ATTENTION: Publish operation is async. It does not wait for operations to run in remote nodes, it works as fire and forget.

Sample Topic Code

import com.hazelcast.core.Topic;
import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast;
import com.hazelcast.core.MessageListener;

public class Sample implements MessageListener<MyEvent> {

  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    Sample sample = new Sample();
    HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
    ITopic topic = hazelcastInstance.getTopic( "default" );
    topic.addMessageListener( sample );
    topic.publish( new MyEvent() );

  public void onMessage( Message<MyEvent> message ) {
    MyEvent myEvent = message.getMessageObject();
    System.out.println( "Message received = " + myEvent.toString() );
    if ( myEvent.isHeavyweight() ) {
      messageExecutor.execute( new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            doHeavyweightStuff( myEvent );
      } );

  // ...

  private final Executor messageExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();


Topic has two statistic variables that can be queried. These values are incremental and local to the member.

HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ITopic<Object> myTopic = hazelcastInstance.getTopic( "myTopicName" );


getPublishOperationCount and getReceiveOperationCount returns total number of publishes and received messages since the start of this node, respectively. Please note that, these values are not backed up and if the node goes down, they will be lost.

This feature can be disabled with topic configuration. Please see Topic Configuration.

NOTE: These statistics values can be also viewed in Management Center. Please see Topics.


Each node has the list of all registrations in the cluster. When a new node is registered for a topic, it will send a registration message to all members in the cluster. Also, when a new node joins the cluster, it will receive all registrations made so far in the cluster.

The behavior of topic varies depending on the value of configuration parameter globalOrderEnabled.

  • If globalOrderEnabled is disabled:

Messages are ordered, i.e. listeners (subscribers) will process the messages in the order they are actually published. If cluster member M publishes messages m1, m2, m3,...,mn to a topic T, then Hazelcast makes sure that all of the subscribers of topic T will receive and process m1, m2, m3,...,mn in the given order.

Here is how it works. Let's say that we have three nodes (node1, node2 and node3) and that node1 and node2 are registered to a topic named news. Notice that, all three nodes know that node1 and node2 registered to news.

In this example, node1 publishes two messages: a1 and a2. And, node3 publishes two messages: c1 and c2. When node1 and node3 publishes a message, they will check their local list for registered nodes. They discover that node1 and node2 are in the list. Then, it fires messages to those nodes. One of the possible order of messages received can be following.

Node1 -> c1, b1, a2, c2

Node2 -> c1, c2, a1, a2

  • If globalOrderEnabled is enabled:

When enabled, it guarantees that all nodes listening the same topic will get messages in the same order.

Here is how it works. Let's say that again we have three nodes (node1, node2 and node3) and that node1 and node2 are registered to a topic named news. Notice that all three nodes know that node1 and node2 registered to news.

In this example, node1 publishes two messages: a1 and a2. And, node3 publishes two messages: c1 and c2. When a node publishes messages over topic news, it first calculates which partition news ID corresponds to. Then, send an operation to owner of the partition for that node to publish messages. Let's assume that news corresponds to a partition that node2 owns. Then, node1 and node3 first sends all messages to node2. Assume that the messages are published in the following order.

Node1 -> a1, c1, a2, c2

Then, node2 publishes these messages by looking at registrations in its local list. It sends these messages to node1 and node2 (it will make a local dispatch for itself).

Node1 -> a1, c1, a2, c2

Node2 -> a1, c1, a2, c2

This way we guarantee that all nodes will see the events in same order.

In both cases, there is a StripedExecutor in EventService responsible for dispatching the received message. For all events in Hazelcast, the order that events are generated and the order they are published to the user are guaranteed to be the same via this StripedExecutor.

There are hazelcast.event.thread.count (default is 5) threads in StripedExecutor. For a specific event source (for topic, for a particular topic name), hash of that source's name % 5 gives the ID of responsible thread. Note that, there can be another event source (entryListener of a map, item listener of a collection, etc.) corresponding to same thread. In order not to make other messages to block, heavy process should not be done in this thread. If there is a time consuming work needs to be done, the work should be handed over to another thread. Please see Sample Topic Code.

Topic Configuration

Declarative Configuration:

  <topic name="yourTopicName">

Programmatic Configuration:

TopicConfig topicConfig = new TopicConfig();
topicConfig.setGlobalOrderingEnabled( true );
topicConfig.setStatisticsEnabled( true );
topicConfig.setName( "yourTopicName" );
MessageListener<String> implementation = new MessageListener<String>() {
  public void onMessage( Message<String> message ) {
    // process the message
topicConfig.addMessageListenerConfig( new ListenerConfig( implementation ) );
HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance()

Default values are

  • Global ordering is false, meaning there is no global order guarantee by default.

  • Statistics are true, meaning statistics are calculated by default.

Topic related but not topic specific configuration parameters

  • hazelcast.event.queue.capacity: default value is 1,000,000
  • hazelcast.event.queue.timeout.millis: default value is 250
  • hazelcast.event.thread.count: default value is 5


For description of these parameters, please see Global Event Configuration