You can listen to CachePartitionLostEvent instances by registering an implementation of CachePartitionLostListener, which is also a sub-interface of java.util.EventListener from ICache.

Let's consider the following example code:

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
    CacheManager cacheManager = cachingProvider.getCacheManager();
    Cache<Object, Object> cache = cacheManager.getCache( ... );

    ICache<Object, Object> unwrappedCache = cache.unwrap( ICache.class );

    unwrappedCache.addPartitionLostListener(new CachePartitionLostListener() {
     public void partitionLost(CachePartitionLostEvent event) {

Within this example code, a CachePartitionLostListener implementation is registered to a cache and assumes that this cache is configured with one backup. For this particular cache and any of the partitions in the system, if the partition owner member and its first backup member crash simultaneously, the given CachePartitionLostListener receives a corresponding CachePartitionLostEvent. If only a single member crashes in the cluster, a CachePartitionLostEvent is not fired for this cache since backups for the partitions owned by the crashed member are kept on other members.

Please refer to the Partition Lost Listener section for more information about partition lost detection and partition lost events.